SN is occasionally viewed as an attempt to change social media culture. Bitcoin's scarcity might make online culture more like offline culture by reintroducing culture to it's natural habitat, but our goal has been to serve culture not change it. If culture is largely a market phenomena, productive markets should yield productive culture. However markets aren't perfectly efficient and will fail somewhere somehow.
As bitcoiners, we see fiat as the source of market-culture failure, but at present bitcoin fixing culture is limited to circular economies. Mainstream culture is plenty broken, whether that's education or health or family or whatever, yet we can't bitcoinize the world tomorrow so what else can we do?
When I ask myself how to change culture, Edward Bernay's example of how to sell pianos comes to mind. Bernay suggests culture can change by convincing people it already has. On another level though, it suggests that market participants are incentivized to change culture. If mainstream culture is broken, are we failing to create such culture makers? How can we make more of them?
Standing desks come to mind too which became common rather quickly. Culture seems to have absorbed "sitting is the new smoking" and paid for motorized desks without flinching. Why did this intervention succeed while ones like minimal footwear haven't? Does the better culture always win?
In early parts of Broken Money, we learn scaling our native coordination culture creates markets and money. Thus culture and markets operate in some kind of feedback loop and culture has inputs independent of markets. Are there other non-market inputs to culture we might be able to use to change it?
If you haven't given culture or markets direct study, experiencing time makes us all anthropologists on some scale. Have you witnessed culture change significantly and positively? What's your best guess to what caused the change?