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This has to exist but I can't find it one on Start9's marketplace or Umbrel's app store. I'm NOT looking for a woocommerce or shopify integration "system" for my node. I want a fully self-hosted ecommerce shop that integrates with a colocated bitcoin and lightning node. Requirements:
  1. has a basic customizable storefront and inventory
  2. collects buyer information for shipping
  3. has a historical list of orders and their fulfillment status
  4. can send emails to buyer about fulfillment status
  5. items can be purchased one-off or with a recurring subscription
  6. doesn't assume nostr for comms or data storage (it's fine if it's an option)
  7. ideally available as an app on Umbrel or Start9 or MyNode or Raspiblitz or whatever
BTCPayServer's store does not do this apparently:
The Buyer information section of the invoice details page is only used for custom solutions such as integrations, like WooCommerce or API invoice creation. Currently there is no way to collect Buyer Information using the BTCPayServer interface.
LNBits' market is primarily a nostr-based thing, which is awesome, but I'd much prefer email for comms and if I'm running a store I can self-host my own product data.
Please, someone tell me we haven't all been self-hosting bitcoin node "operating systems" for nearly a decade and they lack a basic store app?
1,000 sats paid
this territory is moderated
k00b's bounties
1042 sats \ 6 replies \ @supratic 21 Mar
You have wordpress umbrel https://apps.umbrel.com/app/wordpress + woocommerce!
Then you could integrate
Or other simpler options are:
Is your node public or running on Tor?
Let's assume I have a public IP to make it easy.
Wordpress is a generic CMS. I don't want to become a wordpress developer to have to do this.
Agora Sell your files for Bitcoin
I'm selling physical products not files.
This only generates/tracks labelled LNURLs.
Comment updated above!
Wordpress is a generic CMS. I don't want to become a wordpress developer to have to do this.
You don't need to become a wp dev, just need to install woocommerce, is a plugin that enable the ecommerce functionalities. Everything from the front-end!
Okay so wordpress + woocommerce + btcpayserver might to be an option.
yes, I'm using this combo atm, it's working pretty well and really friendly for nontech ppl.
I think is the only best option you could have right now.
Yes, that's one option. Otherwise wordpress + woocommerce + lnbits (only lightning then)
There isn’t one. I’ve been looking for years.
Currently the best way to sell products natively for bitcoin is Geyser and it’s not really an ecommerce platform.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 22 Mar
Unbelievable! Are you adding 5% to the retail price then?
That's crazy to me. It seems like such an obvious thing to build. It's the one thing we all should be doing with internet money - running our own stores.
I totally agree but it’s really difficult. Running a BTCPay Server on clearnet will only doxx you if you run it locally and then you still have to manage channel liquidity and everything.
A buddy of mine bought an XYZ domain name and uses that to receive payments to his own pay server but it’s a lot of work and he’s 5+ years down the rabbit hole.
Even after all these years, there’s still no easy way to run your own bitcoin store.
0 sats \ 14 replies \ @AG 22 Mar
Yes true, but why are people obsessed to receive directly on the node? We are using coinos as proxy to send/receive LN sats, then if receiving threshold is reached move it onchain leaving a reserve amount for future zaps and general expenses.
Running things locally is both a privacy and security concern.
Coinos can probably see all of your payments (and maybe custodies them too?) which means you might as well be using Coinbase or something
Exactly. When bitcoin is $1m per coin, how much will criminals pay for a database of customer addresses that bought a bitcoin shirt on some Shopify store in 2025? The bigger the honey pot, the more bears you attract. Self-hosting this stuff reduces certain threats and allows a good merchant to delete the data.
why are people obsessed to receive directly on the node?
Because trust comes with tradeoffs. In the case where you're running a store via a custodian, not only are you trusting the custodian with your money and privacy, you're forcing your customers to trust the custodian with their privacy should it leak (which it inevitably will via lightning address, invoice descriptions, etc).
Also, even if you don't care about the amount you're storing with custodians, should they disappear you will be ill-equipped to self-host because no tools will exist because everyone who might build and use them were shamed for being "obsessed" with the inevitable.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @AG 22 Mar
Why should I use Coinbose or similars scammers? have no need for it. We make sure we don't leave there any big amount and rotate onchain addresses each time. I don't see the issue. Or are you saying that coinos is using coinbose? I don't get it...
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 22 Mar
This should be added to umbrel and S9 as soon as possible!
Looking to your requirements that exclude woocommerce, then you have https://cypher.space/
You can run LNbits with the old market extension (not nostr) but is not maintained anymore.