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Let's hear some of your latest Bitcoin purchases, feel free to include links to the shops or merchants you bought from too.
If you missed last week's thread, here are some of the items stackers recently spent their sats on.
paid for search: https://kagi.com/
what kind of sorcery is this?
a red coldcard about a month ago was the last thing
This morning, a pack of beers from local grocery. Was like 20550 sats or something like that, I can't find rn with which wallet I paid, to bring up a picture. LOL I have so many LN wallets.
oh and I forgot: I dropped some sats into SN pool (if this count as spending)!
Beers in the morning? That's coffee time!
That means you are not a beer man...
Haha. I suppose not. Thought I was. Schooled again.
Which grocery accepts BTC?
The one near you, mom&pop shop that you convince them to accept BTC (like I did).
Oh you want from all over the world? Check here:
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yes, I barely drink water. Only when I work heavily on my citadel, then during the day I have to stay hydrated and beer is not helping with that in the sun and with lots of effort.
reminds me of what Sinatra said wen people served him water "i'm thirsty not dirty"
How about the W.C. Fields line. "I wouldn't drink anything that fish f --- in."
Egg sandwich for breakfast at a deli
Which deli?
The Melville Deli in Melville, New York. Located in Suffolk County on Long Island. It is the only business that shows up on BTC Map for Long Island. I am about to publish a post about my experience. They have a web site. I am driving and can't google the link right now, but you can find them. Great food and good prices
That'll be good to read, I probably won't make it out east for a while, you're like the Anthony Bourdain of these bitcoin haunts. We'll live it thru u
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That's hilarious πŸ˜‚ and thanks!
10% off: SN10 😜
I topped up my Mullvad vpn using lightning a few days ago, bought 3 months worth.
Foreign TV subscription for 6 months :-) Gotta learn and keep them languages...
How did you did it in the end? I remember you asked me about.
Not many tips worked as I really wanted, no response from the vendor or no visa cards available . I forgot I got wise with some cash on it so I used that. But otherwise egifter.com works the best. The Bitcoin Company want you to buy bitcoin then cards, not what I wanted tho. Hope this helps.
yes sure it helps for many others. All these shared experiences are good.
Lightning Channels Hashrate from reactor.xyz
I'd never seen reactor before! It's profitable to lease?
This was my first time using it, I directed the hash to solo.ckpool. I figured a couple of dollars for 3 hours of 200TH solo mining was fine. Interesting service. They offered a free trial in the past, throwing hash rate at Braiins pool but it wasn't an option when I looked this time.
yolo mining
It's crazy how easy they made it
Its wild. If i get rugged solo mining for 5 bucks I aint that mad.
It's basically a lottery without being called a lottery. I wonder if it'd be illegal to call it a lottery. It'd probably be way more popular if they did.
And no, I dont think its profitable, unless you take your UTXO's to some sort of dealership and sell them at a decent margin....
If only there was such a place lol.
I want to see a utxo dealership commercial with @supertestnet in a greasy suit walking around a parking lot filled with car-sized bitcoin miners in a tron like universe trying to convince you to come on down and trade your utxos in.
Ha! A brick and mortor UTXO dealership would confuse the stuffing out of normies. "So.....what are you selling here?"
I sold one of my old UTXO I mined from 2012 for more BTC than were in the UTXO. I still have another one. But was to a good friend that wanted to have something from those times. And private P2P.
I think there's a huge market for these kind of trades.
Where do you sell them at?
I just ordered a gang of shirts from the Lightning Store and Dr. Orange Pill
Gas and grocery gift cards.
I bought blood!
But not real blood. It's an in-game item that I use to trade for resources in the Orange server on a game called Rust. I haven't had the time to gather resources myself this month so I bought it off someone for blood (which they can trade back for sats). Then I use the resources to build a base and have a presence on the server to hang out with friends who are all over the world πŸ˜€
TLDR; I exchanged sats for someone else's time and effort.
More info on Orange server: orangem.art More info on buying blood: https://discord.com/channels/913602297618137109/1104358725311008829/1152354292594905239
I bought blood!
LOL I like that! Blood for sats LOL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I really want to see here 100 comments, 100 payments to merchants!
I felt you @nemo the art of showing up without showing up.
he don't want to reveal his drugs seller πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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@nemo got blamed for big zaps
Now he gets blamed for small zaps
Must be tough, lol
you can blame nemo for anything, will zap you anyways
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Not purchase but donation to Zeus. Tomorrow will buy a game on Steam with Bitrefill
Renewed my domain from Namecheap
I've bought some Satscards so I'll have them ready for christmass.
Bought some tokenised gold in the PAXG/BTC, dip does that count?
Cyber ghost VPN 2 year subscription paid via lightning.
Paid for some branded TShirt to afriemd via wallet of Satoshi
VPN from Proton. It also got me lots of online storage, password management, calendar, more email features but I haven’t really taken advantage of those yet (I use other stuff at the moment) - but might eventually.
Everyone seems to be posting about their bitcoin SELLS, and not their purchases of more sats. Bear market confirmed.
you realized that just by posting here you "sold" 1 sat, right? OMG you sold 16.5k sats on SN! How dare you!
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