I watched M. Saylor presentation at Bitcoin Atlantis. Just to see what he's saying. IS PURE GARBAGE GOVERNMENT AND REGULATION PROPAGANDA!
Don't believe me? Here are some screenshots from audience... people realized that they paid to see Saylor doing government propaganda! And people still applaud him and kiss his fiat-maxi ass.
THIS IS DARTHCOIN WARNING: you will remember my words
Saylor only wants YOUR bitcoin and give you back an fucking IOU. He do not want to destroy the fiat system, but using the Bitcoin to perpetuate the fiat existence. The story is repeating over and over, like banskters did with gold.
Michael Saylor say it very clearly in this interview, few years ago: he will buy all bitcoins available, will HODL them and later will lend them as collateral to all poor guys that today do not want Bitcoin. In plain sight you have the banksters and billionaires plan: to enslave you again in debt. If you still do not understand that, means that humanity deserve to be forever enslaved by few…
Is well known that BlackRock (Larry Fink) is funding M. Saylor... THEY ARE WORKING TOGETHER. And is not in your interest or Bitcoin interest... but perpetuating the fiat existence.
Exhibit A: HE WANTS COMPLIANCE... Compliance is what will kill Bitcoin!
Exhibit B: HE WANTS REGULATION Regulation is how will put miners and node operators under gov control
In the end, I had to intervene and kick Saylor out from the stage...
An @DarthCoin warning is worth heeding. Saylor makes a lot of really interesting points and commentaries with regard to economics, monetary technologies of the past etc. But I have never stopped to ask why and assumed it was altruistic. It doesn’t appear that he is a fiat maxi playing the bitcoin game (and early to the party) rather than a bitcoin-maxi out to change the fiat game. I shan’t make that mistake again.
I have to apologize to @kr and other stackers, that my intention with this post wasn't about the MSM SN experiment or ranking or something like that.
I was just pissed off when I saw what crazy things Saylor says and support. I tried not to post more on SN exactly to let others to show their PoW, but I cannot stand put against such bullshit against Bitcoin. I must defend Bitcoin by all means.
I had to warn others. If I would be there at the conference I will stand up and call out Saylor, in front of all audience...
I instantly think of that scene in the Big Short where Mark Baum (Steve Carell) interjects during the Vegas conference when he said he wouldn't.
It's at 2.39 of you don't want to watch the whole thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCx5Ph7EAxg
93 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr 2 Mar
the stackers have spoken, and they appreciate your post! no need to be sorry
I don’t think you have to apologise. Most of us are interested in your opinion and if you feel strongly it’s right to share regardless of what else is going on. We can always downzap!
Did you watch his talk, though?
Don't trust, verify.
Darth has his own strong bias (akin to anarchism) which I'm not saying I disagree with. But are we really throwing Saylor under the bus because he explains the compliance needs of large institutional investors? Bitcoin will scale, in part, to these fiat monoliths - that's the truth of the world. We can't flip the switch on society and go full bitcoin. This is a decades-long transition where the normies are going to depend on highly-regulated institutions to safeguard their bitcoin. Of course, the rest of us know better..
Saylor has done some of the best work to change minds towards bitcoin. He does not have the same message as Darth (which I take to be very valuable, Darth, don't get me wrong.) But not everyone should self custody, or will self custody. Some are close to retirement, all their fiat is already invested and they will now depend on these large institutions to re-allocate.. hopefully out of gold, et al. and into bitcoin.
But, ask me again in 50 years. I think come 50 years from now if you're not fully self custodial you are either (1) too lazy to learn or (2) we have all failed to make bitcoin scale well enough to allow that.
I thought, Saylor is with us, @DarthCoin opened my eyes!
Don't trust Verify applies here...
Thanks for this post Dartcoin
🔖 Bookmarked.
1081 sats \ 2 replies \ @PlebeiusG 2 Mar
Let's not demonize everyone who gives a talk about bitcoin that doesn't fully align with our own perspectives. Especially as we go into the next cycle.. we're going to hear a BUNCH of people talking about bitcoin. A lot of it will be boring, recycled and unimaginative.
Yes, bitcoin is for the self-sovereign. Bitcoin is also for the cucked. If we can remove fiat and replace with bitcoin, the cucks will still live among us. 🤣
Please tell that to all those were cheering up like at a political rally for X politician... https://fxtwitter.com/gegelsmr4/status/1763612905700811245
Bitcoin do not need this crap. And I wasn't expecting that from bitcoiners (if I can call them that).
And I wasn't expecting that from bitcoiners
What were you expecting after latest accomplishments? Shilling custodial solutions (eCash, Fedi), custodial "Federations" (Liquid)... Half of bitcoin influencers and podcasters selling their MSTR stocks that they bought meanwhile they were telling you "100% in Bitcoin and I'm never selling", and the other half buying BTC ETFs because "it's almost imposible that BlackRock falls, it's too big".
What a shit-show...
Thank you for the giggles.
258 sats \ 2 replies \ @davidw 2 Mar
Said it before but I can repeat again:
Microstrategy is the Macrostrategy for Uncle Sam 🇺🇸
Microstrategy is a private sector company owned by shareholders who aren't government entities. 🧐😂
I have news for you... they were never existed governments...
239 sats \ 5 replies \ @Fabs 2 Mar
He's doing what I'd do, too: making people pay double- and triple for the very thing they were ignorant about, but now need to work with. Fuck them.
Besides, I think that you're reading too much into it.
I share this sentiment
Darth is always right... his bullshit detector is 100% accurate.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @Fabs 2 Mar
Let's put it to the test then: how do I score on your bullshit detector?
You are insignificant for Bitcoin world and your posts history doesn't have much info in regards of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is ALL THAT MATTER FOR ME. So the bullshit detector, can't analyze your nym.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Fabs 2 Mar
It's only "right" when it fits your narrative, gotcha.
216 sats \ 7 replies \ @siggy47 2 Mar
Saylor scares me too, but not as much as Larry Fink. I'm happy that at some point they may be facing off against each other-the old saying "bitcoin is for enemies". When Saylor first came on the scene I watched a podcast where he was doing his whole finance, regulation, working with the government, taking fiat loans against your bitcoin thing, when he got a little pushback about cozying up to governments. He smirked and said, "well, if governments get carried away, I still have my keys. I can have a boating accident". I was happy to hear that, but I'm not even sure he has his keys anymore.
Jury is still out for his personal amounts.
I don't care how much Saylor is buying. Is not my damn business and I cannot stop him doing that.
I am worried about what is his AGENDA behind all that accumulation and WHO is funding it (Blackrock). This is the elephant in the room that many bitcoiners refuse to see it.
Let them feed the lion, one day the lion will grow and make their dream come true #Bitcoin
There's always a bigger agenda and you're right to be worried. They are the devil and they can never be trusted
Saylor's quarterly reports make it crystal clear who is funding his bitcoin purchases... He is, by both leveraging his existing coins & by reinvesting the profits from his software company. I doubt he uses blackrock at all.
199 sats \ 3 replies \ @Se7enZ 2 Mar
Lurking on SN today, I've appreciated @DarthCoin's activity on both this post, as well as another post about war and defending one's homeland with violence. I decided to watch Saylor's presentation for myself, and while I indeed find the the first half so far a little cringe, I was struck with the following quote at around 25:00:
If we want to eliminate war and conflict and violence, we really want all our enemies to settle their differences in a fair, equitable fashion. And the fair, equitable, peaceful way to settle your differences is Bitcoin. So, you shouldn't fear those who don't understand, who are your enemy that join Bitcoin, you should fear those who are your enemies that don't join Bitcoin. The're the ones that will use bullets to solve the problem.
No disagreement with your warnings from me, but I thought this quote was an interesting nexus on the various topics today. Any further thoughts?
Yes the quote is very good. What he's trying to say here is this:
  • there are many "sides" of tyranny, the "good" ones and the bad" ones.
  • we (the suits) "are the "good" ones, but we still want to fuck you.
NEVER LET THE GUARD DOWN. As I said many times, I SURVIVED 20 years of communist propaganda. I know how nice words sound in the ears of those that let down the guard. I learned my lesson from communism: TRUST NO ONE, especially those that work with the gov but they pretend to be your friend.
I lived treason in my own family, I know how deceitful could be. I just wanted to warn other people to not let the guard down. That's all. I am not here to decide for each of you or to became your "celebrity". I do not want that.
I learned my lesson from communism: TRUST NO ONE, especially those that work with the gov but they pretend to be your friend.
This is something to really highlight, IMO, as someone from a country (El Sal) that has its own history with this. A lot of Bitcoiners are Americans/Euros who can't fathom how propagandists will just outright lie and frame things the way you want to hear them.
(They've gotten a little better about noticing propaganda since 2020 but still)
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Se7enZ 2 Mar
On board with you on that! Thanks for responding.
10.2k sats \ 15 replies \ @badabing 2 Mar
Not cool to dox people like that.
They are in a public space, they agreed to be revealed. I didn't violate any of their privacy.
0 sats \ 8 replies \ @anon 2 Mar
just because its legal it doesn't mean its a nice thing to do
If you are on a beach and you show me your genitals... so you scream loud that I violate your privacy by looking at your genitals?
It is your OWN fault that you show me your genitals.
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @anon 2 Mar
if you think privacy is important you can chose to respect the privacy of others, or not contribute to the reduction of their privacy even if they had no reasonable expectation of it
to use your example, you dont have to repost people's genitals on the internet, even if you saw them and even if they are already on the internet
Don't try to make me feel guilty ! Is not gonna work and it is not my fault. PERIOD.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 2 Mar
I wont try to make you feel anything its just something you can consider for the future
you want to help people, and you do in the future, you can consider this perspective and then do whatever you want
Next time tell those people to hide their faces with "anon" like you. PERIOD. I don't give a shit.
They will learn the lesson. This is life.
Douchebag, that's your energy here.
yes, you like or not, I don't fucking care.
Lol public space doesn't mean you can just put their pictures online.
Sue me because you post a picture with you and your kids on social media, saying that I violate your privacy looking at your "private" picture on internet...
Lol, posting a picture online of yourself is you deciding to reveal private information of yourself.
A stranger taking your photo, putting it online and drawing lines around your face is quite different.
I think the issue here is you are highlighting that they are bitcoiners. This exposes random audience members to being subject threats of kidnap and extortion....why do that?
To be honest, they've gone to a Bitcoin conference and so have outed themselves already. But the bigger problem for me here would be with the organisers filming them and putting it on Youtube. Did they agree to that when they bought the ticket? It's on YT forever. With the advances in facial rec software it won't belong before we'll be able to run the vid through the software and have a name.
71 sats \ 0 replies \ @zarko 2 Mar
You will remember my words Saylor only wants YOUR bitcoin and give you back an fucking IOU. He do not want to destroy the fiat system, but using the Bitcoin to perpetuate the fiat existence. The story is repeating over and over, like banskters did with gold.
Michael Saylor say it very clearly in this interview, few years ago: he will buy all bitcoins available, will HODL them and later will lend them as collateral to all poor guys that today do not want Bitcoin. In plain sight you have the banksters and billionaires plan: to enslave you again in debt. If you still do not understand that, means that humanity deserve to be forever enslaved by few…
Is well known that BlackRock (Larry Fink) is funding M. Saylor... THEY ARE WORKING TOGETHER. And is not in your interest or Bitcoin interest... but perpetuating the fiat existence.
Exhibit A: HE WANTS COMPLIANCE... Compliance is what will kill Bitcoin!
Thank you @DarthCoin for the advice and warning.
If any of you decide to attend these bitcoin conferences, just know that your real identity will be 100% linked to bitcoin, indicating your strong interest and likely ownership of a significant amount of btc, making YOU (and your family) a potential target in the future.
Definitely will be something to consider before going to one of these events for sure. As I've mentioned in a reply above, did the attendees agree to being filmed and streamed on YT and it being up there forever?
Thank you Lord Darth! The Force is so strong in you that it helps us see.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @jgbtc 2 Mar
If I learned one thing from the covid scam it's this: DO NOT COMPLY.
Bitcoin is only for sovereign individuals
Thanks for delivering your message with such sass n humour. It’s a killer punch!
Thanks for sharing. He's always made me very nervous, wondering what he's up to. After BTC Prague which, admittedly, I was impressionable (was only just starting out in bitcoin and he made me stand up and take notice) but at the same time a little voice in my head was saying who is this guy and what is his agenda then?
Also, I remember seeing him say that you only 0.1 of a btc and I thought screw you Saylor! Is that a pysop so the peasants are happy with a paltry amount while he and the rest of them hoover all the rest up? I can't help being cynical and suspicious 🤣🤣
correction: should say "you only need 0.1"
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 2 Mar
Fuck saylor
Thanks for sharing your opinion, and that guy doesn't trust me at all!! Not your keys, Not your BTC... Thank you for your guides, I continue to learn more every day
I like and I agree with a lot of things Saylor said but I can see why he said what he said based on his fiat incentives.
Saylor is trying to play it safe with fiat because he still has a big stake in the fiat system. The guy get to print money to buy #bitcoins at 0%interest, not even nation states are doing that yet. But I don't care, if Saylor wants to play with fiat and let himself be eating that's his choice, and he will probably lose all of the MSTR coins at a 6202. Bitcoin will keep tick tocking it does need some of us but it doesn't need neither of us to survive.
I don't know how this is related but, yeah the first one is true at some extent, but the second is questionable. I agree there is a lot to do in self-custody side of things to lower prices for smaller holders, but a lot of guys of "I am here to fix Bitcoin" want to do more damage than fixing anything. My rule of thumb is build it if it's extremly needed, time tested and 100% secured. Plus LN and other layers should be where the focus is not on the base layer.
32 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 2 Mar
He's not getting mine!
Glad you're back, great stuff 8-)))
never understood why people like bitcoin celebrities so much lol
As opposed to Stacker News celebrities ?
Not that I necessarily disagree with what he's saying in this post but this place is very cliquey and @DarthCoin gets away with spouting a whole lot of half-baked nonsense, without getting called on it. (And his Star Wars 'memes' are embarrassingly lame.)
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @zarko 2 Mar
sooner or later the moon boys will understand the dangers of the so called "institutions"
saylor is an attack on bitcoiners
Perfectly perfect! In my heart, I believed that Saylor or any other corporate kinship with Bitcoin is highly doubtful. I didn't say it publicly before but Saylor alongwith all other money minded fellas are a rare breed of hypocrites. It's true that Saylor knows the worth of Bitcoin and he is hoarding it just to sell back an IPO. Like @DarthCoin mentioned, I also urge everyone not to be trapped into the propoganda demonstrated by such flawed people like Saylor. Believe in one notion; viz. HODL Bitcoin close to your chest.
Exhibit A: HE WANTS COMPLIANCE... Compliance is what will kill Bitcoin!
Nothing kills Bitcoin!!!
Bitcoin is like a New York City rat! You know they are around even when you don’t see them and the city actively tries to kill then but no matter what they do they still survive.
I’ve been using the bed bug metaphor when I try orange pilling people.
I thought I was making progress with the exterminator. I wake up in the middle of the night scratching. Turn on my phone flash light and point it at the wall. White drywall covered in tiny dots.
Bed bugs destroyed my life for about 6 months. Ended up throwing out most of my shit and just moving out. Threw my hands up.
You called it way back then. 🙌
very poor analysis but very passionate
study more
I am always a little suspicious of the most brash, swaggering, "famous" Mega Maxis. They seem fueled by unbridled greed and self-interest.. which all Bitcoin stackers have, including myself... but they seem to embrace it like mad men.
How many times bitcoin maxis have to post this meme?
In what year do you think Saylor will announce his run for POTUS?
What part of "bitcoin is for enemies" did you not understand?
Compliance and regulation are dirty words in this space, but they can mean any number of things. I'm not going to go crazy over two words in a slide deck. Yet.
@DarthCoin I thought you left SN.
11 sats \ 15 replies \ @harrr 2 Mar
Lol. Bitcoin is for everybody. If somebody wants to comply and to be regulated and to use bitcoin that's up to them. People who understand bitcoin are not like the People's Front of Judea.
If somebody wants to comply and to be regulated and to use bitcoin that's up to them
10 sats \ 8 replies \ @harrr 2 Mar
So they should comply with and be regulated by YOUR wishes, got it.
Who mentioned MY wishes? If your wish is to be a slave sheep please go ahead. It's cringe.
Lol, you can't even read, I just say that people have the FREEDOM to do WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT, and that includes following local laws. I can tell you're going to be super happy when central banks start to buy bitcoin.
Yup, that's your standard reply when you have nothing meaningful to say, posting lame images.
no that means I do not talk anymore with shitcoiners, statists and idiots
ok commie, go home.
Tradfi adopting bitcoin was inevitable. Grow up darth.
25 sats \ 0 replies \ @harrr 3 Mar
I guess darthie will sell all his bitcoin to central banks when they start buying.
Ok People's Front of Judea
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Krv 3 Mar
Perfect is the enemy of the good. To an anarcho capitalist, it's easy to see Saylor is a statist. He believes many state related things are necessary. As troubling as that is to an antistatist, we are many generations away from the end of statism. You can put that aside and accept what he's saying as a description of how the world works in this statist world we are in, and will be in for a long time yet. Rejection anyone who doesn't have a pure anarchocapitalist perspective is a fools game and will be at most futile, and, at worst, detrimental to progress.
My 60 year old dad is not going to buy spot and hodl on a coldcard @DarthCoin. He’s going to buy the ETF.
Bitcoin is NOT for everybody. Is only for the brave, not for the weak.
I am almost 60 myself, but I learned more about bitcoin in all these years. And I didn't do it for me but for the generations will come. I will not be one that will see Bitcoin thriving, so is stupid to think that Bitcoin is for old people. Your example is stupid. Who is going to buy ETFs or paper bitcoin they will get what they fucking deserve: shit.
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @cascdr 2 Mar
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