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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @arrowdrive 5 Jan 2023 \ parent \ on: LNURL deposits coming to Muun Wallet soon! bitcoin
How many sats did you send in those transactions?
There are tons of options out there. Phoenix, Breez, OBW, and Blixt Wallet.
Blixt Wallet is probably my favorite one since it gives you the full power of an LND node on your phone. Phoenix is a little easier for noobs since it manages channels for you.
The only good thing to use Muun for are for when you actually need to make a submarine swap, but keep in mind it’s expensive sometimes for that.
But why even use that trash wallet? It’s not a LN wallet. It’s unsustainable and expensive to use.
Just learn to use a proper LN wallet, or use Wallet of Satoshi if you’re not gonna put in the work.
Yes Muun is a terrible wallet all around. I posted my more detailed thoughts on Muun here.
Absolutely yes. They should just give up on their shitcoin and adopt BTC over LN. Brave is a cool concept that’s held back by their shitcoin.
Projects like Blixt Wallet are making non-custodial Lightning wallets easy. It runs a full non-custodial LND node on your phone with an easy to use interface to open channels. It will even automatically open your first channel when you send on-chain funds by default and you can turn on the Dunder LSP so that a channel is automatically opened toward you when you don’t have enough inbound liquidity.
Muun isn’t really a lightning wallet. It’s an on-chain wallet that can interact with the lightning network via submarine swaps. This also gets expensive and isn’t sustainable.
I have been noticing this a lot lately. I need to babysit my node and manually disconnect and reconnect peers that LND thinks are offline but are really actually still online to resolve pending HTLCs before they expire and the channel is force closed. This is really annoying when it happens while I'm sleeping and I wake up to a force closed channel.
It's not my connection either. I have a solid internet connection with clearnet IPv4, IPv6 and Tor. Most of my peers are also clearnet.
I really hope this issue is resolved soon.
All very good points but I wouldn’t say not having a way to “stabilize” a BTC balance is a shortcoming. Bitcoin is stable, it’s fiat that’s unstable. People need to stop thinking in fiat terms.
The chances are zero. BIP 119 doesn’t allow recursion or whitelists. The covenant can only be defined by the recipient, not the sender.
Listen to @DarthCoin. Read his bitcoin guides. Your goal with LN shouldn’t be to earn sats.
Our main goal when running a routing node shouldn’t be profit. It should be creating a robust and reliable payment network that people want to use. Fees need to be low for people to want to use it.
When I was a noob to LN I was quite turned off at first because I would often incur fees that were much larger that even on-chain transactions for modest transactions between 500k–1m sats. I thought LN was stupid and stopped using it for a while. Luckily I came back to it after learning more and started running my own node with the aim to help grow this network and help keep fees low.
I will also keep my fees either free or very low forever.
The way I see it, is that if LN is successful and it onboards a large chunk of the population, the transaction volume will be enough for a node to be profitable even with very low fees. For LN to be successful we need to keep fees low. We are only hurting each other with high fees and it will slow or even stop growth.
Muun is self custody but only for on-chain. You’re trusting them for the LN part. ZBD seems like a decent custodial wallet to use for small amounts.
But for larger amounts I’d prefer a proper self-custodial LN wallet.
Breez is pretty good, but yeah I have noticed a few route issues with them before.
I really like Blixt Wallet. It’s a full LND node like Breez but I find it syncs to the chain much faster. I also rarely have issues finding routes with the Blixt node which is the default node it opens a channel to, but you’re also able to open channels to any other node in the network which is great for redundancy. Also if you have your own node, you can open a channel towards it and you can use keysend to easily manage the liquidity of your Blixt Wallet assuming your node has decent liquidity. Need mobile inbound? Keysend from Blixt to your node, need more outbound for spending? Keysend from your node to your Blixt wallet.
For noobs testing LN with amounts that small, I think it’s a much better UX to just use a custodial LN wallet like CoinOS or Wallet of Satoshi. Those 500 sats are custodial in Muun anyway since it’s too small to settle on chain.
You can also send the sats on-chain with CoinOS with no fee other than the network fee. It’s cheaper than Muun even especially for larger amounts.
I don’t have an Android device so I’m unfortunately unable to try out SBW, I’ve heard great things about it thought. Currently my favorite LN wallet that works on both Android and iOS is Blixt Wallet.
Marry Sparrow, fuck Samourai, kill Wasabi.
I was a noob to LN when I started using Muun and I had such a terrible time with it. I couldn’t pay many people because it didn’t support empty invoices or LNURL-pay. Also as I used it more I noticed the fees creeping up, and waiting long times for LN payments to clear because it needed to wait for an on-chain confirmation.
I had a much better experience with Blixt Wallet. Everything was a lot more transparent while still being pretty easy to use. I learned a lot about LN using that wallet until I eventually felt comfortable enough to run a routing node.
Also honestly for noobs just looking to try LN with a few sats, it’s probably just best to stick with custodial wallets like CoinOS or Wallet of Satoshi, then move to a better non-custodial wallet once they want to really begin using LN.