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News Of The Week

Welcome to the Books And Articles newsletter. Thanks for all of the quality posts.
I just noticed that this is the 52nd edition of the newsletter, unless I misnumbered a few along the way. Therefore, I will take a moment to realize that it’s been a decent first year. I won’t complain at all about the measly sat totals some of this great content received.
I am also changing the name of the newsletter beginning next week. It will be called “Books & Articles Weekly.” I think the new name will better reflect the changes I will gradually be making here.
Fortunately @denlillaapan is still at it, posting into the void and earning bragging rights. There were also a bunch of fascinating posts that got almost completely ignored. I highlighted a few in my suggestions. We have some good book reviews to add to the index too. All is not lost.
Reminder: For the time being I will zap the top posts half the rewards I receive about twenty four hours after the post, rather than split zaps into cowboy credits. I have forgotten until later in the week to zap the top post two weeks in a row. I apologize, and I won’t be offended by a gentle reminder.
Happy reading!
. As always, please reply with suggestions and opinions on how to make this territory better.
Logo design by @plebpoet Link to last week’s newsletter: #872256

Top Posts Of The Week

Siggy’s Suggestions

I always rush to check out @Scoresby’s posts, but somehow I missed this one. I wasn’t the only one. This warrants a second look. I guess the best way to characterize it is a short story review, and I am including it in the book reviews index. My old, dimming brain was easily confused, but some of you sharp young whippersnappers are likely to get a lot out of the story. Good luck.
I like Tom Woods and I don’t like Bill Kristol. That’s enough to make me like this post, but the fact that Kristol is getting exposed as a regime lackey is glorious.

Writing Contests

Stackers’ Blogs

My Bitcoin Journey

Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.

Book Clubs


Book Reviews

Bitcoin Academic Articles & Reviews

Movie & Television Reviews



Short Stories


Hmmm. Books & Articles Weekly….
Same great curator, same great content, an even greater name... good job!
Fortunately @denlillaapan is still at it, posting into the void and earning bragging rights
BRAGGING RIGHTS, imma hyped!
59 sats \ 0 replies \ @SatsMate 4h
Thanks for the Newsletter, Great share! The book I am reading that I recommend if you like Comics is called "The Action Bible" (God's Redemptive Story). It is really engaging and is for someone who normally couldn't read through the bibles text easily.
Has it really been one year?!
Thank you for all that you do. The presence of your territory made me write things I never thought I would
Thanks for all of your great content.