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Let's talk about a Proper Human Diet and how it can benefit your health! AMA
You don't have to answer this one if you don't want to since I know it's a spicy subject, but we're among crazy bitcoiners here so I'm going to try:
What are your thoughts on vaccines - especially the schedule recommended for babies/children, and the annual flu shots recommended to everyone?
Not sure if you're aware of Doc Ahmad Malik, but I've been listening to his podcast recently, and I'm becoming more convinced by the day that these jabs should all be considered harmful until proven otherwise, not the other way around...
I've been following the Vax discussion closely for years. I was recommending the Dr Sears vaccine schedule 15 years ago, which spreads them out and waits until the child is older. Now I recommend very few, selected vaccines to patients. My 2 children have had a few, selected vaccines but will Not get most of them. I'm aware of Malik and Bowden and many others in this space. I got dinged by Youtube back in 2020 for videos on this so have backed off speaking publically about it because I have kids to feed.
How do you get nutrients that you get from fruit by only eating meat
Fruits don't contain a single nutrient that you cannot get from meat.
What about vitamin C?
Welcome. Thanks for joining us today.
When is the optimal time to eat the last meal of the day. Meaning how many hours before bed. I tend to eat dinner late but I always stay up late.
Lots of research on this that is often ignored. No one should be eating closer than 2-3 hours before going to bed. I try for stopping food 3 hours before bed. Not only does this decrease reflux, it increases sleep quality and many other things.
65 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 7 Mar
Great. So eating at 9pm isn't so bad if I am going to bed at 2am.
Correct. But then I would question the practice of bedding down at 2am...
Which carnivores are at the top of your wishlist for joining Nostr?
The mentality similarities between carnivores and nostriches is insane - so bullish on merging these 2 communities more 🥩⚡️
Got Saladino on Nostr now. Hoping soon to have Shawn Baker and Anthony Chaffee. Getting on Nostr is not as effortless as other social medias, as you know, and this friction is just too much for many people.
Nice! I told Dr. Chaffee about it off-recording when we did our podcast together, so I know he's aware of it at least.
I also saw @jimmysong and the Daylight Computer guys showing Dr. Baker how it works at the Cattlemen's Feast in Nashville last year, so he's aware as well, but he's said in the past he's a bit of a boomer with technology so we'll see 😂 May have to wait until the onboarding process gets smoothed out a little bit
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Bear 7 Mar
What do you think about intermittent fasting
I.F. is great and powerful, I do it every day. Usually break my fast around 2-3pm with a big meal, and then I might have a second meal around 4 hours later, or I might not, depending on hunger. I don't practice longer 2-7 day fasts, but many people benefit from them.
https://www.drberry.com/ This is your website?
Why don't you accept Bitcoin there?
Aren't you a Bitcoiner?
That is my website. We are working on getting a BTC option set up, and a prominent link to my Nostr
Awesome. I will follow on nostr.
Great! I'll also follow you there.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 7 Mar
He was invited by @benwehrman. Our job is to make him a bitcoiner. Haha
Yupp sure. I just asked to know his plans and look he already has.
20 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 7 Mar
Preferred cut of beef and preparation?
It might sound boring but I prefer 70/30 ground beef with ground in liver and heart. Love ribeye, porterhouse and fillet, but on the daily, ground beef with organs.
Do you mix the ground beef/organs yourself, or do you have a butcher do it?
What about beta carotene?
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 7 Mar
What's the most surprising thing you've learned studying human diets?
That when you look at Anthropology & Paleoanthro research, it is very clear that humans and our ancestors have always eaten lots of meat. All of the stone "tools" you hear about are 100% stone Weapons for killing and butchering meat.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 7 Mar
Who is the smartest person you've ever met?
I'm not sure about this. I've met a lot of smart people. Possibly Prof Ben Bikman or Dr Jason Fung
Welcome to SN. Just today you are asking me: Is it better to exercise on an empty stomach or after eating?
Thoughts on drinking a lot of coffee mostly decaf made from whole beans? Always black without the garbage in it.
What would be the best advice for someone who fart too much?
What I hear almost every time that I talk to people about carnivore is the whole argument that "diets should be individual, each person has a diet that's right for him/her".
I try to reply as well as I can about the Proper Human Diet. But I think I'm falling short.
Do you have any pointers for a good response on this, i.e. a cheat sheet about why carnivore is the PROPER human diet?
I think there is a spectrum of PHD, from ovo-pescatarian to low-carb, to keto, to carnivore. Probably not everyone needs to be carnivore forever. But, no one benefits from vegan or SAD diets.
I have tried carnivor, but it's hard for me because I am skinny and always lose weight very easily, maybe I should eat more fat? Maybe I am doing something wrong or the carnivor is not for me?
Carnivore is not a weight loss diet. You will stop losing weight when your body fat % gets to a certain level. Then, if you want to gain weight, start lifting weights and building muscle and bone.
How to get more fat% considering a very fast metabolism?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 7 Mar
Hi Doc. Any thoughts on high Serum ALT level on unprocessed high meat diet?
You'll need further lab testing and imaging to figure out the cause. This could be from a pre-existing condition you didn't know about, or a new coincidental condition.
Do you have any good resources on the proper human diet for those fighting cancer.
233 sats \ 1 reply \ @Signal312 7 Mar
I'm sure Dr. Berry has some great, up-to-date info, but in case he's offline, here's my take (from reading up on the topic, and also listening to a lot of podcasts).
You want to listen to Dr. Thomas Seyfried, he's interviewed on a lot of podcasts. He's the main guy on metabolic therapy for cancer (i.e. ketogenic diets, zero carb).
Also I just recently heard an interview with a younger female doctor, who got disillusioned with mainstream medicine, and switched to being in an advisory role, specializing in metabolic/ketogenic therapy for cancer. Unfortunately I don't remember her name (I knew I should have written it down!) but I believe the interview with her was in the past couple months, and on a carnivore podcast. You might ask around on carnivore forums. Basically, searching online (and preferably NOT on mainstream sites) for metabolic therapy for cancer should get you lots of info and people to contact.
This book might help out: Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer. It's published by the Independent Medical Alliance (formerly FLCCC.net), they had/have a lot of alternative ideas for treating covid.
You can download it for free, or buy it on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Cancer-Care-Repurposed-Metabolic-Interventions
What would be your answer to those that say various versions of this.
You should avoid red meat if you have cancer and only eat organic vegetables.
Some say eating high amounts of carrots for example is a good diet strategy. I know some people that say this and one cancer fighter that has avoided the "traditional" treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. She's going on 5 years with this. Very hard to watch her waste away but having watched multiple people go the traditional route its hard for me to say she should have done the treatments.
I have a hard time thinking that avoiding meat is helpful. Just a gut thing. Wonder what you think about this topic. Obviously avoiding sugar in your diet is good, especially since cancer feeds off of sugars. But most cancer patients are given sugary "protein" drinks.
No food that our ancestors have been eating for millions of years can cause cancer in any meaningful way. With a little research, you will find that many foods that you would think are ancestral have only been in the human diet for a few hundred or a few thousand years.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fabs 7 Mar
How would a naturally slim 25-year old best include intermittent fasting into his daily life?
What are a few pro's, what are some cons?
It could be that you are already doing enough (10-12 hours), but if you want to do longer it's safe and fine for even the slim to do it.
what are your thoughts on nattokinese supplementation? i like the idea of it breaking down fibrin, but how lofty are the claims in your opinion?
in terms of heart supplementation, i take k2, querciten, magnesium and coq10 and wondering if there's any point in adding nattok
The claims are obviously over-blown. But, I'm hopeful that nattokinase will be shown to help inflamed/calcified heart arteries. I'm not against it, just waiting for verification it actually does what they say it does.
nice, would there need to be a study to establish the link or would blood tests be enough? i know we ca get labs on fibrinogen, but isn't that mainly useful for testing after some a heart 'incidennt'? or is it a marker worth looking at every now and then?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 7 Mar
Recent Function Health test showed high levels of ANA. I've been doing carnivore since first of year and it's been great. No other signs of autoimmune other than seasonal allergies which are popping in FL
This lab finding may/may not mean you have an autoimmune disease. Keep cleaning up your diet & lifestyle and follow up with your doctor.
How do you view vegetarian diets strictly following Aayurveda? Are they better for our health than the diets containing meat?
Any proper human diet contains meat. It is not possible now to eat a nutritionally complete vegan diet without taking about 12 supplements/day. It was not possible at all before about 100 years ago. This is why there is no archeo/antrhro evidence of vegan societies in the past; it was not possible. I do think you can be healthy on an ovo/pescetarian diet full of plants, but is difficult.
It is not possible now to eat a nutritionally complete vegan diet without taking about 12 supplements/day.
I don't agree. I and many others in North India have been on vegetarian diets for many ages. Upto now I've never had any nutritional deficiency and have never taken supplements.
Yes, I agree that anthropologically humans had been eating meats and plants equally and the human teeth are enough evidence to this. But there had been civilizations even at least 2000 years ago who by faith chose to be vegan.
Have you heard of the book Fiat Food by Matthew Lysiak?
It is so up your alley, breaking down how fiat money has led to all the corrupted health guidelines we see today, and how Bitcoin brings us back to a meat-based standard.
Highly recommend if you haven't read it, I send it to friends even more than Big Fat Surprise these days
Yes, great book! Did an interview with Saifedean Ammous a while back
This one is very random, but I remember hearing on one of your videos that you're a history buff.
Have you watched the Europa The Last Battle docu-series?
It completely blew my mind, and changed everything about how I view history. I would love to hear your thoughts on it, as it shines a bright light on the foundation of the modern medical establishment, and why it's so sinisterly designed to keep people sick.
Have not watched it, will check it out
What do you think of decaf coffee (naturally decaffed ) ?
I think it's perfectly fine and healthy for most people
I remember when I was in Nashville for the Bitcoin conference last year, the chemtrails were absolutely awful - practically every evening got sprayed into a gray haze.
Have you noticed a difference since Tennessee passed the Geoengineering ban bill?
I've heard some say they've noticed bluer skies since then, and others say there was another improvement after USAID blew up this year, where millions were spent on geoengineering as well
I feel like the skies have been bluer and sunsets more red, but that could be placebo, not sure
Favorite breakfast foods?
My breakfast is usually around 2-4 pm and includes ground beef with organs most of the time. Sometimes egg yolks, sometimes cod liver or other fish.
AWESOME to see!
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 7 Mar
What's something you believe about diets that few carnivores agree with you on?
That dairy is not ancestrally appropriate for adults. (full disclosure: I fucking love all dairy and am addicted to it. But, if I include it in my carnivore I gain weight, get gas, and get inflammation.
This may sound like a silly question, but I'm genuinely curious. If eating a lot of meat and dairy makes you very gassy and it smells bad, what is that a sign of? Is it just genetic?
This is 100% from the dairy. It's important to understand that dairy is Not ancestrally-appropriate for Adults. We've only been eating/drinking dairy as adults for about 8000 years. 66% of all adult humans on earth are lactose intolerant, which is normal, not a disease. Many other adults are sensitive to the Caseins and Wheys in dairy. I realize this is a very emotional issue for many people, but the physiology & Anthro research is clear, dairy is for young mammals, not adult mammals. Everything I just said applies to Raw Milk as well...
So I've been carnivore for about 15 months, and have a touch of arthritis in my hand that hasn't healed up yet. Do you think that dropping dairy might fix the arthritis? I do hear about other people healing arthritis with carnivore, but it hasn't happened for me yet.
If so - drop ALL dairy, or just the really creamy stuff (heavy whipping cream and sour cream). Though I do absolutely love it.
How can you get enough calcium if you would skip dairy?
What if it's just from eating meat only? Is it because the meat is poor quality? Or too fatty?
This happens to a few people for the first few weeks of carnivore and then goes away. I haven't heard of it in a meat-only carnivore ever...
I'm traveling at the moment, and am finding it extremely difficult to find water that doesn't come in plastic containers. Sometimes I have no other choice.
I've heard it stated before that boiling water can remove the microplastics from it - have you heard of this? I'm curious if it's true, or if you know any other strategies for purifying your water, since I know this is a huge source of microplastics and other toxins people absorb on a daily basis.
Boiling water does cause much of the micro/nano plastics to attach to minerals in the water and settle out. Plastic water bottles are one of the largest sources of micro/nano plastics, as well as BPA/BPS/phthalates that humans are exposed to
I have some breathing issues at night, tell me what to eat and what to avoid!