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News Of The Week

Welcome to this week’s issue of the Books And Articles newsletter. I am happy to see that many stackers are contributing to the territory. Thank you all. We finally had a day last week where the territory broke 1000 sats in earnings without the benefit of a one off boost. There’s still a long way to go, but that was gratifying.
This week @Se7enZ started our first book club, The Stoic Book Club, and it was a top 5 post right out of the gate. Check it out.
Tomorrow I will be posting Writing Contest #2. It will be conducted in more or less the same way as our first contest, but keep an eye out for a few rules changes.
I think that’s it, so enjoy this week’s writing contest and I’ll announce a winner in the next newsletter.
Until then...

Top Five Posts Of The Week

The top post of the week will be forwarded 50% of the zaps earned on that week’s newsletter post. Rankings will be determined using the SN zaprank.
Here are this week’s top posts:

Writing Contests

Stackers’ Blogs

My Bitcoin Journey

Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.

Book Clubs


Book Reviews

Discussion Posts



Short Stories

None posted yet.

Past Newsletters

Last week I was new, this week I'm old. That's publishing for you!
Time moves fast in the bitcoin world.
Wow thank you for the mention and the zaps. Will pass these either to a cancer organization or stack them for the kids.
You earned it. My wife and I experienced what you're going through when my daughter was 8 years old. Best wishes to you and your family. Stay strong.
Thanks for the shoutout.
Will like to draw your attention to another blogger. @CyberCrypto got a new job and it seems promising that he would continue to blog about his startup adventures: #426378
Thanks for the heads up! I'll check it out.
Thank You very much for mentioning me sensei.
Thanks Siggy. I am interested in this Stoic book club. I dabbled maybe 5 years back when it was all the rage. I read a few books and recently with some health issues in my family that have been weighing on me mentally I have been thinking about getting back into some of the stoic principles as a way to deal with that which I cannot control.
Sorry to hear of your worries. I wish you and yours the best. @Se7enZ has gotten off to a great start. Glad to hear you will be participating.
Thanks Siggy. That's life and getting older right. I look forward to participating. I have read Meditations but it has been about 5 years.
Same with me. It's good reading it again.
@grayruby Indeed, I'll tag you in the next post if you like...
Thanks that would be great.
Thank you for the mention.