Brilliant and timely piece by Gigi. This should be shared far and wide
Just like your mom.
For additional comments on this article, see also another post found here on SN, where the article was shared by the article's author:
Dear Crypto & Fiat Bros - An open letter to the confused and dismissive #96507
Non cโ€™รจ bisogno di essere offensivi..!!
Here's an excerpt from this top notch article:
"It should be obvious by now, but I'm afraid I'll have to spell it out anyway: Bitcoin, not blockchain. Bitcoin, not crypto. Bitcoin, not distributed ledger technology. Bitcoin, not DeFi. Bitcoin, not Web3. Bitcoin, not CBDCs. Bitcoin, not yield farming. Bitcoin, not centralized neo-banks that sell you fractional-reserve paper bitcoin. Bitcoin."
This is how you spot someone who's done their homework.
Everyone should read this whole article and send it to everyone you know, Bitcoiners or not.