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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Howdy saloon!
Just a little shameless plug about the SN Fantasy Football League! Head to this link for more information. #473247 Hope to see you in the league!
I don't want to be a dick to anyone in particular, but people might want to know that don't already, that if I see a post that is a link with no context, no copy and paste of at least a portion of what I will find if I click on the link, or a video with no summary, I am not clicking, commenting, or zapping about 90% of the time.
I see just a title and link in the title with no context, and I just move along. At least tell people why it's interesting/relevant or provide some thoughts.
Does anyone else think of their best fun facts on Saturday and forget them by Friday?
Beauties are everywhere if you know where to look. πŸ‘€
anyone could guess what's this flower?
marigolds ? (pt - cravos tΓΊnicos)
I like the magic of SN. 😎
thank you! this is the right name I was looking for but couldn't remember.
I didn't know the English name either, and honestly, I didn't even know the Portuguese name! But I knew this plant exists here and is very popular. My sister knew the name, thank goodness! :)
and did you know that you can use this flower for dying πŸ€“
I didn't know that! But I did know that it's a good natural insecticide, just like lavender.
Are from the chrysanthemum family. I know the name in my language, but in English is simply chrysanthemum. Are quite resistant during the year. Good flowers that bring a lot of bees.
πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ FUN FACT:
The first set of the Pirate's Code was supposedly written by the Portuguese buccaneer Bartolomeu PortuguΓͺs sometime in the early 1660s.
haha this is a really great representation
Democracy in a nutshell
I think so
The worst are probably academics and intellectuals, the so called smart people
How dare you? Just because we're wrong about everything all the time doesn't mean we aren't smart.
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Needs no explanation, it's just magical.
Day 103 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 596 sats on 29Mar2024! Running total: 70,572 sats!
Sorry, I am too lazy to look it up. Would you mind (again, I guess) sharing details of your mining efforts? How do you mine? 596 sats a day is not much, what are your costs? A link to your older post(s), where you describe all this, would be perfect. Many thanks.
Que equipo tienes que te da esa cantidad
Que equipo tienes que te da esa cantidad
Future Bit Apollo series 1 and a BitAxe ultra
I have an antminer s9. I never thought about keeping a count of how many sats it gives me per day, it's a good idea I'll keep it in mind
Yea it’s just for fun and to inspire others to explore home mining. If you do count, please share!
I will try to accompany you on this foray
Why I do not see you more often around my comments/posts ? You are quite shy I think.
Maybe shy, but definitely busy most of the time
Please just drop a comment, even if you do not agree with me. I respect your expertise and I want to zap you more. But I can't zap you if you are not present.
Fair enough! I respect all the work you've done to educate the masses here, it's fantastic.
63 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 59 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
How would you assess progress so far? Taking you much less time now to completion I imagine? Noticing big changes?
I was in decent shape before but it is definitely helping. I was originally doing 4 sets of 25 but that became too easy so I switched to 2 sets of 50. 50 in one set is still a challenge to complete the last few so I think it was a good change.
A few days ago I actually started a new experiment which is to do one set of 50 push ups the standard way and the second set as decline push ups (legs elevated on a chair) which forces you to move a bit more of your body weight.
I was thinking when we hit 100k I might change the goal to 150 a day and do 50 standard push ups, 50 incline push ups and 50 decline push ups to isolate different muscle groups.
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Seems like the bankers are all spent. A toast to their failure in March. Free long island ice teas for everyone, barkeep!
Posted new update regarding delphi.market here πŸ‘€
| ___| / _ \___ / |___ \| | | ||_ \ ___) | |_| |__) | |____/ \___/____/ Service Unavailable
works as intended
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Day 13 of posting everyday 'til MSM ends. previously: #485076

Do you really think that Darth will change his mindset of "fuck the banks" to something else?
I can't picture Darth any other way than he is. But you never cease to amaze me, that was proven when you posted the detox :)
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Mouse, Cat, Dog, Donkey, Tortoise, Fish, Whale, Snake, Elephant. So 9. Maybe more, if you had posted a hi resolution image.
None, because I need to spend my time more wisely πŸ‘€
Maybe that's what was meant with this:
Only for Genius
Sorry if toxic btw, was just trying to be funny πŸ‘€
I see 9, maybe 10 but not sure about the 10th.
Stack Sats and stay humble
Where are more cowboys? In Tennessee or Texas?
More in Texas. That place is HUGE!
George Straight sang a song about Texas and Tennessee.
"All my ex's live in Texas... That's why I hang my hat in TENNESSEE!!!"
ohhh I love these songs.... LOL I am getting old :)
You don't have to be old to enjoy good music! George Strait puts his talent to good use.
It is a good thing. 😎
But the real question is, how many cowboys are there per cow? ;)
Uh, we need cowboys because we have to herd so many dang cows!
There was a backdoor discovered in the Ligma library yesterday.
Hi @javier, welcome to SN and the @saloon!
Sorry for the errors that you encountered during your onboarding. @DarthCoin created a ticket in our Github repo regarding them and I replied there now. You might want to read my reply since I explained some errors.
Specifically the push notification error can easily be solved if you don't mind enabling Google services in your browser settings.
Hello!! Looking for the bugs there. Good support.
Thanks for reply. Yeah make sense what you said.
Hermann Hesse, Demian: The Story of a Boyhood, 1919
Good morning stackers. Wish everyone is enjoying their weekend.
Day 62 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
I just realized my hat streak made it into 3 digits. 102 days and counting.
🀠 I'm going to hit double digits next week. Shame!
One of those "re-evaluating everything" periods. I wonder how different things would be if I really tangibly felt my impending death moment to moment. Not intellectually, but viscerally. Memento mori style.
Maybe you'd go crazy, really feeling that way all the time.
One of the lasting effects of my depression-like period during early adulthood is thinking about my death a lot. It’s like I’m free soloing, looking down, and imagining what the journey down would be like should I let go.
The falling guy’s thoughts and feelings exert a weird pressure on the safe and sound guy’s thoughts and feelings. For me I think it creates an urgency to actualize but I bet it shows up in other ways.
You can never do enough or be enough for the falling guy.
Related: someone in my family had a lingering, awful, bed-ridden death over last 6 months of his life. I've vowed not to let it come to that, but however the end manifests there will still come a final hour.
I imagine what I'll be like in the final hour, how I'll feel. Then I'll wonder: what could I do now that would make future me most satisfied in that final hour? And, whatever the answer to that is, would maximizing for that lead to a better life? By what standard could you even answer the question?
would maximizing for that lead to a better life?
Possibly only from the perspective of the falling guy. It's a bit like becoming an astronaut because it's what your five year old self wanted.
I "look down" several times a day and enjoy letting the falling guy rule my life. He's so simple; "all I have are these few seconds, what did you do with all yours?" The only answer he's satisfied by is "everything I could that I wanted as best I can."
The pain you feel when you die, it happen only in your brain. We are really underestimating the power of our brain.
Can't remember where I read a study that when you laugh, your brain is generating more cells then when you fear of something. And that make me think: people are more sick when they fear something, or they pass through a stressful period.
Stress and fear is a real danger. Just try to limit those in your mind and you will be OK.
Happy Easter Weekend! We are up north for some egg hunts with my boys and to grandpas maple syrup farm in the woods!
Woke up to learn that I'd won the Stacker Sports 2024 March Madness Survivor Pool (#470177). Definitely a little unexpected (less so when I went to bed, since everyone else's team had lost, but still thought Duke's chances were 50/50 at best), and a nice thing to see.
Throw in the fact that it's also a nice morning and I had a good walk with the dog, and this was more pre-coffee fun than I'd anticipated.
Am now mid-coffee (peri-coffee?), and the dog is back asleep.
Congrats on winning the pool! Well played!
Students from my form class in 2016 and 2023 wrote these messages on the whiteboard for my birthday.
Students come and go. Their lingo evolves from lit to rizz, but one thing has always stayed constant: everyone loves KL Sensei 😝
What beautiful memories without a doubt.
🀠- Howdy! Hope you have a great weekend! Keep stacking and stay humble.
The principle of correspondence:
As above, so below; as below, so above.
I need a beer for this.... Sometimes Lux is going very deep into this stuff.
so deep to start the day, I like.
I realize most of my time is taken up with animal care. Dogs, cats, fish, lizards, wild birds. It's getting to me. I had a nightmare last night that my wife brought home a giant lizard that needed lots of room. It was only a "temporary" foster situation. I knew what that meant.
I knew what that meant.
That's why after I was fooled with these 4 cats I have, my answer is always a strong "NO" to any animal that could possibly enter into my house. My wife and daughter are always trying to push for more pets but after the 1day they forget about them and they always became my burden to care about.
I love pets, but sometimes enough is enough.
One time, right before Christmas about 5 years ago, my wife decided we needed a pot bellied pig. To be fair, I always wanted one, but the work just didn't seem worth it. Luckily, everyone decided that the pig idea was taking things a little too far.
The Criminal podcast did an episode all about animals committing crimes (well, mischief), and the stuff at the beginning about how smart pigs are was enough to convince me to never think about one as a pet.
These conversations always bring me back to Pulp Fiction:
You know how is it: everybody loves pets until came that moment to grab their shit from the floor.... And all family members are always let you "to take care". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
When it comes right down to it, I am the primary shit scooper, but my wife certainly holds up her end of the bargain, especially considering everything else she does. In fact, we're down to one cat, and she always takes care of the litter box. My daughter is now an adult and definitely helps out more too. It's just that I get up the earliest, so I deal with the morning routine.
and SNing? πŸ˜‚
Well yeah. I haven't talked about my SN nightmares yet.
which is? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
I once had a dream where I was going along, checking into the Saloon, making a few comments, maybe writing some posts, zapping some people, when suddenly, OUT OF NOWHERE and without warning, this monster MSM thing came and turned everything upside down... Oh wait. Never mind.
good thing is this nightmare will end in one day! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Your dream then came true, luckily the nightmare ends in 2 days, or not... hahaha
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Day 350 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Day 131 of horseposting
Horse stance: 4 minutes 3 seconds
And when it reaches 100 K, the same up to 1M ;)
Coming up to my 4-year anniversary of being "all-in" on Bitcoin.
What a ride it's been.
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How 'bout you?
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Good morning everyone! I just got back from my workout routine, now I'm pretty tired, but not so tired that I didn't post on Stacker news!
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I try to do full body 3-4 days a week doing calisthenics, pull ups, push ups, dips, squats, and other various exercises, I also train some handstand
I also have weights at home and try to train when I can with them too :)
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Thanks buddy, do you work on the construction site or something?
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Sensei has never tried to teach any Japanese before. Today is as good a chance as any.
ε…¨εŠ›γ€€γ‚’γ€€ε‡Ίγ—εˆ‡γ‚Œ! Zenryoku wo dashikire! Give it your all!
May the best man win MSM! Sensei pledges to eat sleep shit n post only during these crucial hours! πŸ”₯
Rain-slicked roads shimmer City lights dance in the night Nature meets urban
Sounds nice. I'm not one of those nature lovers who hates cities. I like both, just cities in smaller doses.
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The tone in this is actually quite neutral n subdued. I was expecting a commentary about man pushing animals against the wall n causing them to die haha
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Ya all your talk about inequality n Animal Farm haha
I was pleasantly surprised to read this
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These rock constructions have always fascinated me, and I also wonder how they did it. It's true that in many cases we don't know how they built them. One thing I've learned is not to underestimate our ancestors. I believe that there is a lot of lost knowledge in human history, because no one pick the book πŸ˜‚ In the past, it was also common for knowledge to be kept secret, because it could be a weapon for the enemy.
I also wish that people lived more in harmony with nature, but I am aware that there are many more people today than there were a few centuries ago, and this makes it impossible, at least in the short term, for everyone to live that way. What I mean is that for most people, it is a matter of survival.
They had plenty of time, and cheap manpower.
one thing is for sure, those are not tombs :)
The Romans loved hills, but this is ridiculous. I've never seen photos of these tombs before.
there were built by the Lycians, said it's built around 350 BC.
Awesome shots! My gut is that civilisations were much more advanced than history lets on. And that perhaps they were set back many centuries. It just seems to me historians prefer not to share or delve into that theory, instead wishing to believe we are more advanced and intelligent.
So elegant, precise and intentional many historical sites were built. Many align with the rise of the sun, or are located in areas of abundant natural resources. Many structures hundreds of people tall and yet they have lasted millennia. We can't even make an ugly condo last 50 years these days 🀣
Wow! I thought they were Roman, and not as old.
Are these more impressive than Angkor Wat?
I don't think it's about which is more impressive but about what's possible and they are showing us - building with rocks on a steep mountain without any fancy tools, and it just stands, thousand of years.
and it also gives us a glance at what the ancients think about afterlife.
True. I think it goes to show that if you just focus on one thing, you can accomplish a magnificent task. Multitasking is the bugbear of greatness
Strange coincidence. I had never heard of Angkor Wat until my recent vacation. There were photos on the wall of the ship near the elevator, so I did a little googling.
Let me expand your knowledge of Cambodia then
In Battambang, Cambodian locals travel on bamboo trains on railway tracks as a form of transportation. Very humbled by their resourcefulness
BEAUTIFUL! I cannot imagine the hard work they've done!
I felt a bit scary looking down from there, so high up and steep, and then people BUILT things there? 🀯
How did you get up there? Is there a route access to walk or like a rope?
there are a few ones you can get close to easily, you just need to follow the path ( its already well made for you to visit ) but the other ones, I can't even see how to get closer, so how did the builders even do their work? πŸ˜‚
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I'm still trying to think how they built them, and there are any of these in the mountains.
And WHY those mountains in specific. Mountains have their own energy and particularities. Those sculptures are for a specific reason there, in that place.