Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
I'm a person that's able to move between seemingly at-odds demographics with relative ease, and I try to use that privilege to bring others into spaces that they might not find accessible otherwise.\nToday, I was a party to a conversation where someone said, "you have to be on the deathstar to destroy the deathstar."\nAnd, while I understand full well why someone might feel that way, I don't know how to explain to a disenfranchised person that burning down your own house is not a good idea.
So, I have been teaching collocations to my students. stuff like fast food, fast fashion, tall building, high mountain, etc.
It occurred to me suddenly in the middle of my lesson prep that all oxymorons (e.g. living dead, sweet sorrow, wise fool, jumbo shrimp) are collcations.
i just wanted to let you know that i made this realisation haha
Nice. I don’t think “collocation” is a common term in English grammar, at least in America.
Is it just an adjective-noun pair or is it more specific? I think I’ve seen it before, but I don’t remember for sure.
Adjective-noun pair Noun-noun pair Verb-noun pair
Collocations just mean words that are often used together
Ok, so something like “slow mountain” would not be a collocation, because it’s not common.
You learn fast.
Whereas slow death would be a collocation haha
Need to work for myself, not an easy life being dictated to by ones boss.
"In the Great Economic Divorce, who gets the house?" Would recommend checking out this great report by Michael Peregrine & Santiago Capital: Here's George Gammon covering it:
This was posted the other day. Has anyone been placing bets? Has anyone won? I have messed around a little without success. I think @ek gave it a try. I'm just curious.
Day 152 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 24 pike, 26 diamond, 28 staggered, 18 side-to-side, 22 spiderman; Total: 246 (Day 256 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 155 of 120+ pushups per day)
Some days a normal day is a good day!
If you were to build some kind of thing to recieve donnations. Website, app, tool etc.
How would you build it today? 🤔 With static Botcoin x y z address? Or ln url? Or bolt12 qr code?
I launched a new NBA contest #585231.
So far, we have five contestants and just shy of a one kilosat prize. The prize will keep rising throughout the year, as the contest progresses.
I saw my first in-person advertisement for MullvadVPN a few weeks ago. Other stackers had mentioned it but I had never experienced it. Definitely a weird feeling and makes me worry a little about them being too “corporate”
They might be hitting the limits of growth via word of mouth. I think ads in the subway (which is also a cool location for a VPN ad) is at least better than sponsoring YouTubers who don't know what they are talking about.
No lightning support and not mentioning the lightning reseller is getting annoying though.
Ooh I didn’t think about how it’s a good fit, being in the subway. Good catch!
I am not surprised they don’t mention the reseller since I doubt it’s “sanctioned” in any way. But it would be nice if they supported it natively
in-person advertisement for MullvadVPN
what's this mean, like someone trying to sell it in font of you?
I saw a sign on a subway train , advertising for Mullvad’s VPN service
interesting, why don't they use those money to work on integrating with LN officially 😂
This is the way
Hello Stackers, today I want to share my phrase of the day with you. "Don't Leave Until Tomorrow, What You Can Do Today" my mother used to repeat this phrase to me during my adolescence, the truth is I never understood it until now after several years!! Every day there is something to do and our time ⏱️ is totally measured and limited, so... we have to go for them, right now, not tomorrow!! and if we think about it more deeply, it is applicable to every aspect of life.
Random moment this week: A lady with purple hair, I loved it! On this side of the world there is a lot of prejudice about hair colors that are not common, tattoos and piercings, normally it is the older people pointing out the young people, but seeing an older lady with purple hair was spectacular
I had once highlighted part of my hair with some dark purple when I was younger, I loved the color but it faded away so fast 👀
The funny thing is as I'm getting older, I'm paying less attention to how I look; it's indeed quite refreshing when seeing old ladies dress up themselves, but now I like to mess around with the natural things, like henna for hair.
Hey there my good friend!! Wednesday has arrived and what a glorious morning it is, let's check our strategies and see if they need tweaking or perhaps a change the idea is to reach your weekly goal, doesn't matter if it's a profit, a new hobby, a desired weight gain or loss, it's your main goal divided into weekly ones and your strategies are the ones to help you get there, I believe in you and I thank you for taking you time to read this, it's just your everyday pep-talk or positive thoughts so go out there and show this week who's in control and who's the boss, let's do this!!! May your day be successful and fruitful, filled with love and purpose!! As always, be well and stay frosty!
Day 191 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 886 sats on 25Jun2024! Running total: 113,773 sats!
Got waylaid n spent about an hour chatting about random stuff with a colleague.
“Thanks for the chat!” she said before we parted ways.
Usually, I am very goal-oriented about clearing work, but I guess building relationships is a worthy goal as well.
Assange is about to give a press conference live on the AP news feed.
I do not expect to tell anything interesting or important. Watch closely his neck, maybe we can see signs of "cloning" 😂😂😂
Looks like you're right. He's not going to speak. It's only going to be his wife and his lawyers.
I have the feeling that the "deal" was to never speak again in public.
Yes. It's taking forever to set up, but I'll wait!
132 sats \ 5 replies \ @Lux 26 Jun

Res Judicata

The Latin term Res Judicata means “a matter judged” or “a matter decided” and is a lawful doctrine from “common law” and is also found in civil law within the legal system.
Res Judicata refers to a case in which there has been a final judgment and that is no longer subject to appeal.
Note: “appeal” only exists within the legal system and not a “court of law”.
This legal and lawful doctrine is meant to bar, or preclude, re-litigation of a claim between the same parties.
Proof of a Res Judicata case is required with debt collections and liens.
Proof of a Res Judicata case is required with debt collections and liens.
To add more about this aspect. Here is a good book about liens and how to use them.
So you would bring up a prior case(preferable one that was won) and describe it's violations? like a thing like roe v wade ?
i don't know. in anglosaxon courts precedents have more weight than where I'm from. I think it depends. If i have good arguments, facts, proofs.. probably would not mention prior cases
I am here
I missed you the other day 😂
"Tell me and I will forget, Show me and I may remember, Involve me and I will understand. Confucius."
Day 438 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 3 of trimmin' the fat (96.9 | 80 | 0.7).
What do the numbers in the parentheses mean?
I assume 96.9 is your current weight, 80 is your target weight, but what does 0.7 mean?
Oh and:
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Just trying similar thing with my steps challenge, though only checking weight once a month. At the start I was 81.4, then 80.4 a month later and I will check it again in 12 days. We will see if over 10000 steps daily it’s enough to keep losing weight.
Keep burning 💪💪
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Howdy! Day 48 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Today a picture from the same spot that I took two days ago. You can see the difference between a sunny and cloudy day!
It's a camellia?
Just checked , it might be an Indian Laurel Fig
Not sure as it is not mine. I will check it and let you know.
Beautiful.. Take it with the rain too..
Will have to wait, perhaps on Friday we will get some.
Are you sure people think that?
Since Phoenix fled the US with its tail between its legs I have been uncomfortable settling on a replacement. Phoenix spoiled the hell out of me. It really is smooth and let me get lazy. The good news is I was forced to focus on other LN wallets, and I have been learning a lot. I always forget that it's good to get out of your comfort zone every once in a while.
I'm also learning a lot however I haveng used any till now. So, phoenix isn't available any more or it's just for US people?
It is no longer available in the US. I guess I could play around with a VPN, but I don't want any part of Phoenix any more.
I see that's because they ran away with tail between legs. But I want to know if the government there had left any chance to stay them in the US after the drama that unfolded about Samourai?
The US government gives no clarity. They violated their own guidelines when arresting the Samourai guys.
The same everywhere! Indian government says that they don't recognise Bitcoin and can't allow it. Just say. There's no order or anything like that. But, they imposed a heavy tax on it. Almost 31%. How can they tax something they don't recognise?
fled the US with its tail between its legs
You are quite wrong in your assumption. Only a clueless play store user will think like that. Phoenix is perfectly fine available from its Github repo instalable directly from apk or using Obtainium.
Indeed is not "the best wallet" solution, but still remain useful. You are right, users should try out and get comfortable not with just one wallet, but 3-4, spreading their stash between them.
Keep in mind this chart:
I use Obtanium or download the APK from github for all my apps. (Graphene OS). I don't use app stores. My reasons for leaving Phoenix forever have nothing to do with the tech. They abandoned ship and are cowards. Last night I spent hours going through your Blixt documentation. I am really enjoying learning the things that can be done with some work.
Imho, it's a plus if a wallet does not conform to US, Google & co.
agree they were scared
Yes! @franzap is doing great work. I think he's slowly adding more apps. I downloaded primal from there. From now on I first try zap store, then obtanium or a straight apk.
The cool thing is you can install and update Obtainium from
They abandoned ship and are cowards.
This 100% right.
Last night I spent hours going through your Blixt documentation.
Blixt is far more complex than Phoenix. Pay attention to what is explained there.
hmm this is where we need darth magic and tell them dev be like-> GO BE FREE
Wise words! We can't let ourselves get complacent because things are constantly changing.
I realize I forget stuff when I'm not challenged. I forgot how cool the lightning network is.
Day 54 of posting till next bitcoin halving
1392d 00h 59m 30s TO GO!
Day 11 of my daily posting journey, after my cowboy hat was blown off by the windstorm that blew in from the west.
previously: #585738 🤠⚡

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