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Welcome to this week’s newsletter. Well, I’m trying to find the words to describe this past week in the territory. It was really bad. Terrible. The top posts were good, but they were zapped so little there was hardly any competition. I thought bringing back the old contest would liven things up around here, but no. Maybe I should send out a reminder post until everyone realizes the contest is back.
Starting this week I have brought back the Top 5 Posts Of The Week contest. Here are the details:

Top 5 Posts Of The Week

There will be a zap award for the top 5 posts weekly. It will be broken down as follows:
  1. 1000 sats
  2. 250 sats
  3. 250 sats
  4. 250 sats
  5. 250 sats
Posts will be judged using SN zaprank. The cut off time is 9:00am EST (1300GMT) Friday morning. I will post the top 5 winners shortly after 9:00am every Friday morning.

This Week’s Winners:

Pretty lame, guys, letting me win my own sats.

I can’t listen to this without cringing

Learning Resources

The White Paper

Everyone knows about the white paper, but have you read it? Here is the pdf.

DarthCoin’s Guides

DarthCoin is a somewhat controversial figure with a manner that may take some getting used to, but I think his guides are excellent as step by step instruction. The sentence structure might be unconventional, and he may express some strong opinions, but you will learn what he has set out to teach you. Here is a link to DarthCoin’s Substack Page, where you can find all of DarthCoin’s guides: https://darthcoin.substack.com/

Radentor’s Guides

@Radentor posts some of the most comprehensive information a beginner could want. Here is a link to his posts. I expect more from him soon!

Top Posts Of All Time

Here you will find a few of the top posts that have been posted to this territory. I am not going to adhere to a rigid zaprank system, since my purpose is to highlight content that has educational value. I will use an informal combination of zaprank and my own evaluation. For instance, some posts, though of high quality, are solely about Stacker News, and might have more appropriately originated as a meta post.
Where have our top posters gone?
I was looking at the analytics page and SN has been hemorrhaging stackers since MSM.
My guess is it's not so much having to do with MSM, but more likely the uncertainty of SN's future after the Samourai indictment. Perhaps there is an anticipation that the changes will hurt zapping? I'm just speculating.
I don't mean to blame MSM. That's just when it started.
It's also been pretty gradual and steady, so I don't know if there's any particular event to blame. It looks more like SN is just not retaining people's attention like it used to.
That's pretty depressing and surprising. Is it a reduction in zap amounts or stackers posting, or both? Less zapping would make sense since bitcoin's price has gone up so much in fiat terms
Fewer stackers and spenders
The last time usage declined dramatically it was a bot purge, so maybe it's just something like that again. I do feel like it's been a little quieter, though.
Cool! Congrats @coinsreporter!!
Thanks @siggy47 for adding beginner's posts. I'm now following you..
Thanks for visiting. Feel free to post and maybe win some sats.
I would love to.
@Coinsreporter congrats! I always thought of you as a very good speaker but after I've read your posts here, my view has changed. Now you seem like, you're better in writing than speaking.
Thanks @siggy47 also congratulations for winning your own sats.
How do you actually reward yourself? There's no self zap function. 🫣
I gave myself an iou
Iou? What's that?
It's a promise to pay in the future.
I owe you....
I owe myself...
I owe me a reward....
I'm just fiddling with all the possible options even after understanding what that actually meant. "A promise to pay in the future." Surely, that's cool!
I feel like that's an old expression you don't hear too much any more. I always liked that word.
Thank you so much.
Without even going further...after I see my nym up there... Much happy now as the debate for global rankings, regional rankings and others are over...
What!! We are only two up there??
Is jungle me hum do sher... (A Hindi song) Translates "we are the only two lions left in the jungle""... Slightly surprised!!!
Thanks for posting, and for your Cricket Survivor Pool.
Ahh man!! You're such a genius! It reminds me that I need to finish two post related to Cricket.
nice combo
Congratulations to all. next week I believe my name will also be there.
Great to hear. I'm sure you will.
I will try my best for it next week
Mee to, with your name my name will also shine on the leaderboard.
Congratulations to all. 🎉
You did great in that episode with KR. You stacked a lot more than 500k sats now. I think being in the midst of it we don't really see how much SN has grown over the past year.
You're right about the changes. Think about how different things are today compared to a year ago. I'm going to re-read my one year anniversary post, where I think I reviewed all the changes from when I first discovered SN in May of 2022. @k00b deserves so much credit for his vision.
Yes full credit to @k00b. He is done a wonderful just building this site and fostering community development. Let's take this thing to the next level over the next year.
I think SN, including all of us, will also have to overcome some challenges as this site is hardened and decentralized. I am going to try to stay optimistic and patient as these changes are implemented.
If you are being interviewed again about your stacking process, @siggy47, would you add any new insights? Just wondering
I honestly haven't listened to it, so I don't know if I changed, but I really still believe that zapping generously and making thoughtful, insightful comments on posts is at least as important as posting.
Love these consolidated summaries. I don't have time to read through everything as I am working a full time job.
I'm glad to hear it!
Thanks @siggy47. 🙏
I’m enjoying SN more and more as I get to know the platform, the people here and the fascinating mix of personalities. Surprised to learn that some Stackers are not posting so much. I plan to stick around. Gotta keep my cowboy hat!
I hadn't noticed either. Thank you for your submissions and your enthusiasm. @Undisciplined is really good at keeping track of this stuff. I am sometimes oblivious. I didn't even notice.
Flattery will get you zaps.
Cool! Congrats @coinsreporter!!
Thanks @siggy47 for adding beginner's posts. I'm now following you..
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
deleted by author