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When you really start to understand the world. The way it truly works. Not what you learn in school. When you learn how wars are funded. The incentives around the globe to foster war. Who profits from these wars. Why they never seem to end. When you start to understand how banking works. How "our money" is counterfeited by bankers. How politicians create money to get elected. How pointless voting and politics has become. How it is all a big show for the masses. This is when you are really ready to see bitcoin for what it truly is. The greatest invention in the last 50 years.
Bitcoin is more important than the Internet. Now, I know Bitcoin depends on the Internet but I believe one day soon the Internet will depend on bitcoin. I mean, the free and open Internet is dying. How will we keep it free? We have things like Nostr but without money, without a permission-less network to transfer value across space how can we be free? We can't. We can't in a digital age. We need sovereignty over money. Money is too important for any one person or group to control.
Fiat money is the life blood of the state. And war is the health of the state. So if you take the blood away from the state, it is limited in what it can do. I hope it will die but even limits to its spending would be a massive win. States across the globe and over time have killed more people than any other entity including plagues. Prior to the spread of democracies and fiat currencies wars were shorter lived and less deadly. Fiat money allows states to take war positions with little consequence. I can guarantee you this. If the U.S. tax payer actually had to pay for the conflicts the U.S. supports and is involved in we would have a massive change in policy. This is bullish. If bitcoin can stop the money printer, and I believe it can and will. We will see more incentives directed toward peace. Getting along. Finding common ground. Less incentives for death and destruction. War is incredibly destructive. Today a small number of men profit from it. Politicians gain power by it. Bitcoin will shift the balance. That my friends is reason for hope.
And with all that on the line many would be willing to shed blood to achieve it. But we don't have to. Bitcoin can be a peaceful revolution. We only need to adopt it and help those in our circle to adopt it. Use the tools, support the work. A peaceful revolution. Now, lets not kid ourselves. The state won't go down without a fight. We have to be ready. There will be pain and persecution but it will be worth it for our decedents. I would love to see bitcoin achieve these things before I go to meet my maker. I hope I am able to.
I'm so bullish.
Read my previous posts in this series.
This post was inspired by @darthcoin's post today. It reminded me of what really lit the passion I have for this project.
Bitcoin can be a peaceful revolution. We only need to adopt it and help those in our circle to adopt it. Use the tools, support the work. A peaceful revolution
I really believe we all have so much more agency and power than we realize. This goes far beyond bitcoin and the state. We are our own greatest limiters. Our minds and fears hold us back. I know this the case for people I have mentored and myself. I believe it is true for humanity. We have been conditioned to believe the status quo is beyond our control. It is not. What is shocking is that the masses believe voting is an effective way to promote positive change instead of a psyop to keep us complacent. Our small daily actions and choices make a difference in our lives. On a mass scale that changes the world, but really if we focus on what is in our control and what is in our sphere of influence there is no telling what we can accomplish.
Let me add to your wonderful post one of my old articles: ₿itcoin - The 2nd Fire Discovery - Prometheus took the fire and give it to the mortals...
Our minds and fears hold us back
Well said. I see that with many new bitcoiners. They are still afraid of the unknown.
Fear is the mind killer.
I enjoyed reading your post. I don't want to be misunderstood, because I believe that Bitcoin can help solve many of society's problems. However, I don't think Bitcoin will be able to solve wars. I hope I'm wrong. It's true that wars generate a lot of wealth for some countries and corporations, but wars don't happen exclusively for money. Territorial and resource interests are the main reasons. There are even some people who still fight wars for reasons from the past millennium...
Oh I don't either. I hope that is not what it sounds like I'm saying. I'm not. That is naive. What fiat currencies and "leaders" who are merely "caretakers" (democracy) or puppets of elites do is remove the natural limiting force of hard money. If those rulers can't print then they either have to steal or convince people to donate. Much harder and therefore creates resistance that they don't currently feel. Does that make sense?
The state won't go down without a fight. We have to be ready. There will be pain and persecution but it will be worth it for our decedents. I would love to see bitcoin achieve these things before I go to meet my maker. I hope I am able to.
I recommend you to watch this talk (again Molyneux) exactly about Bitcoin vs war. https://www.bitchute.com/video/AWGB6rfMmYKt/
Wars are started by the govs and banks - I think that is clear now. Is how they feed.
Individuals maybe they can start some territorial "wars" but those are only at a local level, that cannot affect too much the rest of the people.
All these small "territorial/resources" disputes could be solved easily and peacefully, once people will fully embrace Bitcoin. Why? BECAUSE BITCOIN IS CHANGING THEIR MENTALITY, from brute homo sapiens to HOMO BITCOINUS. And that is a game changer. What you see nowadays are remains of fiat world, putrid and hateful. That's why you are still trapped into that belief of wars...
Please watch that talk and think again. there's another talk between Jeffrey Tucker and Stefan Molyneux (from 2015) about war and bitcoin, but I can't find it now. very good one.
That's why you are still trapped into that belief of wars..
What makes you think that? Wars are mostly fought over resources, and I don't see Bitcoin solving that. Again, I hope I'm wrong, but I can't see it happening. Maybe I'm just too dumb...
Not in our lifetime... Bitcoin is still a baby.
Well, that's where speculation comes in. In your opinion, how much longer will it be necessary?
All depend on peoples non-compliance to crazy shit that pushed upon them from govs. But let's say that slowly more people will start to not comply.
In the next 10 years we could have half of the world population using Bitcoin. That means, we could still have some isolated wars, regional, lost somewhere. But is not our problem anymore.
Then in the next 5 to 10 years all the rest of the world is fully using Bitcoin. But still at empirical level, education is still scarce, govs still exist in some places. In some places people start organizing in a different manner, without a central gov, but still with local counselors, political parties are gone forever because are useless.
In the next 10 years, people start seeing a some change in culture, mentality, education, well being, justice etc. Wars are gone, is useless to start a war. This period is when homo sapiens start to became homo bitcoinus, after almost 50 years of Bitcoin existence.
So my raw speculation is that in minimum 50 years from now we will see hyperbitcoinization and a better world. With only one condition: people will stop obeying govs rules. Otherwise, not. If people still obeying, then we will still have fiat and even worse, CBDC. And that means we will still have wars.
Endless wars, like Iraq, Afghanistan, probably yes.
Fear, honor or interest
Thanks for this great post.
Starting to feel some mojo.
When you grow up, you find out that heaven or hell don't exist on the maps. Similarly, you realise that bloody wars are often for monetary gains.
The world outside of Bitcoin hasn't grown up till now and only narrate Bitcoin as the money which launders crime. But one by one, when they grow up, they will realise, it's not Bitcoin, it's their paper trash that buys bombs and bullets.
There will be pain and persecution but it will be worth it for our decedents.
I mean... tldr. The slap chop already owns that title
This is great! Thanks for sharing. When you mention helping those in our circle, it sounds like a lot of stackers here HODL and a struggling to get to the next phase of usage. See my survey #454898
Any thoughts on getting to the next step of usage? Not many physical places I see in Midwest USA? https://btcmap.org/map#6/43.00465/-90.26367
Is there a better online listing? Any creative ways to avoid the tax burden around tracking every transaction?
Bitcoin is the solution for inflation
Maybe Bitcoin is the way for everything.. "Maybe"
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