We just watched the Cole Porter movie last night (De-Lovely, 2004). Cole Porter, of course, is a famous composer and songwriter, (Night and Day, TODO), and lived from 1891 to 1964.
Anyway, one thing that really struck me is just how much everyone smoked. Constantly, everyone had cigarettes in their hands, and was puffing away. And later, of course, it turns out that smoking causes heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc. It also turns out that the cigarette industry knew about these health issues very early, but they buried the evidence as much as they could. They also specialized in creating studies that would muddy the waters, casting doubt on the studies that were clearly showing the dangers of smoking .
That made me think. I believe society currently is experiencing something similar with sugar. It's constantly available, in all kinds of formats. It's okay and encouraged to eat sugary treats at all meals and between meals, at all events and in all situations. It's clearly somewhat unhealthy, but I don't believe that people really understand exactly how bad it is for us, to constantly be eating sugar, and so dramatically much more sugar than we've eaten in previous eras of human evolution.
And of course, sugar is addictive as well, just like cigarettes.
What do you all think? I just did a little research on "sugar the new smoking" and it turns out I'm not the first one to have thought of this. Here's one of them: https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2020/01/13/sugar-smoking-nutrition-health