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Alright, Fast February has come to an end. It was more impactful than I anticipated, considering daily intermittent dry fasting had been part of my routine for a long time.
I had definitely let the practice slip to the point where I probably wasn't regularly entering ketosis. Now, my food cravings are substantially reduced and it's quite easy for me to confine my eating to a smaller window.
Even with the fiscal fast being over, I just bought some vitamins and coconut milk (no cravings for junk food or snacks). I would have gotten some fruit, too, but it didn't look great. I did notice craving more juicy foods this month, as my dry fasts got longer. Eating more fruit will probably be an adjustment I make going forward.
If you have any practices that have been on autopilot, I recommend occasionally putting some focus on them to make sure they're still doing what you thought they were.
Did you end up losing weight? Or what was your objective?
I don't keep tabs on my weight. My objective was just to focus on this practice that has many health benefits. By paying attention to it, I found opportunities to improve my practice and make other adjustments that help me do it better.
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 1 Mar
Did you just want to enter the autophagy phase?
That's one of the benefits, but being in ketosis more reliably is also good.
Also, reducing my eating window prevents snacking and other overeating, which saves money too.
The fiscal fast helps clear out some of the miscellaneous items that have been taking up fridge or pantry space (since I have to scavenge more), while saving more money. It also helps break some unnecessary consumption habits.
I pretty much do a 16:8 or an 18:6 fast protocol but like you said I need to look at it and focus on why and if it’s working for me
I’ve noticed I’m actually struggling to get double body weight protein a day so going on the 186 will be even harder I think to hit that
Maybe this week I’ll look at it harder
I've drifted towards 18:6, over the past month, at least for food. I break the dry fast a little earlier for coffee, though.
I find it super convenient, but I can see why you might need longer to hit higher protein targets.
34 sats \ 1 reply \ @NovaRift 1 Mar
Congrats! I saw your daily posts, and you nailed it!
I didn’t realize u already did this anyways. Kudos for your thoughtfulness and acting with intention!
Thanks, but I learned that I hadn't been doing it very well.
If you have any practices that have been on autopilot, I recommend occasionally putting some focus on them to make sure they're still doing what you thought they were.
One of the biggest things you have to keep on top of in the gym. It's easy to go in and just do the work, but you really have to make sure you're pushing yourself every single time or you'll just end up treading water.
One of the reasons I don't love workout regimens is that we adapt to them so readily. When I'm in a phase of going to the gym regularly, I follow a highly adaptive program.
How I have learned to do it, is to keep the same routine for 6 months and track all of your lifts. The goal is to add reps or weight every single time you go. So if I'm doing 3 sets of 12, if I get 14 reps on the final set, I add 5 lbs the next time I lift.
The goal is to get up to 3x12 with the new weight, and then add weight, rince and repeat. So even though I'm doing the same routine, I'm always pushing myself.