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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @mister_monster 5 Mar \ on: What are you working on this week? meta
A powerful readermode like userscript for qutebrowser.
A couple of small personal projects for organizing bookmarked hyperlinks.
A media focused computer so my child can watch ad free unpozzed cartoons.
Some spring cleaning.
Maybe I'll make some more progress on my nostr+bittorrent publishing tool, I've been chipping away at it slowly but surely. That's honestly the thing I should be fully focused on but I'm for some reason not going hard on it like I should be.
Church youth groups.
Yes, really. You need to get kids out there with other kids, and in environments where they aren't fighting in the bathroom for views on Instagram or planning to cut their dicks or tits off for social proof. It doesn't matter if you believe in what the church reaches, you have to put your kids in a healthy environment where they can socialize with other kids.
Other considerations are, can they mentally stimulate themselves without getting off the couch? If so, put a stop to it. Your kid is better off playing with sticks. That shit is candy, devoid of substance but maximally stimulating. You're training them to look for the easiest possible way to entertain their minds. You're training them to stimulate without learning or doing. You're turning them into obese consumers. Stop doing that.
If you run a node, you can write a little script that checks it for transactions and sends you a message over a number of chat protocols, XMPP works great. Then there's no need to build an android app.
I see that, security updates, APIs changing for security reasons and what not, but surely the attack surface of just about every OS has gone up, not down, in the process? Maybe its a bad idea to keep changing things that work all the time?
There are reasons to make things better. You don't want to be stuck with the same thing that was invented a hundred years ago. But this thing, where if you write some software today that, unless you work on it basically full time just to keep it working it just won't work in even 10 years without a full time legacy support team, that's senseless.
Damn good explanation man.
Forming an organization like this though relies as much on exclusion as it does inclusion. There are people that must be excluded, not just from voting, but in my view, from an organization entirely. That is, of course, up to the organization. Some government might be nationalist for example, or another might execute serial murderers. The only thing I dislike is that people can't really voluntarily pick the one that most aligns with their values, and who has a place for them.
If an organization excludes some people, and another includes those same types of people, then one will outcompete the other, an "evolution of collective organisms" if you will. Success is achieved the closer your mental model approximates reality. So if you're right, states that do what you'd like will perform better than states that dont, all other things being equal.
Attempting to achieve self sovereignty by getting permission from others is a fools errand.
I do not equate democracy with enlightenment.
I'm curious, why is empathy required for self sovereignty? How does that work? And bear in mind, empathy and sympathy aren't the same thing, empathy is understanding why people feel the way they feel even if you don't agree with it, sympathy is agreeing with it.
I've never understood this assumption that software needs to be constantly updated. Something works fine at one time, why change it? It's one thing if something new happens that's pretty cool or better or whatever, but constant updates aren't really a necessity.
Yes, you need to know your derivation path and mnemonic standard in addition to your words. This adds a little complexity, but the truth is most people either don't know there's a difference or assume someone else will remember the details for them.
We have a supply chain issue in bitcoin. You cannot generate a mnemonic without a computer due to the checksum. I've done it, the last step is tedious trial and error that you need a wallet for. You cannot sign a transaction without a computer, which is fine I guess, this is complex cryptography after all, but it means we rely on at the very least hardware wallet manufacturers. These supply chains can be interrupted.
Again, we are framing it as a right. It is not. Political "rights" are hard won and not given freely or easily. If you live in a polity where people vote on the rules or how it's run, those people decide things like that. So, if those people think you should vote, they'll vote for that.
I'd like to live in a world where there are no victimless crimes and where association with a state is voluntary to a large degree, that way, if you wrong someone somewhere and are punished, it's nor because you're involuntarily subject to rules of the state, but because you wronged members of that state. We aren't there yet. But the same rules on voting apply either way.
Thanks, I hate it.
I'll stick to my simple mechanical board. If I want to change that up, there are tons of split keyboards that I'm interested in messing with. I don't see how a display with a dancing beanie baby (read: flashing distraction) is going to help with productivity. Looks like a gimmick to me.
The unnamed premise here is that voting is a universal right. I could go into why this concept is a bad idea, but suffice to say, it isn't. Lots of things are, natural rights and such, voting is not one of them.
Should a person have a vote after serving time for a crime? That's entirely up to the organization in which he would vote. He should, of course, be free to leave that organization if he so chooses, as should everyone.
That's not why.
It's simple: certain political movements and factions cannot operate on a populace of free people. If people have financial freedom, certain political movements wilt on the vine. "The left" happens to be dominated by these types of movements as of late. Those kinds of movements are fundamentally authoritarian in nature.
Yeah well, that doesn't stop people interested in Monero from using the site. Of course the maxis aren't going to engage here. They block Monero bros on nostr, that doesn't stop an active community from existing there. There are plenty of people, bitcoiners included, who aren't going toute because either they like Monero or they're actually interested in talking about it.
It's not insurmountable. But most Monero guys are stacking Monero or on chain BTC. They're not doing the whole lightning thing, unless they're already nostr users, usually. And even then, they're probably just using their zaps to zap others and mostly unwilling to spend their hard earned xmr or BTC to post here unless its low enough that they have the lightning balance to do it already.
It's definitely a little project, nowhere near as involved as Linux on a phone.
I've been doing it for 13 years. It's not that hard. The procedure is basically, you get a phone that can be unlocked and has lineageOS support, you flash a custom recovery, then from inside the recovery you flash the ROM, then do any additional stuff you want such as root etc. It's basically getting the right phone, familiarizing yourself with the process, downloading some files to your computer and copying some to your phone, then running a couple commands and clicking a couple buttons. I can't stress enough familiarizing yourself with the process though, with some phones doing the wrong thing at the wrong time can turn it from a quick procedure to a huge pain in the ass.
The idea behind a hardware wallet is that you're assured that there is no way for the device to be compromised. It can do one thing and one thing only: sign transactions. It cannot broadcast transactions, it cannot do anything but receive unsigned transactions, sign them and send the signed ones back. It cannot connect to any network.
This is why hardware like ledger with their online backup recovery aren't good. This is why these newer devices that connect over Bluetooth are no good. You want something that has a single channel, either wired or using QR codes and a camera, that way physical access is required and the attack surface is low.
In light of this, a phone has just too high of an attack surface. It has a mobile radio, it has bluetooth, it has WiFi, and you may not know this but even without a sik card the radio connects to towers. It probably doesn't send any data, but the part of the device that connects to these networks is a separate environment and can be backdoored by a sophisticated adversary and pull information from the memory without you knowing. That's the "government is after me" vulnerability, but beyond that, the simple fact that it can connect to networks and run other applications makes it unsuitable.
If you need to do this, make sure you do it with only a small to medium stash. Think of it less like a savings account and more like a checking account for withdrawing cash from an ATM. Your actual savings, the chunk you don't withdraw from except in emergencies or like once a year or something, should not be stored this way.
https://pine64.com/product-category/pinephone/ this is a phone built for Linux. It's a project, if you're not ready for that then this is a bad idea.
You can get any number of refurbished google pixels on amazon or ebay and put grapheneOS on it. It's not Linux per se, it's android, and as you may know android uses a Linux kernel. It's pretty great. You can always get something other than a pixel, I have a preference for oneplus devices and you can find some for pretty cheap, I've seen oneplus 5s for less than a hundred dollars. They don't support graphene but they do usually support custom Roms just fine, and you can go with a hardened lineageOS build. Just check the lineageOS website for support for a model before you buy, and check XDA to see if someone maintains a hardened build. Chances are the answers to those questions will be yes and yes.
If you don't want to do that yourself, a friend of mine does this as a business and sells them here https://simplifiedprivacy.com/they-see-everything/index.html not quite $200 but you can get them cheaper through them than from google somehow, and he won't tell me how lol. They take sats.