Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
I'm tempted to test those new laptop with arm processors from Qualcomm.
I think they will be available later this year but seem very promising. Light, cheap, fanless, and powerful enough. Hopefully they run Linux.
Went to a friend house yesterday and it felt like stepping into @DarthCoin's home when I saw this at the door! 😆
Love it !
“The definition of hell is: Your last day on Earth, the person you became meets the person you could have become.” - Dan Sullivan
2 May Power Move
It’s hard to change habits, given how used I am to using Bitrefill, but I signed up with The Bitcoin Company upon @1GLENCoop’s invitation. Seems like I got 21 sats for signing up. Not a game changer, but always good to do something new and promising before the start of a work day.
@cryptocensei Thanks for using my The Bitcoin Company referral link mentioned in #498100. I just zapped you 100 sats for having done so.
You shouldn’t have to!
I don't have to. I just wanted to.
151 sats \ 6 replies \ @ek 1 May
When I get zapped on an old comment, I travel back in time to the moment I wrote it.
@elvismercury linked to some old threads that you were on and it earned both of you some belated zaps from me.
Do you have any thoughts about how the rewards system would ideally handle this sort of thing?
I want to know too!
118 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 2 May
I think the move is to create something like a ‘weightedZapTime’ on items and use that to do rewards. It should probably be more complex than a weighted average, biasing toward recent zaps, but you get the idea.
We should also use it to rank items so that old content can get back on the front page.
Perhaps it can all be part of an evergreenify chunk of work like referrals.
Could it be as simple as just starting the clock over every day, after a week or so, for what's considered an early zap?
I'm sure the answer's "no", but maybe that's something to work off of.
It sure is a time capsule.
Do those emotions linger long or are fleeting because of the current things occupying your mind?
People actually look back and zap old articles? I guess I will have to wait for it to happen. But you also have a huge bank of comments and posts that you have made in the past.
TheWildHustle has started praying more recently.
Its nice to have a conversation about your day, to something that you barely understand.
Hustle prays like this
"Hey God its Hustle again, these socialist are crazy, they think that theft is right and individual property rights are wrong. Today was a nice day, hustle got a lot of work done, watered the wife in your name, and zapped the freaks in hustles'. Thanks for plopping TheWildHustles' soul at this point in history. Hustle will catch up with you later, just wanted to express gratitude, fill you in on the deets, and ask that you keep doing what your doing. Till next time God. And oh yeah, free Ross and make sure you lookout for @koob and the rest of the devs, shits starting to hit the fan. Amen."
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 2 May
I, myself, have had many failures and I’ve learned that if you are not failing a lot, you are probably not being as creative as you could be—you aren’t stretching your imagination. You need the willingness to fail all the time. You have to generate many ideas and then you have to work very hard only to discover that they don’t work. And you keep doing that over and over until you find one that does work.
John Backus (who invented FORTRAN)
TheWildHustle must really be stretching his creative muscles…
Taking cyber security awareness training for my fiat job.
I'm probably the only one in my firm who is mildly interested.
"UK military personnel data accessed in alleged China hack, Sky reports"
Looks like the same happens in other places
41 sats \ 4 replies \ @Reign 1 May
I guess there’s no way to prevent people from zapping themselves with an alt to game rewards?
No. But that’s not really how rewards work. And you get a (completely reasonable) haircut on every zap so you lose sats.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @Reign 1 May
I understand how they work mostly, im sure I don’t get it fully, but how would it not? If you were to zap yourself and zap good content of others.
Say I zap myself 100k and then go to that account and zap others content that fits.
Value (for the purpose of ranking) is the product of consensus among a number of zappers. (But I am most likely wrong on this).
As in all things theoretical here; test it. The barrier to finding out is quite low.
30k sats \ 0 replies \ @Reign 1 May
Good advice, thanks.
Its time to settle down after a full day of work and craft this irresistible offer!

Day 1 testing with external wallets in SN 🧪

My setup: I connected with LN address with Blink for receiving and Nostr Wallet Connect for sending, here is my experience so far:


Generally no problem, but
  1. It seems there were a few invoices that failed and said, "You didn't have enough sats." I assumed that was something happened with the wrapped invoice?
  2. Fee wise: 0
  3. There were some lagging with the withdrawals.


Here are a few problems:
  1. It's a bit slow, which indeed creates friction for zapping.
  1. Failed payment happened, maybe this would led to less zaps. 🥲
  2. Fee wise: 0
One interesting thing I noticed is that it will use the internal sats to zap first if there are enough sats, so it would be the same using cowboy credit first?
I am an old fashion "launderer" 😂😂😂
100 sats \ 13 replies \ @Taft 1 May
I have connected Blink Wallet for receiving, too. It works very well!
But I cannot connect a wallet for sending because I cannot afford any of the options listed there.
@k00b @ek is it possible to connect to a LN address even for sending? It will be helpful for non-tech guys like me.
Why cannot be the same LN address for both receiving and sanding?
Probably these are naive questions for the tech-stackers here, but...
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 1 May
LN address can't be used for sending, it's technically just a way to request an invoice but it doesn't include a way to pay invoices.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 1 May
OK. I understand.
But which is the easiest way for sending?
I assumed it works both ways if SN have the option to link Blink's API? 👀
But I cannot connect a wallet for sending because I cannot afford any of the options listed there.
did you try with Nostr Wallet Connect? it's really simple to set it up, all you need is an Alby account.
I do not have access to Albi yet. I have sent them several times a request to create an account, but had no response from them.
Day 135 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 297 sats on 30Apr2024! Running total: 87,952 sats!
256 sats \ 6 replies \ @kepford 1 May
I've been around long enough to not be surprised by this but it still concerns me how many human beings are totally OK with putting other humans in cages for non-violent reasons. Until we rise above this as a species we will be cursed to live under the boot of the state. The fact someone opposes bitcoin or does things you don't agree with does not mean the state is justified in their persecution.
Until we rise above this as a species we will be cursed to live under the boot of the state.
This is the part I don't agree with. Outcomes follow incentives and right now our incentives are allowing people with those attitudes to put them into practice. I don't think that's inevitable though.
We can be in a society with those people as long as our institutions don't put them in positions to implement their authoritarian tendencies.
125 sats \ 4 replies \ @kepford 1 May
This goes for smoking a plant. Non-compliance with a rule that harms no one. Many other things.
We would live in a better world if a majority of people lived by the non-aggression principle. If people didn't cheer when the state attacks people they don't like. People that don't like them. It never stops unless we grow beyond this mindset.
104 sats \ 3 replies \ @kepford 1 May
If you as an individual would not be justified in doing an action to another individual doing something then no state or company should be able to do it.
If I see my neighbor smoking a plant but I think this is wrong and bad for him, it what world does that justify my going over to his house and taking it from him. If two people want to exchange a good or service what business is it of mine? But most people think nothing of having the police use violence to force people to do or not do many things. Things they would never do themselves. There's a reason why they wouldn't do it themselves. Its wrong. If they did they would be the ones in a cage.
I have a similar thought about calling the cops on people. Unless you think someone deserves to be shot for what they're doing, you should not call the cops on them.
I think calling the cops is morally equivalent to pointing a loaded gun at someone, which you shouldn't do to anyone who doesn't deserve to be shot.
I think calling the cops is morally equivalent to pointing a loaded gun at someone, which you shouldn't do to anyone who doesn't deserve to be shot.
Yup, especially in this day and age.
I agree
Hey @k00b
Trying to transfer some sats to a lightning address and keep getting an error message.
submit error: Response not successful: Received status code 504
20 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 1 May
Looking into it.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 1 May
Back up!
Thank you sir.
178 sats \ 2 replies \ @Kontext 1 May
We live in a society in which people are more concerned with their choice of a job rather than their choice of a spouse. Bitcoin fixes this.
Boy oh boy is TheWildHustle glad he found his wife.
He pretty much kidnapped her from her parents house and slapped a ring on it.
Hustle was in the getaway car, wife ran down her stairs with luggage, threw it in the car, hopped in, and never looked back.
Only fools. But there are many that believe the lies they are fed.
So many lies around career / jobs. So many.
I still see a leaderboard. Say it ain't so!
95 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 91 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Why talk slowly?
Where did you come up with these rules? I can understand numbers 2, 5, 6 and 8 however the others I feel the need to question.
  • What is the purpose of talking more slowly? Sometimes when we are passionate and/or excited about something we speak faster - when people do that with me, I can feel the buzz that they have with something and I join them in that excitement. I think there are situations where speaking slower can help, but you can figure this out by following "rule" number 2 of observing more.
  • Speak less? Why? Now, I can understand this if speaking means that you aren't listening - however it took me a long time to find my voice after being silenced for so long. Speaking less didn't help me or others around me, in fact it was a hindrance. Again, we can judge this by observing more and deciding if we need to speak in the moment or listen.
  • Trust no-one? What is the purpose of this? Does this mean that no one should trust you? Does that mean that you are not trustworthy and therefore you cannot even trust yourself?
  • Control your ego, urges and anger. Do you mean, have control over your emotions? And what do you mean when you say control your ego?
  • Family over everything. I'm split here. I can understand why this rule would be here, but for me it doesn't necessarily ring true. If you asked me to choose the family that I was born into over everything then I would laugh at you and walk away. If you asked me to choose my kids over something, well that I would do.
I genuinely would love to hear more of your thoughts on this list. I am typing tired, so I hope I haven't come across anyway abrupt as it was not meant that way at all!
87 sats \ 4 replies \ @gnilma 1 May
Good morning stackers.
Day 94 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
Nice job
1 month of 100 daily pushups, squats, and calf-raises until $100k
(I decided to start my count fresh last month, because I had missed a few days in February and hadn't been keeping track very well anyway.)
Nice job
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @gnilma 1 May
Awesome man, great work!
74 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nadia 1 May
Our battle for freedom is fierce and epic, mirroring the bold journey of Bitcoin… ⚔️
120 sats \ 1 reply \ @BenAllenG 1 May
Oi! Listen up, ya grotz! We'z got ourselvez a new bit o' land in da town! If ya wanna get krumpy wif da lore, da tabletop, or all o' dat, den ya betta check out ~Warhammer, ya hear?
Just curious is there a way to go back and see where you finished in MSM? I want to see if I cracked the top 30 or not!
Thank you!
Also, the reward notification will tell you if you click on it.
Day 382 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
petition that the snail trail gets longer every day
10 sats \ 2 replies \ @anon 1 May
maybe the real treasure was the sats we laundered along the way
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 1 May
oh im anon now
Contemplating if I put my brake line in the front or back of the handlebars, under the tape... I dont know and I really dont want to redo the tape :(
Me and my gorgeous fiance were having a conversation a few months ago relating to core values, and a thread that I have been conversing in brought the subject up again, so I would like to ask your opinions...
Do you think that your core values can change OR do you think that once we have our values in place, they never really change?
Life is meaningless without a purpose and direction! 😊
Day 96 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 50 normal/narrow, 30 pike, 25 normal/narrow on fingertips, 30 wide, 20 diamond, 20 side-to-side, 26 staggered, 30 spiderman, 20 pseudo, 30 normal/narrow on knuckles, 21 explosive, 30 elevated Total: 332 (Day 200 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 99 of 120+ pushups per day)
Spend your corn BUY SOME BEEF!
Anyone seen a snail?
He shouldn't come here today. On April Fool's Day, after receiving his rewards, he didn't show up and lost his hat. He must have gone to spend his prize money 😂
Worst launderer ever….
The desire to be loved fades when you truly love yourself
"Man naturally desires, not only to be loved, but to be lovely." - Adam Smith
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nadia 1 May
That’s the problem: the desire. That’s why it is an illusion.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nadia 1 May
32 sats \ 4 replies \ @Cje95 1 May
Lol I would hate to be on the leaderboard right now! Est rewards -20k sats for some people 😂
Its looking healthier now its been changed to daily rewards :)
I just checked after reading this and I'm looking at -12k at the moment 😂
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 1 May
Lmaooo runnnn!!!!! 😂😂😂
😂😂😂 I don't even really understand how I got on the leaderboard!
really enjoying this thread at the moment!
testing - wow, now I see @ek's trick, and I've successfully tested using external wallet only to zap and receive.
generally working nice, but the payment pending part could be a bit annoying.
1 sat \ 0 replies \ @ek 1 May
Yes, "payment pending" is just a placeholder for better UX
Oh no! @ek's created another degenerate freebie using deadbeat. Pay your bills, hippie!
Lmaooooo 😂😂
nah I'm doing the test, really fun! and I also learned the trick on how not being a freebie:)
Good. I knew you had too much character to act like @ek.
Day 38 of my daily posting journey, keeping my hat on previously: #524032 🤠⚡

33 sats \ 3 replies \ @Cje95 1 May
Congrats on the 1 mil+ that's a huge accomplishment as well!
Thanks! Bring on the next million 🤠⚡
A SN satillionarie ;)
Stackers! fun test for you to try:
Linking Alby with Blink, and then you can send and receive over desktop, it works so nice! I assume this would be the same experience when linking external wallet zapping on SN later, or maybe even better. ✨
I'm counting on you to have one of your awesome posts about how best to set up an external wallet.
The Art of Using Stacker News ⚡️ Part III 🔜
When I saw this comment in my notifications, I got really excited thinking you had written the actual post.
144 sats \ 4 replies \ @Natalia 1 May
haha 🔜 team SN is working hard, so much nice updates!
110 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 1 May
That's from @WeAreAllSatoshi 👀
Hooray people using the stuff I build!
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 1 May
keep building 🤓
So I posted my haiku in the staff chat.
A colleague came over to ask why the last line only has four syllables. I told him that’s because I counted our as two syllables. Upon Googling, I realised that our is considered to have one syllable because there is no consonant between o and u. But some varieties of English pronounce it as Au-er, so I’m not exactly wrong. That’s why I love English. It can be prescriptive, but it is dynamic too.
105 sats \ 9 replies \ @Natalia 1 May
anyone would like to share the conspiracy behind the Labor day?
I know people who only work on Labor Day. The rest of the year is all vacation for them.
this "celebration" day was invented by communists. People are really dumb and nowadays they celebrate a communist day. The perfect example of how dumb sheeps are people nowadays.
This communist is so ridiculous, it's hilarious. You might need subtitles if you don't understand Portuguese. I can't stop laughing at how absurd he is.
it's a communist celebration FUCK IT
it's almost like saying its fine to suffer and do something you hate, and then "we" give you a holiday and celebrate your suffering. 🙊
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @Taft 1 May
It should be a day of protests for the workers' rights, not a celebration day!
workers do not have rights, only privileges
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 1 May
what kind of privileges?
read your contract. It's all a contract.
GM Cowboys and Cowgirls!
Use your time wisely. Bitcoin DGAF
Stack Sats and stay humble
Happy May Day to those who do that!
Good morning 🌞
601 sats \ 9 replies \ @Lux 1 May


The definition of a Defendant is “an individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law”.
However a company or institution are legal fictions, and only function within a court of legislation.
Any and all legal fictions are beneath any living breathing man or woman, or sovereign, so if you accept this title, you have accepted a legal fiction within a court of legislation, and not law.


Similar to defendant, the term Plaintiff also refers to either a person or company, which makes a legal complaint in administrative or judicial court.
Both the word person and company refer to legal fictions and not a living breathing man or woman. The person has no rights.
An administrative court only deals with legislation.

Pro Se

This is a Latin term meaning “in one’s own behalf”. This gives you the right to appear in a civil case in federal court as defined by statute 28 U.S.C § 1654 which is the right to represent yourself.
Although this may sound like it benefits you, it does not.
If you accept this title, you have now accepted statute 28 U.S.C § 1654, which pulls you out of your own court and into their controlled civil court or administrative court.
You have now agreed to represent yourself, however “yourself” is actually a legal name of a trust where you are only a trustee and the judge is beneficiary. You now have the same status as an attorney which is below that of the judge.
The judge is now above you, and has full standing and jurisdiction over you.
The scam behind this is to take your rights away from, turn them into privileges, and give them back to you as court given “rights”.


This title is used for various government “officials”.
This makes reference to being one of principle and upstanding.
However if you accept this term being applied to someone within a court, you have just agreed that they are the beneficiary principle of a trust, and you are a trustee.
Furthermore they now up-stand above you, as your status has been reduced to one of under-standing.
Thanks for another long page break
For those who take these witty pieces of writing for sarcasm, it's better you read it until you come to realise that your existence is as fictional as your thoughts are.
You abide laws and governance as if they were real, but you (a rea living human organism) is fictional in the eyes of governments and laws.
121 sats \ 1 reply \ @riberet19 1 May
Thanks for sharing! I've had to reread it almost 3 times to understand most of it, definitely, these topics are not easy for a person who is not very into the subject.
There’s nothing to understand
It’s gibberish and fiction
me not under-standing 🙊😂
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 1 May
Another great information.. Thanks for sharing 😊
Show it to your lawyer or a judge
Great. Another month of MSM then? I thought we were going back to daily?
Nevermind. Take care, stay humble and stack sats everyone!
He said yesterday we were going back to daily rewards. And since the MSM leaderboards currently have most folks owing sats, I'm pretty sure it's not something to take seriously right now.
just need to wait for k00b to wake up I guess.
I will never get to read your article at this rate ;(
Two months without posting…. I have pretty strong feelings about this.
pretty strong is an understatement
That's what K00b said, I think, but hey, We have to adapt.
I’m sure it’s just a bug and daily’s will return.
146 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 1 May
Yeah I just need to deploy the new code
May God hear you!
Day 8 of posting till next Bitcoin halving.
A long wait, my friend.
Will I still use SN? It bears thinking haha
I'm sure you do! It wouldn't be the same without you