Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
US ETFs bought 3,760 #Bitcoin ($216.4m) on July 9
IBIT +2,100 BTC FBTC +1580 BTC ARKB +750 BTC GBTC -650 BTC
Today German Government sent 5,100 more #Bitcoin worth $300 million to exchanges. They are now left with 18,860 BTC
That moment when copilot gives you a Stack Overflow link instead of code
@orthwyrm, it said I should send this to a slug and you're the only slug I know
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Wondering where the next three largest bitcoin circular economies will be? My guess is Argentina, Uruguay and Peru.
I don't think so. Argentina for example is plagued with shitcoin tether use. For arentinians is very hard to get away from "dollar-mindset" and after so many years of shitcoinization will be hard for them.
Uruguay and Peru ? How many merchants they have that already accept BTC? A Bitcoin circular economy start with merchants not with speculation. Start with people paid in BTC.
And all this start with good education and knowledge about how to use Bitcoin. Just go on any of these places and ask on the street random people if they are willing to be paid in BTC for doing x or y work. Or go to any shop and ask "can I pay in BTC?" The majority will say they prefer USDT.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @Kontext 9 Jul
Hello New Zealand 🤠 Just arrived in Auckland yesterday, super keen to see this beautiful country and for the adventures ahead, Onward!
Enjoy your journey.
32 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 9 Jul
Amazing video by @JoeNakamoto
Just in case you missed this post #602653
Zap that man.
Amazing video.👍
12 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 9 Jul
I thought for sure Biden was going to drop that medal. I was relieved he didn't, and I don't even like the guy.
Many people don't like this guy.
Been stirring the pot hoping I would learn some stuff but I think I've had enough.
Time for me to get back to focusing on commonality and positive forward direction.
Use the sandwich approach:
Top: This is an interesting idea...
Middle: However, I wonder if...
Bottom: I also thought this was great...
Yeah, that's good. I just don't wanna argue when I see little value from it. I mean I could do it all day but it brings me down sometimes and I'd rather focus on positive things. Sick of all the politics and war talk.
I know what you mean. There are few people who argue well (as in seeking truth rather than victory).
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 9 Jul
Its absurd to argue towards victory since it is often subjective. You can have an argument with someone and both believe you won.
In a good faith argument, I'm usually trying to resolve the disagreement. That means identifying the underlying source of the disagreement.
Sometimes that's an objective empirical fact or point of logic and sometimes it's a subjective preference or value. When it's the former, one of us changes their mind. When it's the later, we understand each other a little better.
Sharing some of my skincare hacks - how to ditch chemicals
  • egg wash mixed with honey to replace scented shampoo ( occasionally with ACV mixed with water to rinse )
  • natural handmade olive soap to replace scented shower gel
  • use natural oil for moisturization ( e.g. jojoba ) instead of all kinds of scented lotion
  • eat organic food instead of fast junk
  • quality sleep
  • peace of mind
  • surrounded yourself with kind ppl:)
did you find out any other fun hacks 👀
egg wash mixed with honey to replace scented shampoo ( occasionally with ACV mixed with water to rinse )
I was looking for a "solution" for my curly hair. I usually wash it and go straight for castor oil (I style my hair braided). Might try your tips soon. ;)
give it a go and let me know how it goes! also, use lurk warm water instead of hot water to rinse, otherwise...eggs is being cooked 🍳
castor oil is good, it grows eyelashes too 👀
use lurk warm water instead of hot water to rinse, otherwise...eggs is being cooked 🍳
No omelet for me then. 🤣
it grows eyelashes too
I tried for that use case too, but my eyelashes stayed pretty boring, size wise. :(
it was working for me, but then my eyelashes grew even more visible when I moved to a small town with drinkable water ( yay, from the tap! ) and ppl around me with really long eyelashes, even males. 😂
small town with drinkable water ( yay, from the tap! )
I wouldn't try that here. 😅

Ceramic water filter used to be pretty common in Brazil when I was younger (I don't see many nowadays). If you ever come across one of those definitely try it out (it gives water a very "earthish" taste).


  1. It's like this one from Wikipedia.
Day 7 writing perl script program tutorial for Mastodon/Nostr 'Using Mastodon::client token to write a note'
Living the DCA dream!
MTGOX Returning 140,000 BITCOIN | Mashup of Recent and Historic Clips of the MTGOX Saga
How to know when to stfu and when to speak up?
how to know? Is quite simple: don't speak up when you do not have any knowledge about that "something".
Nowadays many people have "opinions" on everything, without any grain of knowledge. Opinions are NOT truth or facts. Are just "feelings".
People who talk to much are insecure and trying to display their intelligence, or show they belong.
I know this because it was, and still can be me, if I am not mindful.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @nullama 9 Jul
The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
2 ears 1 mouth
Use is similar proportion.
dis, but now I prefer to listen/observe, do more talk less
I don't understand it though. Me dumb? 👀
you need to fuck around more :)
I am not sure if I should reply or stfu ...
122 sats \ 2 replies \ @Natalia 9 Jul
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I've realized over the years that social skills are a must if you want to be a successful person.
Yes, you can be a great software engineer, but if you can't talk with people, you are fucked.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @random_ 9 Jul
GM everyone I have an extra industry pass for sale and I can't go twice. If you're interested, reply below. Ill give you a good deal.
Ticket is sold. See y'all in Nashville.
41 sats \ 0 replies \ @Roll 9 Jul
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom
Day 204 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 904 sats on 8Jul2024! Running total: 125,155 sats!
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @BononXD 9 Jul
Hello, I sorry my friend in SN, because I lost our and I don't give to you a watch my progress in learning English, but I using in this time Spekly. Btw. I used a speakly 30 days, my arytmetic score is a 30 points in a day. 30 points = +/- 45 minutes spend time in a lerning language. The suma is a 22.5 hours on this app. Sometimes I used a other metods for example I watch on the YouTube a Mark Tilbury chanel because I like watching films a self-motivation and building a financial cussions. I chose a Mark Tilbury films because his video is a more thematics similary to the films Pankracy on a Polish YouTube (my National language) and I understand Mark from video but not for a subtitels and audio. For this films I get a minimal used grammar in practice, vocabulary and understand language from hear. The third metod is a writing messeges by me in a English servers in Discord. Sorry, if I generate a scared in a lost motivation to the learning English because I understand than you have a hope that I learn English. Ok, I go to the shop bought a gift for my Brother because he have a bithday today. Haha, he have a birthday 6 days before of my birthday. Okey, see you than.
TSA threw out my zero sugar Greek yogurt.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 9 Jul
Do you know the legend about cicadas? They say they are the souls of poets who cannot keep quiet because, when they were alive, they never wrote the poems they wanted to.
Day #2 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
70 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 9 Jul
Day 11 of weight-loss-posting everyday ’til I reach 75kg (current weight 89.6kg).
GM ⚡☕🧡
Stack Sats and stay humble
GM! Day 61 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Have a great day!
You have had a busy day!
Bit of exercise, watching football and tennis along with work!
screw work lol
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 9 Jul
GN. Hope you having a great day.
Day 165 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 269 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 168 of 120+ pushups per day)
150 sats \ 1 reply \ @Melisa 9 Jul
The mindset is everything.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 9 Jul
What we want to be vs what we are.
My country’s Information Technology Division is working with my school to try a beta version of an app that will provide simplified explanations once my students highlight difficult words and phrases.
I just wanna pat myself on the back for writing something related to what they are learning and posting it on my blog. Ingenious way of driving traffic to my humble corner of the Internet abode.
well done, great content for native English speakers too
Day 451 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 15 of trimmin' the fat (94.8 | 80.0 | 2.8).
71 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 9 Jul
You have a great day snail!! 🐌
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132 sats \ 0 replies \ @fed 9 Jul
Day 12 of collecting taxes from stackers.
Collected so far: amount of sats redacted.
214 sats \ 9 replies \ @Natalia 9 Jul
not sure I should comment on this, but why are parents putting their kids with the internet so much? #601481 online learning is fun and cool, but not sure is it a good idea for the eyes since this young age?
what I would love to do is probably spend more time with the kids in nature and show him / her how things work, e.g., how silk is being made and where cotton comes from, etc, and learning languages and problem-solving but with real-life samples, I feel digital skills can come later on, but ofc I could be wrong. 👀 this is paper parenting talk.
77 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 9 Jul
Fair point. We definitely try to balance the online learning with off line learning as well. Because the kids are homeschooled they get to try many different programs platforms but also have a lot of free time to read books and do other non screen related activities.
My daughter especially, who is only 5, only does 2 hours of online lessons a day. My son, who is 13, is definitely online a lot more.
pretty cool, @grayruby keep sharing more fun!
54 sats \ 2 replies \ @Melisa 9 Jul
I agree that in the early years of their lives, children should be more connected with nature, with the environment they live in, and be active in games and physical human interactions, rather than being stuck in front of a screen, in my opinion.
However, nowadays this is becoming more and more difficult. Parents, who should be more involved with their children, are busy working long hours and have very little time to spend with their children.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 9 Jul
Parents, who should be more involved with their children, are busy working long hours and have very little time to spend with their children.
which made me realize that one of the perks of working online and for yourself, you got so much more time to spend on what really matters. 👀
the funny thing is that I'm working online and the last thing I want is any of my future kids to get stuck with the Internet, it should be a tool, use it instead of being used.
33 sats \ 0 replies \ @Melisa 9 Jul
You are absolutely right!
54 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 9 Jul
With the internet being so accessible these days, it's challenging and hard to prevent kids from using internet and limit what they watch.
138 sats \ 0 replies \ @Natalia 9 Jul
lead by example! maybe use less phone when the kid around?
64 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 9 Jul
did you see the entire silk making process? would be interesting to see a first hand report. afaik the worms don't "enjoy" it
I saw the latter part about how they get the silk from the cocoons and how to spin them, and partial of the growing part now, and I'm thinking of making a video documenting silk-making with the traditional method!
afaik the worms don't "enjoy" it
the chickens and cows also doesn't enjoy it. 😂
307 sats \ 4 replies \ @Lux 9 Jul

Public vs Public

It is a mistake to assume what the word “public” means; there are in fact two definitions.
  1. Common law Public: Open to everyone equally, common knowledge to all, common land with freedom and rights intact. The opposite of private.
  2. State Public: Entering into a private corporation, under maritime law. Property rights and freedom lost. Under private contract control, yet with a loss in privacy.
Because the people behind government require your consent to act upon you, and fully realise they cannot do anything to you on common land, as this would be unlawful, they need to pull you back into the private to impose their regulations.
In short, you leave the safety of your own private dominion; you enter into the common law definition of the public, and then are tricked into entering into a pseudo-public, which is another private jurisdiction, under the control of someone else.
Entering into the “common land public”, is going public, entering into “state public”, is becoming public.
You have entered into the jurisdiction of the state.
In addition to this (very good pill) I will add a distinction between types of "common law":
  1. common law : a law common to all, lex loci aka law of the place, oral tradition based on customs, morals & ethics
  2. Common Law : or British common law, not always friend of the people, plenty of atrocities committed under it, sometimes case law based on previous precedents
  3. The Common Law : a codified version of common law, often found in acts of parliament and constitutions, serving as alibi, give citizens subjects an impression of common law; sometimes criminal matters in civil law jurisdiction will be subject to The Common Law, due to lack of statutes and/or their regulations.
I know that many times we do not pay attention to how we write words, but in case you want to specify clearly which common law, is good to know these details.
33 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 9 Jul
That's informative.
86 sats \ 2 replies \ @suraz 9 Jul
Everyone appreciates your honesty, until you're honest with them, then you're an asshole.
it depends, my frnds are used to me being ultra honest 😂 maybe that's why they are my frnds :)
Day 66 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
Day 3 of my daily posting journey, after my hat was stolen by a mischievous prairie dog.
previously: #600698 🤠⚡

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Eventually... in the end many stackers will go "full Darth"... Why? Because Darth is always right when he speaks out. Only that only few are listening carefully his words.
brilliant! everyone should have the ability to go full-darth'ed but reserve this ability, for we have to cultivate and cherish our darthedness.
113 sats \ 9 replies \ @siggy47 9 Jul
This has an Apocalypse Now feel to it. Either a Dennis Hopper speech or "don't get off the boat" guy rant.
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I am checking it out now. I have never heard of this before. I need to find a link to the whole thing. Any recommended clips?
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This will be fun
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Nothing wrong with that!
egg and honey shampoo ( occasionally with ACV mixed with water to rinse ) 👀✌🏽 seriously, every stacker should try