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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @toshitoshi OP 30 Jul 2024 \ parent \ on: Retro-Gaming on an FPGA: worth the fuss? gaming
Seems like a cool product, thanks for the pointer! Yeah emulation would be easier, but I value the overall gaming experience (also the hardware) quite a lot. Can't wait for the FPGA console that Taki Udon will release soon, curious to see how it turns out.
Yeah I'm mostly interested in Gameboy and GBA games (mainly pokemon hack roms - through flashable cartridges - and a few other titles), but the analogue pocket is a bit pricey and seems hard to find in stock. I heard that Taki Udon is working on an affordable FPGA console, maybe I'll wait for that one...
In the meantime, I ordered the FPGBC, curious to see if it works well and how the overall gaming experience is :)
Thanks for the tip! Do you know any cocktail recipe that uses the combination of apple juice, cinnamon, and islay scotch? Or maybe some well-known recipe that can be adapted to include these ingredients?
I can't find anything "proven" online, but I could try something in the line of a julep, maybe blending bourbon and scotch (only scotch would be too overpowering), muddling apple pieces and making cinnamon-infused syrup. I'll see...
They have history, I don't know if things changed with time, but I wouldn't trust them knowing what they did in the past:
I'd rather use Mullvad or, if you want a cheaper alternative, Windscribe is one that withstood data handover requests again and again.
meh, there's no such thing as a freebie when coming from that side.... Curious to see how the market will react.
I'll definitely try this, thanks a lot for sharing!
Been wondering for a while if I could sell digital content like guides / technical documentation through the lightning network without setting up a LNbits server, this looks really promising.
This is awesome. Been wondering if I should get a framework 13 for a while now (my old laptop is perfectly functional), but this might be the think that makes me switch. Of course a RISC-V board should't be used as a main computing one due to performance issues, but just love the idea of having a laptop where I can switch the board with another one that has a completely different architecture, for dev purposes.
Man, looks like Framework didn't make a single mistake since the company launched. Respect.
Mate, let me recap your comment:
- You didn’t offer any useful info about the main question.
- You came up with some kind of “life advice” that, quite frankly, I neither need nor want.
It was my choice to throw the party and extend the invitation to +1s. They were all people that I talked to at least once with no red flags whatsoever.
Please keep your need to moralize others ‘ decisions or situations to yourself. If you have recommendations for a good replacement controller is much appreciated. Everything else is just noise.
I tend to agree with the author. There's a lot of people overestimating what AI (in its current state) is capable of. My take is:
- AI is neither purely beneficial nor entirely harmful, its impact depends on use.
- Dystopian predictions of AI are overly dramatic, but caution and criticism still sound as a good idea.
- Regulatory measures should be developed for responsible AI development, but beware of hyper-regulation.
Not sure if this is "good" advice that you might consider picking up, but you could try with:
- Mock calls or professional coaching for refreshing your communication skills. Will you feel stupid the first time you do a mock call? Probably. Do they work? Definitely.
- Always stay up to date with industry trends and the competitive landscape. This may sound harsh, but there's no such thing as knowing too many weak spots of people we do business with.
- Network, network, and network more. That pointless conference you're been invited to and have zero drive to attend? Do that. That coffee invite scheduled right when your favorite sports team is playing. Go for it. It can be tiring sometimes, but pays off in the long run.
Next step: turn their no-log policy into reality. Hell's gonna freeze before I recommend using whatever proton product....
They are not bad. They are just developed by people who dedicate their spend time to providing the community with great software, often for free. FOSS developers should get pure respect, I find this video quite disgusting to be honest.
Not really a single session, but last year I joined a 24-hours BloodBowl tournament (6 games had to be completed in 24 hours, max 2 and a half hours per game). Great experience, met a lot of cool people and a couple of them I would call good friends now.