News Of The Week
Welcome to the Books And Articles newsletter. Thanks for all of the quality posts.
Once again, there was good content posted this week, but I’m disappointed by the engagement and sats zapped. I’m hoping two weeks in a row doesn’t mean the start of a trend.
As usual,@denlillaapan kept this territory from sinking into obscurity, garnering four of the five top posts. @elvismercury took top honors with a link post from Henrik Karlsson’s blog. This man gives timeless writing advice in the article. It’s worth your time.
Reminder: For the time being I will zap the top posts half the rewards I receive about twenty four hours after the post, rather than split zaps into cowboy credits. I have forgotten until later in the week to zap the top post two weeks in a row. I apologize, and I won’t be offended by a gentle reminder.
Also, I was a little rushed for time this week. If I missed any posts that should be included in the index, just drop me a note in a reply.
Happy reading!
As always, please reply with suggestions and opinions on how to make this territory better.
Top Posts Of The Week
Siggy’s Suggestions
@Undisciplined continues his reviews of the Wheel of Time book series. Check it out if you’re interested in “a giant fantasy epic.” I’ll include this post in book reviews.
This is a great idea for a book review. I hope @PictureRoom continues the series, then creates a consolidated post, which I will include in the directory.
It looks like I totally missed this post. This should be of interest to all Kerouac fans, and especially @carlosfandango, who is SN’s resident Haiku poet.
Writing Contests
Stackers’ Blogs
My Bitcoin Journey
Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.
Book Clubs
Happy The Hippo, an absolutely wonderful children’s book written by @cryotosensei for his son.