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Dreams are a paradox. They are endlessly interesting to the dreamer, yet terribly boring to everyone else. They are constructed from reality, yet their territory strictly ends at consciousness. Dreams seem to tell you something that feels important, yet without fail, they are wiped out of your mind. Once in a while, a certain dream won't leave me until I banish it with a pen. I keep a little collection of these and notice patterns in their themes and characters. Still, I can't decide if there's any rhyme or reason to them. The only thing I've gotten out of recording my dreams is reminding myself that my mind can get a little fucked up sometimes, and that there is still a mysterious yearning in me that my subconscious unlocks now and then.1
I'm curious, have you found a thread of meaning in your dreams? Do they contribute to choices you make? Does a practice of recording them bring you clarity in waking life? Or dreaming life?
Some of my dreams have inspired short pieces of fiction since I find their dreamlike quality entertaining. Still, not an entirely convincing reason to record the flash of images behind my eyelids.


  1. is this a little too vulnerable?? lmk
I don't record my dreams but I have known people who do.
The reason is that eventually you will be able to remain conscious in the dreams and begin to control them.
At that point you can question the characters in the dream and they have to answer you truthfully.
The goal is to access parts of your mind that are usually blocked out.
okay wow seems powerful, would love to try that
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 14 Feb
I can also recommend reality checks. My reality check is trying to breath through my nose while holding it shut.
Isn’t this Lucid Dreaming?
Yes it is.
It would be an exercise I’d love to get into, seems so far out and to catch yourself in the moment.. how cool an experience
That's interesting. I only wrote down one dream once, and it was a weird one. I was being chased by a guy in a hot dog suit known as the hot dog man. As ridiculous as it sounds, in my dream I was absolutely terrified. I don't think this dream really affected my life in any way, but who can say.
30 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 12 Feb
Do you like hot dogs?
Eh, not particularly. I don't hate them but I wouldn't go out of my way to order one either. Dream was just totally random.
Usually my dreams are related to stuff going on in my life, like I dreamed about missing exams a lot my senior year in college
Chased by a hot dog suit is creative
Lol this reminds me of Modern Family where Phil stumbled upon a dead clown in the woods. "I have a bit of a fear of clowns <tells story> hard to know if it affected me in any way."
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @alt 12 Feb
This is something I have noticed with dreams. Often, the things in dreams that terrify us are in fact totally benign and, sometimes, quite ridiculous when our conscious mind considers them.
This is a fascinating post! I love the idea of dreams being a paradox – so personal yet so elusive. Interestingly, you've noticed patterns in your recorded dreams. I've dabbled in dream journaling myself, but I've never been consistent enough to see any recurring themes. I'm curious, have you ever tried exploring those themes further, like through free writing or even artwork? Sometimes I wonder if the act of creating something based on a dream, even if it's just a doodle, might unlock some of that hidden meaning. And your point about them inspiring fiction is spot on! Dreams have a unique, surreal quality that can be perfect for storytelling. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!
I used to remember all of my dreams. I had a habit of thinking about them when I got in the shower every morning. At some point I quit doing that, but I often think about doing it again.
Currently I almost never remember my dreams, but like you said, I always found them to be endlessly interesting.
I wonder if dreams are premonitions of what making certain choices could look like. I rarely will remember a dream with any detail, but I kind of know my subconscious knows, and has reminded/incorporated it. Are dreams what your life looks like if you made that call, talked to that person, allowed yourself to be open and love??
About a month ago I returned from a month long trip abroad. Ever since, every night I have dreamt that I’m in a red eye flight sleeping on a plane. Periodically I awake thinking someone is walking by me in the aisle. Very weird feeling. I don’t get it.
Maybe I should go back to the Old Testament's dream interpreter Moses for an answer. . .
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 12 Feb
deleted by author
No, you don’t get what you dream for, you get what you work for! Get to work!
I tied to journal my dreams in the hopes of if I do it regularly in 10 years a god level AI can extract some useful information from my subconsciousness
Unfortunately I got sick of writing it down first thing in the morning.
I don't know why but I forget about my dream as soon as I wake up. They are often meaningless and are short, sometimes scary. But I forget. I'll try to pen down the next time I've one.
I have dreams that repeat themselves in different ways from time to time, for example: When I dream about elevators they are always ugly inside, I even once dreamed that one had a huge hole in the middle of the floor. When I dream that I am going to fly in a plane for some reason I never manage to travel. I dream about zombies or ghosts that chase me, not only me but also the people who are with me, once I dreamed that one of these creatures cornered me to such an extent that I decided to look it in the eyes and accept that I was going to die at that moment, years have passed and I still remember it vividly. Another dream from years ago that I remember very well, was one about a fairground park and the "Ferris wheel" broke and began to roll all over the park, people fled desperately, the wheel reached me, just like in the zombie dream, here I also decided to look at the giant wheel as it came for me to crush me, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and woke up. Usually in dreams we find it difficult to run or hit (I don't know why that happens), but once I dreamed that a guy tried to abuse my daughter and I can say that it was the first time I was able to dream that I could run and fight. In that dream I broke the man's neck with one pull. I have also had nice dreams that I don't want to wake up from.
I only recently started writing them down in my journal. For a while I very rarely ever saw dreams and when I did, couldn't remember them. I think journaling in general has made me capable of remembering them a little better. Unsure of the effect & meaning of them, or of writing them down, but they can be absolutely hilarious (at least in hindsight). In any case - I fully agree - it's worth recording them if for nothing else, then for the sake of reminding yourself that your normal, everyday fucked up life is not half as fucked up as it could be.
Here's a highlight from less than a week ago:
I was in a hostel or a dorm type of situation. And I was crying really bad, like proper crying about smth (IDK what - but I think it had something to do w/ women or a particular woman - and no, not [REDACTED]) and David Bailey of all people was there. And like: "Yeah I know how fucked up this is." There was also me forgetting I had no underwear and changing my shorts in front of everyone, someone not fully finishing their pizza...
PS. Since I wrote it down pretty much 1st thing in the morning, it's a bit of a jumble, and I wrote it down word-for-word from my journal (fixed some punctuation issues) perhaps it isn't super clear that David Bailey was there consoling me PPS. I'm not a particular fan of Bitcoin Magazine nor David Bailey PPPS. There was something else I wanted to add. But perhaps as foreshadowed by forgetting the reason for crying in the dream, I forgot
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 12 Feb
is this a little too vulnerable?? lmk
At first read, I thought you forgot to include something. This sounds like you described a dream (which can be very personal and thus vulnerable) before but then deleted it but accidentally kept the footnote. 👀
But I guess you meant this part:
my mind can get a little fucked up sometimes
This just reads very familiar to me, and I think a lot of people can relate.
I'm curious, have you found a thread of meaning in your dreams?
When the Ukraine war started and everyone still believed Ukraine would fall within a few days (including me), I dreamed that I was alone in a warehouse and a nuke went off in the distance (I could tell from the flash of light). In that moment, my only thought was if I should stay inside to maybe have a chance of survival when the shockwave arrives but at the risk of a lot of pain or go outside and die quickly without a lot of pain. I think I went outside in the dream. I think it's pretty clear where that dream came from haha
In general, I find the dreams in which I die quite interesting since they always abruptly stop which is like a reminder that even our subconscious has no fucking idea what happens when we die lol
And fwiw, I described another dream in #880647.
Do they contribute to choices you make?
Mhh good question but think so far, that was not the case
Does a practice of recording them bring you clarity in waking life? Or dreaming life
I used to record them to have easier lucid dreams, so yes, more clarity in dreaming life, I would say.