Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Anyone seen @anniedustan lately?
No and I was just thinking about that earlier today, too. Maybe her kids are out of school for summer and that's keeping her busy.
Yeah, I remember she wrote some good posts. I guess some people come and go on here? You have probably seen many come and go, right?
Siggy and I were talking about this a little bit earlier. It would be nice to know why we're losing people who were real contributors.
Clearly, there's room to improve retention.
Which one are you? There seems to be a bunch of options, ambassador, private citizen, and last one that I know of creating your own nation.
33 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 14 Jun
options are endless, but stay away from anna von reitz, other, more knowledgable have warned. i like Baron :)
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Hamstr 15 Jun
baron? eh? link?
Day 140 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 244 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 143 of 120+ pushups per day)
We ended our soccer season undefeated! My sonā€™s learned a lot about soccer and some good life skills! Next season Iā€™ll be coaching them in the next league up!
Awesome! That's probably more soccer wins than I experienced throughout my entire childhood.
lol I kept it fun for the kids and gave everyone equal playing time. They are K4 &K5 so it takes a lot of patience. 6 of our 9 kids scored goals!
I may have just saved who knows how much money, by looking up how to do garage door maintenance, before just calling a garage door guy.
Wondering if there will be a day to get a perpetual lightning invoice that never expires. All my lightning addresses expire after 1-24 hours.
You can already use:
  • keysend
  • AMP invoice
Bolt 12 is basically that.
@k00b, are territory owners going to get control over comment fees at some point?
I could also see an argument for letting posters control that.
We have a ticket which @k00b triaged so I am pretty sure the answer is yes.
Cool, thanks
Sometimes a door closes forcing you to do something you should have done before. Sometimes a door closes that you should have closed. Sometimes the things that seem to be terrible lead to the better things.
Keep your head up stackers.
what else happens sometimes? do tell
Sometimes people completely miss why someone writes seemingly obvious things. What is obvious to one person is not to another. We all aren't thinking on the same wave length.
Sometimes the writer needs to remind themselves. Sometimes one remember how a simple word or two brightened their day and thinks... maybe I should share this and may just maybe someone might benefit from it.
as you were captain kepford, onward!
sail on into your sometimes understood and sometimes misunderstood soulful spacey spiral of surprises sunrise or sometimes sunset
Good morning stackers.
Day 138 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
178 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 14 Jun
One of those days where I just want to sit in a chair and stare at the horizon, thinking.
33 sats \ 4 replies \ @anon 14 Jun
its one of those days where I want to troll people so hard why do people on internet feel like they can just dish out advice, like they are all wise?
1145 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 14 Jun
My cynical theory: no one is having children so there's lots of excess mommy and daddy energy spilling onto the internet. We are so full of ourselves we imagine we're the adoptive parents of everyone on the internet.
I think you are on to something there
I also am starting to think that while the internet is full of information, there is less refined wisdom, well it does exist but overall the internet is becoming more noisy. These new tools that are being built make it easier for average joe and jane to dish out advice, in the past you need to host a blog or something, make more effort.
Now we have people's proof of stake in the moment thoughts and ideas which are flooding us all over. I hope more people can chose to post less but when they do post, they post their proof of work.
77 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 14 Jun
I should note that I'm guilty of this tone myself.
Water bottles be like: if you're gonna litter, go fancy.
Good morning stackersšŸ‘‹šŸ¤ , I would like to share a quote that I found interesting while learning how to use a new tool (Logseq) #quote "What is not measured cannot be Improved" Thanks for reading šŸ‘
SImilar: "What gets measured, gets managed."
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 14 Jun
ohh I like it! Thanks for sharing
It's actually a more cautionary note.
The point is that managers will tend to neglect the parts of their job that aren't easily measured, so you have to be careful about what metrics you base performance on.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
You mean "twenty" and "twenty-one"? For me, it shows 20 and 21.
Yes, now it's showing me the digits only.
Thatā€™s interesting
Iā€™ve also never seen it stop below 100. Currently there are only 70 stackers
You might not have seen it but this happens everyday. It's normal .
Yea I suppose I just donā€™t check it very often
Howdy everyone! Day 36 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Enjoy the Friday! āš”ļø
41 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 14 Jun
Beautiful šŸ˜
Day 426 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
100k loading...
Snails are non-violent. It's their unshelled counterparts that get into slugfests.
71 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 14 Jun
The journey continuesā€¦
DUDE, your WIFE TOOK the HOUSE during the divorce??? so YOU have NO more Shell??
deleted by author
Day three of unemployment. Resume fully updated, have reached out to some contacts, have done an initial sweep for rare completely equivalent positions. Also continue to be amazed that, in spite of how important it is, maybe 1/10 employers actually published a salary range. What a great way to waste everyone's time.
It's almost here!! The weekend is almost here, what a Friday, indeed, rainy, some streets are flooded but it's a good sign, means the hurricane season here in Playa del Carmen will not be so brutal, so it's definitely a gorgeous day, this week went fast and was busy but the weekend is around the corner so we can enjoy and relax, you deserve it my friend, you're worthy of great things and you are appreciated, thank you!! May your day be like this rain, full of life, energy and filled with good omens. One last push my friend, we've got this!! So let's end strong and show the week who owned it. As always my dear friend, be well and stay frosty!!
Day 179 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 980 sats on 13Jun2024! Running total: 103,114 sats!
The bitcoin company prepaid visa > AMEX gold!
Support bitcoin businesses!
By using those prepaid visa cards you are just supporting fiat companies and visa not bitcoin... By going to a merchant and pay with visa card, you literally support that merchant to keep accepting fiat and not bitcoin. Go to the merchant and convince them to accept bitcoin directly, not visa !
And what about the developers of the bitcoin company? What about the support I give them by using their business?
Then just send them sats directly to their BTC address.
Is really a shame that a company selling VISA (fiat) products is named "The Bitcoin Company". Fiat mindset is deep into people's brain, especially in US. Those visa cards are eating your brains... As I said... US will be the last place on Earth that will fully adopt Bitcoin.
As Zaps replace likes and hearts I want to be at the front of that trend with my Singularity related cartoons. Zap me but only if you laugh. I post here and Damus. Any other recommended sites?
You draw all these? I like em, reminds me of The Far Side collections by Larson I would read when I was a kid.
I do. I put them on Substack with some commentary along with my effort to see if I can create the same with Ai (MidJourney).
Nice! I'll check these out
GM āš”ā˜•šŸ§”
Stack Sats and stay humble
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 14 Jun
Leaving traditional currency in the dust...
My body is the log on which my children rest to watch their TV.
They are so heavy, yet my heart feels light.
Your children are so blessed to have your body as a log...
Well, just passing by to say I'm really happy I say a long time friend yesterday. We didn't saw each other for twelve years...
It's funny how some people keep being important for us despite how many time pass by.
I guess it goes without saying: remember we are all gonna die someday (even our sun will), so sieze the day, and value every second you get with your friends and family.
Thanks for sharing your life-affirming moment with us
72 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 14 Jun
Hugs for everyone who are not okay. :)
395 sats \ 4 replies \ @Lux 14 Jun

Body Corporate

When a ā€œlegal fictionā€ or ā€œcorporationā€ is making a claim against you, although in reality it will not be you but against your own corporation, challenge the corporation that they are not a ā€œfor-profitā€ organisation.
All corporations are registered with Dun and Bradstreet, Companies House or the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • Companies House: the Department for Business registration within the UK Corporation.
  • Dun and Bradstreet: Credit reporting agency for corporations.
  • The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: regulates companies within the USA Corporation.
Both the ā€œcouncilā€ and ā€œpoliceā€, and indeed even the ā€œgovernmentā€, give the false, assumed illusion they are ā€œnot-for-profitā€, when in fact they are.
For example: The UK Parliament is a for-profit company; company number: #UC2279443
This would prove conflict of interest within the court, as employees working for the ā€œbody corporateā€ would be making a claim for financial gain, and not ā€œlawā€.
Note: when using an approach like this, word your question so your opponent is forced to deny something, rather than admit, because if they remain silent, they admit guilt automatically.
No one has to admit anything within court as everyone has the right to remain silent so not to self-incriminate.
And here it is the example of Corporations Posing As Governments
Also I recommend to all stackers to watch this mini documentary Secret City of London is a CORPORATION
simulation within the simulation
69 sats \ 2 replies \ @Taft 14 Jun
"What do you do from morning to night," - she asked me.
"I endure myself," - I replied.
Thatā€™s a bit depressing
Just a bit... šŸ˜€
94 sats \ 4 replies \ @suraz 14 Jun
Oh hello!!! INTRUDER šŸ±
these look like @birdeye21 and @Natalia šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
šŸ¤£ me looking for @birdeye21
I actually miss those deep or fun daily Q from this bird
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 14 Jun
Found on internet. It's funny šŸ˜‚
Day 44 of posting till next Bitcoin halving.
If the man/woman you love easily gets attracted by others, then maybe he/ she is not the one; If your work can be easily stolen/copied, maybe you are not so unique or novel after all; If you can't even take care of the 12 seed words, maybe you don't really want freedom as much as you think.
43 sats \ 2 replies \ @anon 14 Jun
if a stranger on internet gives your cookie cutter advice why listen?
do we need to wake up each day and give advice to people on the internet? each day, all day?
do we need to wake up each day and give advice to people on the internet? each day, all day?
Indeed. Great question @anon. Maybe everyone hasn't reached your level of wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for enlightening us.
preach at me all day kepford I am hungry for more of your wisdom
54 sats \ 2 replies \ @Taft 14 Jun
maybe you don't really want freedom as much as you think.
I think most people are afraid of their freedom. That's why they escape from their freedom, as Erich From has analyzed very well in his book The Fear of Freedom.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 14 Jun
The Fear of responsibility šŸ‘€
33 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 14 Jun
Yes, freedom always comes with responsibility!
Maybe this is how we survive, maybe.
Day 6 of my daily posting journey, after I lost my hat while crossing the river on my journey west. previously: #572253 šŸ¤ āš”

Good morning Stackersā¤ļø
deleted by author
No, you're not missing anything... that's exactly how the system works here in Peru, companies are monopolies and they are everywhere and the press is super sensationalist and without any good content... just driving people towards consumerism... people work 10 or 12 hours and are paid very little and without benefits or anything... and pray to God that nothing happens to you... or have an accident because they don't recognize you at all... and if your spine is damaged by being carrying excessive weight in the warehouses, they throw you out and that's it, it's that simple... the system here is structured to exploit the poor and obviously the richest rich... that's why I always advise everyone I can that working for your boss doesn't hurt you. is going to move forward!! You have to open your eyes and free yourself and work for your dreams and benefits for yourself, not those of your boss...
They also make sure anyone offering low cost alternatives gets smeared as a deranged science denying conspiracy theorist.
correct, and taxing more and more or requiring more licenses for small businesses to make them have a hard time surviving.
taxing more and more or requiring more licenses for small businesses to make them have a hard time surviving.
That's called "protecting the workers" and making sure the rich "pay their fair share".
84 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 14 Jun
Bitcoin enables ppl to really leave that cage and do things more peacefully, yet only a few saw the light, sigh.
wow bitcoin much wow amazing!
I totally agree with you. I have seen many games like this too. I believe that since television and social media have been around, people pay more attention to materialistic things. People used to be able to find peace and stay happy in their lives by connecting with spirituality, but where are those day? 95% people are unhappy in their life.
95% people are unhappy in their life.
and the crazy part is everyone is trying to show how perfect their life is.
deleted by author
He came by earlier today, before the saloon opened.