Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Hard to think of a better way to break a fast than a beautiful steak with beef tallow fries in a lovely retro diner 🀠 πŸ“Federal Delicatessen, Auckland, NZ
watch out for them fries :) they will spike your blood sugar and you go back on the roller coaster
Cheap sat party?
Oh no broh. Bitcoins down
I print my own these days, real freedom:) because almost impossible to find English books in the area I was living in - it costs about the same as buying, but without wasting any time and being limited.

Day #31 POD (Proof of Donation)

#Ph-SN015 "Moonlight" πŸŒ•βœ¨
One of the most spectacular things I have ever seen in my life has been the reflection of the full moon πŸŒ• on the sea, and even more spectacular is when you can see the full moon rising from the horizon in the night sea. It is simply indescribable.
Have you ever seen it, my friend stacker?
We continue, a personal challenge to publish a photo taken by me with some anecdote, daily until I achieve the goals 100, 1000.πŸ’ͺ🀠⚑🍊
great view mate
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I sort of liked Snoop Dogg until these Olympics. There is such a thing as too much exposure.
I thought he hit that point at least 10 years ago.
Yeah. I'm in a charitable mood.
90 sats \ 4 replies \ @ek 4 Aug
Imagine for a day every post would start with β€œDear Stacker News” and every comment with β€œDear @nym”
Yes please and maybe another day replying to someone automatically zapped him/her equivalent to the length of the response :)
Is that going to be one of your weird social experiments? Enforced decorum?
You should make everything end with "Cordially, @nym", too.
25 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 5 Aug
This would indeed be one my weird social experiments. Are you not excited?
You should make everything end with "Cordially, @nym", too.
It would be my pleasure.
Cordially, @ek
Dear @ek,
Are you not excited?
I'm on the edge of my seat. Even more so after seeing it.
Cordially, @Undisciplined
777 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 4 Aug
One of the things that makes me bullish on SN is how skeptical stackers are about SN’s future. They aren’t living in some delusion. They are grappling with reality.
111 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 7 Aug
while everyone is yelling for everyone else to stay humble on the internet @k00b just keeps on humbly working, stackin code bullish!
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Kontext 4 Aug
Tried posting this on nostr, but no good answers yet. Maybe someone here knows... Yo AI and/or coding / Woocommerce wizards. I'm setting up a website on Woocommerce. Digital products are "completed" automatically on payment. That's fine, that's how it should be. But I also have the "Product Add-Ons for WooCommerce" plugin installed, I need the order status to remain in "Processing" in case an add-on is added to the product. I've tried ChatGPT and Claude.AI (both free versions) for solutions, I've tried exactly 5 iterations of ChatGPT + 2 iterations of Claude "solutions" - none of them work. Obviously I've also tried finding another plugin that would allow for me to change the order status flow, but haven't found anything applicable. Any ideas/solutions? Are paid versions of ChatGPT, Claude AI or anything else any better at coding? DISCLAIMER: I don't know anything about coding myself. A solution / good suggestions get zapped (obviously). 🀠
In case anybody has the same problem/question and you happen to come across this post: I contacted Woo support regarding the question and asked whether Woocommerce Order Status Control plugin would enable me to do what I described. After receiving a useless AI-genereted answer and asking for a human to answer me (and waiting for a day), I actually got a solution from the support:
  1. Install Code Snippets plugin if you haven't:
  2. Copy/paste this code into the .PHP section:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_payment_complete_order_status', 'wc_set_addon_orders_to_processing', 10, 3 ); function wc_set_addon_orders_to_processing( $status, $order_id = 0, $order = false ) { if ( 'completed' !== $status ) { return $status; } if ( ! $order && ! $order_id ) { return $status; } $order = $order ? $order : wc_get_order( $order_id ); if ( $order ) { $items = $order->get_items(); foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( ! empty( $item->get_meta( '_pao_ids' ) ) ) { $status = 'processing'; break; } } } return $status; }
Seems to be working for me!

Olympics Medal Tally

  • US has raced past China to No. 1 now.
  • Other positions see no change from last day.
  • There's a good fight going on between Australia and France for the third spot.
having a good laugh today
Shocked by whats happening in the world right now. I pray that people will resolve their differences through better ways than war.
the world is huge.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 4 Aug
I hate when people give up in chess before I can execute my master plan
Family bike ride to brunch and a long run later. Proof of work!
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 4 Aug
That moment when you bought the bottom with a limit order
OK, another dip.. but it's other things that should be worrying.. 😜
That meme is great but i would change it to "That same dollar in 5 years" teaches low time preference and also the dollar is subject to swings for example depressions and recessions which last 1-5 years the dollar purchasing power can go up temporarily. gosh i talk a lot. sorry
No, don't worry, I like quality comments and they are usually a bit long. The meme is clearly a bit exaggerated, it is true that the Fiat currency loses value due to inflation but it certainly doesn't happen overnight.😜
In a world where existential dread meets the uncanny, our anti-hero emergesβ€”draped in a tattered red coat and adorned with horns of forgotten gods. He's the cryptic guardian of a dying civilization, heralding the collapse of sanity with a sardonic grin and a primal scream. Welcome to the dance of the absurd, where madness and reality are but two sides of the same tarnished coin.
Hello stackers. After a two week hiatus, I finally get time to churn out another hiking post. I still intend to keep this thing going weekly, but will get pauses whenever I'm away from home. This week we head to the Chance Cove Coastal Trail to see some coastal views and also the Atlantic Ocean.
Glad to have you back!
Good to be back.
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stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
Well done
this video is full of beautiful music πŸ‘€
Dry brined some chicken breast for 24 hours. Didnt even sizzle when i put it in the pan.

Final: Alcaraz vs Djokovic (Live from Paris)

Djokovic wins gold. Well deserved! Alcaraz silver.
Yes, well deserved! Good match.
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Day 1 of my daily posting journey, after leaving my trusty cowboy hat in the saloon before leaving town.
previously: #632005 🀠⚑

Bitcoin’s mystery creator:
Now this one is more widely known but a great fact to start with, especially for anyone new to the world of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin was created in the wake of the last great financial crisis of 2008 by an anonymous person, or group of people, known under the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto.
Some even believe that the coin was created by four companies – Samsung, Toshiba, Nakamichi, Motorola – in collaboration. Could it be true?
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Alcaraz vs Djokovic (Live from Paris)

It's going great at the moment. Both are giving it everything. I think we're in for a treat today.
First set for Djokovic after tiebreak. Tough match between these two!!
Your son doesn’t finish the fries he orders for lunch.
Do you ask the wait staff to pack it for you? Is takeout even an option in your country?
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freebies πŸ€” and SN wallet at zero... Look's like Alby integration is not taking the sats to respond to comments
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 4 Aug
Yes, freebie logic is currently unaware of attached wallets, that’s WIP
there's a hack to avoid being a freebie - setting the desired balance to more than 1 sat.
good idea, let's try!
GM Cowboys!
But the freaking dip!
Stack Sats and stay humble
Do you mean "Head but the freaking dip!"? Because, that's the wrong "but".
Butt the freaking dip! 🀣🀣🀣
Day 477 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 41 of trimmin' the fat (92.8 | 80.0 | 4.8).
large screen only __ |/ The Great Canadian Snail Race! (@l)o `~~~~' __ |/ Once every Spring they start out (@l)o In October they slime the finish line. ldb `~~~~' Only a slug would miss it! __ |/ (@l)o `~~~~'
Welcome! Snail is late today. 🐌
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Day 230 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 783 sats on 3Aug2024! Running total: 147,343 sats!
Day 3: 37 sats on 3Aug2024. total: 107 sats!
What are you mining with? And which pool?
bitaxe 401 supra in braiins pool
162 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 4 Aug
whenever I see this bot -> stackers around America are waking up. πŸ˜‚
My bot woke up from its 24 hour sleep haha
Day 191 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 16 pike; Total: 144 (Day 295 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 194 of 120+ pushups per day)
The way we use our eyes depends on the state of our heart.
An empty heart uses the eyes to control, exploit, and dominate.
A full heart uses them to marvel, understand, and love.
So, we are as we see…
121 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 4 Aug
Sending you positive vibes to brighten up your day. Have a great one β™‘
Day 87 of my 10000 daily steps challenge.
Great day.
can anyone explain that why I drink water but still feel thirsty, even with a dry lip? could it be due to the change of water/temperature, or could be the AC?
My other used to put a little olive or mustard oil on my umbilical when I was a kid. She says this helps fight out dryness of skin and throat. It works.
oh umbilical? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
Olive oil is good for the skin indeed, but I prefer jojoba oil, especially for the face, it absorbs so much faster and better, I don't like the oily feeling; and my skin is actually fine ( so far ) , only dry lips lately.
Umbilical=belly button. It must have some science behind it. My ancestors were great doctors of Ayurveda.
I was looking at Ayurveda before, quite interesting.
and why not share some great Ayurveda tips in ~health:)
Sure! I think I should come up with Ayurveda. It is so natural in me, I feel an urge to pass it to others so often.
it's probably the quality of water you drink. Did you try adding some minerals to the water or gray/pink salt? I also concern some time and always bothered and concerned of drinking bottled ans/or tap water... I started looking at what bottled water contained and tried to avoid those with fluoride, also did a test of the local tap water, until I finally installed a water system to purify it.
it's probably the quality of water you drink.
I guess this is part of the reasons too.
I started looking at what bottled water contained and tried to avoid those with fluoride, also did a test of the local tap water, until I finally installed a water system to purify it.
but then what do you do when traveling?
That's a great question. There are online many bottles that have some filters included, you usually also find it in outdoor stores.
what @DarthCoin use or just getting fresh water from the river?
also fresh water from a river is not enough. If the water come directly from the top,, it doesn't have enough time to get all the minerals. Is good water but is not giving you all you need. But I always use a filter if I drink from a river or a creek.
what filter do you use? πŸ‘€
and does anyone use the copper bottles for carrying water around? It seems that's what ppl used before the invention of plastic bottled water; Btw, I just drank half a bottle of Aquarius, feels so much better.
what filter do you use?
something like this, very efficient, light and cheap.
I use stainless steel light bottles No plastic.
I personally avoid CC products. You probably find good local alternatives, look at the bottles labels and start comparing the components inside. It's also a good way to learn ;)
I personally avoid CC products.
same! and agree, solving problems is always a good learning opportunity.
Might be vitamin B deficiency. You can try drinking coconut water and honey water.
you need minerals you lost during an intense dry period or a lot of effort. Try to drink some Aquarius
Very strange. Do you typically drink a lot of water during the day?
like the same amount I normally do, I'm guessing it could be the change of water, the taste is even different πŸ‘€
@carlosfandango knows a lot about health related stuff. Maybe he'll have an answer.
I miss drinking fresh water from the mountain, now it's filter water with a strange taste which made me thirsty. πŸ˜‚
38 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 4 Aug
Next post: how to create your own water? πŸ‘€
Or how to filter your own water? πŸ‘€ inspirations for @darthcoin and @mo
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could be a mix of the 'wrong' fluids and AC ( chapped lips? - YES )
I actually don't like spicy food:) πŸ‘€
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I'm a pessimist, so the first thing I thought of was the scary bit. Many friends and family members exhibited thirst before diabetes diagnoses, but I think @Natalia leads a far healthier lifestyle!
indeed scary, but family history-wise, safe.
I try to consume as little of sugar as I can, and no weight gain, so should be safe.
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Day #27 of nut 🌰 dropping πŸ₯œ in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
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Does chat gpt use emojis?
Should ask chat gpt itself πŸ˜‚
What was the answer? 🀠
So late so early. Comment number 7.
I am a fan of seneca!
178 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 4 Aug

Religious exemption

The definition of Religious exemption is a legal privilege that exempts members of a certain religion from a β€œlaw”, regulation, or requirement by the state or government.
Note: you can never be exempt from law; otherwise the victim would be without justice.
A legal privilege is not a right, and it certainly is not your right; it is a clause within a contract that someone else controls.
If you do not control said contract, then the privilege, along with the exemption can be withdrawn at any time.
I've never come across that rule here. Where does it even come into play?
32 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 4 Aug
mainly taxes, other things too first that comes to mind, churches here during conid operated normally Rasta enjoy herb...
Day 89 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @fed 4 Aug
Day 38 of collecting taxes from stackers.
Collected so far: amount of sats redacted.
Recently went to a craftsman event with people from different parts of the world, it was like a feast for the eyes ✨ at the same time, I was wondering why people don't buy things from them, fair price, pleasant experience ( NO hard selling ), made with love, but from those international brands that set their factories up in some seemingly "cost-efficient" places, which probably exploiting the local workers...
Anyways, here comes the photo time!
Embroidery πŸͺ‘

Real artists turn waste into art:) The maker even patiently explained how it was being made from scratch, and can you believe this is natural wood from Argentina? πŸ‘€ Nature do wonders!

One of the oldest crafts! Actually, I am really amazed at how on earth humans figured out weave thread into fabric, then make all kinds of table clothes, scarves, towels even with different motifs, on top of it dyeing with roots and herbs, mind blowing.
And I've been traveling a bit to find natural fabric and meeting weavers, I guess that's what a toxic Bitcoiner would do - verifying. πŸ˜‚
Kilim Weaving
The Kilim was also really interesting, I used to think only Turkey and Iran were popular with kilim weaving, but it turned out things were so spread that even people from Bulgaria, Romania, and some parts of Central Asia also got these practices, even with the same motifs, I bet it's due to the silk road. ( And what made the Turkish kilims unique was the double knots. )
There are more, from hand-drawn earrings, glasses, and plates to handmade leather products, amazing! hopefully @ek will ship the photo frame one day... and if you are thinking how or why on earth did you find all these, actually I shared here , and this was where it led me to. πŸ‘€
Getting Things from the Source
I used to like searching for nice brands made in the EU or USA, but then I found out that many of them are actually made in Turkiye, or at least the materials are sourced from here, so why don't I get things from the source? This sudden awakening led me to another adventure - crafts hunting; why would I spend so much money on factory-produced brands when I can directly connect with the makers and find the best straight from the source? Not only do I cut out all the unnecessary middlemen, but I also have more freedom to make things the way I like!
It's beautiful!
yes, and wait until I show you some of the handmade earrings:) πŸ™Š
Now I think it's the creativity, focus, and endurance that set things apart from machine-made things.
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 4 Aug
Eagerly waiting πŸ‘Œ.. Handmade crafts carry a personal touch and unique charm that can't be found in machine-produced items. They can be a wonderful way to express creativity and make thoughtful gifts.
yes, it's never about the price tag, but creation as a form of expression.
One of the highlights was that I got to meet some ladies from Center Asia, women in this part of the world are seemingly really skilled and talented! πŸ€” for example, one of them spoke 4 languages: Farsi, Russian, English, and her own language, got three kids yet looked so young, and mastered one craft, I was amazed!! and really loved her energy.
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