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Hello Stackers
Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread of SN ~HealthAndFitness 💪Club.
In the club we..
  • Share our daily workout 🧘🤸🚴🏋️🧗🏊⛷️goals and results
  • Ask questions to the experts (fitness freaks)
  • Applause with zaps⚡ and comments on your success.
  • Also boo you (all of us) when you miss your workout routine. 🤣
The first thing you gotta do is join the ~HealthAndFitness club is share your workout routine in the comments.
The cost for joining the club is (only) 10 sats. 😜
Here's a great video Bad Habits
Today's Question

What's your one bad habit (addiction) would you like to keep forever?

Commitments (You're accountable)

  • @Kontext - Watch out "his Daily Pushup Tally" in the comments.
  • @denlillaapan - Publishes weekly "Lazybones" and PROVES his hard Gym sessions with pics.
  • @Coinsreporter - Remains hugely under par on his weekly challenge. (Abandoned it?)
  • @Undisciplined - Watch out for his priceless health suggestions you won't find anywhere else.
  • @cryotosensei - posts his daily steps with proof. (Had 17000+ steps yesterday!)
  • @realBitcoinDog - The Daily Abs, however real but surely going downhill.
  • @Aardvark - Watch out in the comments for his prolific workout plan. *(He's an AARDVARK!)
  • @LibertasBR - He's on a weight loss mission. Can he cut it down this week as well?
  • @TheMorningStar - Has increased his pushups to 50 from 30 per day. What else?
  • @Public_N_M_E - Still nursing a rib injury. But now hiking on weekends. Wish him health!
  • @Beeteesea - 97kg for you must be 6 feet at least, right? We keep waiting!
  • @Butterfinger - Hikes on a bike!
  • @suraz - Anything specific (to drink) for health in the mountains? (Still waiting your advice.)
  • @BitcoinIsTheFuture - watch out for his commitment to health and great suggestions #903618
As for my commitment, I've decreased my screen to > 6 hours on an average, do meditation and Yoga for an hour daily, follow Aayurveda.
Now jump in the comments and let your fingers workout.
And as always... Stay Happy and Healthy.
I don't keep any bad habits. I rationalize them away.
You mean you justify your bad habits are necessary to be a nice guy!
I'm mostly just making fun of myself.
That's another good habit you've got..;)
Well said! The only bad habit I have is smoking. I have others but only once in a while, they're not a routine. And I think that as well as being bad, they're good as long as they're in moderation.
I was a 40 a day for years. Until (with some help) I quit, cold turkey. I miss it everyday, the cravings are sometimes difficult to push past, but I am much better off for not doing it. I never understood just how brainwashed I was about smoking and a slave to nicotine addiction.
The help was just reading a book. Alan Carrs easy way to quit smoking. It really opens your eyes and then you just quit of your own volition. I never thought reading a book would do anything. Yet here I am, smoke free and no longer a slave to a substance. I'd recommend it if you ever thought you wanted to give up.
Rationalization is a hell of a drug.
I had never thought about that. I can definitely say I’m addicted to rationalization! Hahaha.
A friend once said, “You don’t want to have any bad habits? Don’t you think dying healthy is a hell of a waste?”
Not when the alternative is dying sooner and more agonizingly.
Stacker News
As in I check my notifications way too often
That's your bad habit? Congrats 🎉
Public announcements:
I FUCKING CRUSHED at Judo yesterday. Imma newbie and a white belt (obvs!) but we. are. making. progress. (as opposed to @realBitcoinDog who's yo-yoing around)
You may be crushed but not your spirits. All the very best for next class. (Cent percent correct about @realBitcoinDog, he doesn't have any spirits left.)
This isn’t about physical health but mental health. This article comes to the 'obvious' conclusion that we’re not supposed to be happy all the time.
We have been sold a vision of what life should be by people who prey on our insecurities.
Learning to live in the middle, able to feel the full range of emotions, good and bad is living. Not some pipe dream Disney nonsense that we compare ourselves to.
Someone once said to me, comparison is the their of joy. And that statement just really resonated with me.
Thief of joy*
God damn autocorrect.
Be happy or not but be healthy and keep your fitness levels high.
Day 508 of 100+ pushups per day; day 407 of 120+ pushups per day, sets breakdown: 4x36 normal/narrow; Total: 144 Bad habit? Tobacco. I don't know if I want to keep it forever, but for the vast majority of my life I've enjoyed the positive effects of the drug (that people rarely talk about): grounding, stimulative effect (both mentally and physically). It's possible that it is also largely responsible for the fact that I've never had any troubles with weight (if anything, a bit of a weight gain would probably do me well). All of the above also goes for caffeine (coffee and/or yerba mate, not your energy drinks or other synthetic stuff), but I guess that has a bit of a less of a stigma nowadays.
Rehab going well, I think I did try to come back a little early, but it was good to sort of do a temperature check on where I was at.
I think another couple of weeks and I'll be able to get back at it fully 💪
This is my bad habit, refusal to rest when injured.
Good habits and bad habits are contagious as the flu. Hills suck but couches kill! Hitting up 5 miles outside in the rain to keep my streak going. Proof of work! A fit body can’t be bought
Great! How many days streak you're keeping?
Outside at least a 5k since COVID started. Almost 5 years. I live in the Midwest USA so I’ve had some cold snowy ones!