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The minimum exchange rate between cowboy credits and sats is 1.43 CC : 1 sat, because CC transactions are taxed at a 30% rate due to sybil fees. However, this exchange rate will never actually be reached because Lightning transactions also introduce fees, and a 1.43:1 exchange rate does not benefit the receiver of CC, who can simply buy them directly from SN at a 1:1 rate. Thus, the exchange rate must be higher than 1.43:1.
Let's say the exchange rate is 2:1. I believe that there would be a demand for CCs at that rate, due to territory fees. Will there be a supply? Currently, the only way to convert CCs directly to sats is through P2P exchange. Indirectly, one can use CCs to participate on SN and earn rewards in sats. I believe some would be willing to sell CCs for sats at a 2:1 exchange rate, since rewards are opaque and not guaranteed.
However, I believe the demand for CCs currently outpaces the amount of CCs available to trade. That's partly because CCs were only recently introduced to the market. There hasn't been time to accumulate. Another reason is that CCs have a half-life. That is, every time they are transacted, 30% of them disappear and are converted to sats through rewards. It's unclear whether there will ever be a large enough supply of CCs to meaningfully cover costs of territory fees.
Personally, I would be willing to buy CCs at a 2:1 exchange rate. Currently, CCs are used by default for posting fees, even when I have an attached wallet. Thus, I fairly quickly run through my supply of CCs. I like to maintain a balance of CCs in case my wallet goes down, which can happen frequently either due to loss of internet or my computer shutting down for whatever reason.
It'll be interesting to see how the market for CCs develops and whether an equilibrium exchange rate will emerge.
I don't really have much of an opinion on cowboy credits but the fact that you wrote this and the back and forth about it is one of the reasons I like SN so much.
Ya'll are nerds and I mean that in the best way.
Y'all are nerds... 🤣🤣🤣
Cowboy credits convert back to sats in the rewards pool mixer. So you have to factor that into your valuation.
The important question is: why people consider CCs like another crap-coin? It is NOT. Damn is so simple, are simply like WoW "goldcoins" in a game. SN is a game so you need to buy credits to use it. That's all.
You deposit sats into SN and you get CCs to use them to PAY TO POST. That's all. Don't fucking overcomplicate it. There's no "market of CCs"... that's a total bullshit.
I don't agree with people who call CC a shitcoin. It is a virtual token utilized only on a single platform. But people are complaining that they don't like receiving CCs, so I am speculating as to whether there will emerge a market for people to convert CC to sats.
for people to convert CC to sats.
Just deposit sats into SN account. case closed.
People are WASTING their time on focusing how to "earn" sats on SN instead of focusing on earning more sats in their fucking real life.
You can easily work and save and just buy sats. SN is nice, but it isnt meant to take over your main job. It is more about the community, not the sats you earn.
42 sats \ 12 replies \ @gmd 7 Jan
If you are in a developing country you could do pretty well on here just copying popular posts from /r/Bitcoin and using an LLM to come up with "thoughtful" responses to people's posts.
Beats working in the food service industry or standing outside in south asian heat holding a sign for $10/day...
I think that is why there are so many stackers from India.
just copying popular posts from /r/Bitcoin and using an LLM to come up with "thoughtful" responses to people's posts.
I'm currently in the "listing my old shit on ebay" phase.
What about fartcoin? 😀 Seriously, thanks for making this post. Now that more time has passed I realize cc's will in all likelihood not be accumulated in any quantity. I already hardly notice the few that pop into and out of my account. I seem to be getting far more sats than cc's on zaps.
blast from the past
LOL I really enjoy this show
Do not consider CCs as "coins". That's the whole confusion many here are getting frustrated.
Bet somebody writes a guide on CC's by the end of Q1 and darth destroys them
But Darth likes cowboy credits
I forgot comments have 30 percent fee!
This is useful. I am new to SN, and really had no idea what these Cowboy Credits are. At least now, I understand their value with the SN communities. Now I need to understand what these territories are. Thanks,
Prove it.
You're welcome to buy my nonsense 2150 CC for 1075 sats (or whichever sybil discount you want to apply). Zap me at notyourkeys@getalby.com and I'll CC-zap this post for the full amount
I'll buy them at a rate of 1.71 CC : 1 sat
so 1257 sats.
sats in my wallet, and the CCs are yours
Was I fast enough?
ugh. great guys, what do we do now?! @OneOneSeven @SimpleStacker
edit: @OneOneSeven, get me a lightning invoice/address and I'll send your funds back
1558 sats \ 1 reply \ @OneOneSeven 7 Jan
Keep the sats as a donation for your great Money Class posts and pay @SimpleStacker lol.
You have to keep in mind that on SN, 1 sat doesn't equate to 1 sat!
Ahahah! 🤠 I was planning on buying the CCs, but now that I see you've gotten sats from two stackers, I guess there's no need.
you can go ahead and take the better deal and refund me the sats. Or you can pay me 2,150 CCs and refund the other guy. Up to you!
lol... thus the need for atomic swaps
Done! Please zap this comment 3,075 CC (2,150 * 1.43)
only got 2150...? Perhaps I misunderstood the math here:
You're welcome to buy my nonsense 2150 CC for 1075 sats (or whichever sybil discount you want to apply).
That's okay, zap me 2,150!
(Did you get the sats? I sent it already.)
pleasure doing business with you, sir
Unfortunately we don't have the honors of doing the world's first cowboy credit for sats. I think that honor goes to @grayruby and @ek
I'll CC-zap this post for the full amount
you see? That is a real problem then... It affect directly the leaderboard and rewards. THAT'S WHY I WAS SCREAMING ALL ALONG TO REMOVE THE LEADERBOARD AND THE REWARDS.
I still find the (calculations of) leaderboard rankings very murky... @SimpleStacker gets a leaderboard boost from my 2150 CCs zap on his post?
When we will have a proper system for DMs, being able to attach CCs to a messagwe, then maybe people will start having some exchanges with sats. But until then, is useless and will create more trouble than you can imagine.
Again, people are not pay attention to my words.
again, you have to keep in mind that on SN, 1 sat doesn't equate to 1 sat! 🤠
edit: I'm the one who got burned, I lost a spot because of this. Hahahaha!
Crazy concept
Since each stacker has a unique trust score, the value of a sat can vary. A 10-sat zap from a high-trust stacker like k00b would likely have a much bigger impact on the leaderboard, making it equivalent to perhaps 500 of my sats.
Cowboy Credits 🤠 = Noise Sats = Signal