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Not a great week; lots of cheating, lots of non-committing. Don't understand how, e.g., @Kontext can keep so goddamn disciplined with pushups every single day for 400 days or whatever.
Saturday: 2x15 + 10 = 40 pushups + taught yoga at village studio and did some handstand plays for myself afterwards. Cake and ice cream at local establishment; hashtag cheeeeeaat. Sunday: 4x10 + 15 = 55 pushups + taught yoga at village studio. Monday: 15+20+2x10 = 55 pushups + 2x Chris Heria core routine (the 2025 routine is one meaaaan workout! Fucking starfishes killing me)
...So far you might wonder, what?! this dude is CRUSHING IT in the movement department. Yeah, just wait for it...
Tuesday: 15+ 2 archers for the lordly sum of seventeen pushups! + Judo class with intense fighting. (It's UNBELIEVABLE how Judo #851054, and I suppose other martial arts, draw on some completely separate power source... and when depleted, you're floored. Boom. Breath and heartbeat CRAZY; everything hurting.)
Wednesday: 10 + ~2hour walk to the forest (not a hard hike -- flat terrain and I walked slowly that day). A little bit of rest from earlier craziness. Thursday: zero fucking pushups. A little bit migrain-y and headache all day... but I didn't even stretch. Nada. Friday: 2x10 = 20 pushups. Nothing more. Just work (+ spent most of the evening doing my taxes...), and then had rum and cake at the local hotel bar (hashtag RBD! @realBitcoinDog #913032)
So, we started out strong but then fell off the wagon completely toward the mid/end of the week. Better NEXT WEEK OKAY!
...but at least next week is off to a good start with a FULL-ASS CRAZY GYM session (118 pushups, pullups, weights etc, etc) + unlocked a new move:
Think the calisthenics peeps call this one "elbow lever," -- but googling for it they seem to hold it horizontal instead of diagonal/upward... fuck knows why, that's tons easier -- but over here in yogaland (#864752) we call it "mayurasana."
Over and out, workout peeps!
Don't feel bad, I haven't done shit all week. My life had been chaos lately. I'm looking forward to things calming down.
I'm sorry, fellow animal! The sun will rise and we will try again!
(also, yes please -- less chaos!)
28 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 15 Mar
You're great at getting upside down. I never got good at it.
love being weightless, looove flying!
Also: thank you, sir. Appreciate it!
29 sats \ 1 reply \ @Kontext 16 Mar
Do you do yoga every day? Are you theoretically able to do yoga every day? If the answer to either of those questions is a "yes" then, bar a serious injury or an illness, you should be able to do pushups every day :) But also, as I stated in another post somewhere, keeping up the pushup routine is one of the few areas in my life where I have not yet failed. As such, I find it imperative for not only my physical, but psychological well-being to continue. Which means making some sacrifices here and there to fulfill that obligation. So don't beat yourself up for it too much, you probably are winning in other areas of life :) Also that is a sick mayurasana👍 I should do much more handstand/balancing poses as well, especially as one of my main fitness goals is to be able to do handstand pushups...
I don't practice every day, but I definitely could. I remember doing a 30-day challenge back in the day with going to class every single day. Life felt amazing
Probably couldn't do the strong, intense, arm-balance type sequences I like every day—my wrists would kill me.
Had to have cake for pi day!!