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9 sats \ 1 reply \ @softglitter2d 5 Feb \ parent \ on: Replit Agent Is Insane AI
Sir, I just woke up. May I have my cocido with bread and then go to build my own app?
Si te importa lo que los demás digan de vos, entonces te estás auto-censurando para quedar bien con completos extraños, lo cual es malo. Nadie debería gobernar tu vida más que vos. Los ass-milkers fueron definidos arriba. Si vos te consideras uno, no hay nada que pueda hacer para cambiar eso. Si no te consideras uno, es todo lo que importa.
Debes estudiar sobre el sindrome del impostor y dejar esa mala práctica de creer que tu trabajo es menos. Tu trabajo sobre el comunismo es la viva esencia de que sabes de lo que hablas, honra tus palabras y tu trabajo.
About the way of life I have no opinions since that is something more personal. Aside from that, a musician replied to my answer of how to promote v4v in a marketing-side thing. You should check #803340
Oh God, didn't know this one. Once again, this proves the leave the science to scientists is blatant bullshit.
I always tell to people that they should shut the notifications and leave only for important. People prefer dopamine...but that's for another battle.
Makes me really sad every time I hear this kind of cases, particularly academics. I tried to publish in universities (made one) but then I realized I'm going to accomplish my goals better writing in blogs rather than papers because I have friends that I know they write >100 papers and they see no revenue from that.
I was reading Nuclear War: A Scenario and had to stop and check some crazy shit that's in the book. What the author mentioned it was truly scary and...correct. And now, I don't want to go back and read, I'm sitting here with my terere and thinking about a nuclear bomb that's going to explode and kill thousands of people in a second1 with no knowledge of we going to die.
I want to tell you more but count as spoiler for the book that's hihgly recommended.
Literally, the shit is real. It's has been estimated that almost 450.000 people will die in 3 seconds. ↩