Alright, Fast February has come to an end. It was more impactful than I anticipated, considering daily intermittent dry fasting had been part of my routine for a long time.
I had definitely let the practice slip to the point where I probably wasn't regularly entering ketosis. Now, my food cravings are substantially reduced and it's quite easy for me to confine my eating to a smaller window.
Even with the fiscal fast being over, I just bought some vitamins and coconut milk (no cravings for junk food or snacks). I would have gotten some fruit, too, but it didn't look great. I did notice craving more juicy foods this month, as my dry fasts got longer. Eating more fruit will probably be an adjustment I make going forward.
If you have any practices that have been on autopilot, I recommend occasionally putting some focus on them to make sure they're still doing what you thought they were.