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0 sats \ 1 reply \ @KenDBerryMD OP 7 Mar \ parent \ on: AMA with Dr Ken Berry HealthAndFitness
Fruits don't contain a single nutrient that you cannot get from meat.
I think there is a spectrum of PHD, from ovo-pescatarian to low-carb, to keto, to carnivore. Probably not everyone needs to be carnivore forever. But, no one benefits from vegan or SAD diets.
Carnivore is not a weight loss diet. You will stop losing weight when your body fat % gets to a certain level. Then, if you want to gain weight, start lifting weights and building muscle and bone.
You'll need further lab testing and imaging to figure out the cause. This could be from a pre-existing condition you didn't know about, or a new coincidental condition.
No food that our ancestors have been eating for millions of years can cause cancer in any meaningful way. With a little research, you will find that many foods that you would think are ancestral have only been in the human diet for a few hundred or a few thousand years.
It could be that you are already doing enough (10-12 hours), but if you want to do longer it's safe and fine for even the slim to do it.
The claims are obviously over-blown. But, I'm hopeful that nattokinase will be shown to help inflamed/calcified heart arteries. I'm not against it, just waiting for verification it actually does what they say it does.
This lab finding may/may not mean you have an autoimmune disease. Keep cleaning up your diet & lifestyle and follow up with your doctor.
Any proper human diet contains meat. It is not possible now to eat a nutritionally complete vegan diet without taking about 12 supplements/day. It was not possible at all before about 100 years ago. This is why there is no archeo/antrhro evidence of vegan societies in the past; it was not possible.
I do think you can be healthy on an ovo/pescetarian diet full of plants, but is difficult.
This happens to a few people for the first few weeks of carnivore and then goes away. I haven't heard of it in a meat-only carnivore ever...
I've been following the Vax discussion closely for years. I was recommending the Dr Sears vaccine schedule 15 years ago, which spreads them out and waits until the child is older.
Now I recommend very few, selected vaccines to patients. My 2 children have had a few, selected vaccines but will Not get most of them. I'm aware of Malik and Bowden and many others in this space. I got dinged by Youtube back in 2020 for videos on this so have backed off speaking publically about it because I have kids to feed.
My breakfast is usually around 2-4 pm and includes ground beef with organs most of the time. Sometimes egg yolks, sometimes cod liver or other fish.
That dairy is not ancestrally appropriate for adults. (full disclosure: I fucking love all dairy and am addicted to it. But, if I include it in my carnivore I gain weight, get gas, and get inflammation.
Boiling water does cause much of the micro/nano plastics to attach to minerals in the water and settle out. Plastic water bottles are one of the largest sources of micro/nano plastics, as well as BPA/BPS/phthalates that humans are exposed to
This is 100% from the dairy. It's important to understand that dairy is Not ancestrally-appropriate for Adults. We've only been eating/drinking dairy as adults for about 8000 years. 66% of all adult humans on earth are lactose intolerant, which is normal, not a disease. Many other adults are sensitive to the Caseins and Wheys in dairy.
I realize this is a very emotional issue for many people, but the physiology & Anthro research is clear, dairy is for young mammals, not adult mammals.
Everything I just said applies to Raw Milk as well...