Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Always fun to scroll through here everyday
Oh man, I just keep sinking on the leaders list.
I saw you in the top spot a couple days ago.
Depends on the day. I have never beat you yet.
Bisq v2.1 has been released!
Highlights include:
  • Option to settle trades over the Lightning Network ⚡️
  • Refined chat experience including emoji reactions 👍
  • Know who's online with peer liveness indicators 🟢
Hey @k00b I would like to present a formal complaint against the use of CHADBot by cascadr. I want to see where is the contract I signed and agreed, where this bot is allowed to use all my SN posts for data grab and use it without my consent.
Officially I want to be excluded from this bot.
Hey brother just saw this. Didn't mean to offend you with the bot it's all for good fun.
Come to Pleblab and that beer will be on me. No hard feelings.
Cheers, Jim
nah bro come to riga, beer on us pleblab ain't the shit or send a jet, lol
Commie countries are shitcoins.
Texas only.
lmao yankees you think taxes is the center of the world the alamo is a rental car shop, lol
I don't speak commie.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 20 Aug
deleted by author
26 sats \ 1 reply \ @random_ 20 Aug
"Any User Contribution you post to the site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. By providing any User Contribution on the Website, you grant us and our affiliates and service providers, and each of their and our licensees, successors, and assigns a perpetual, royalty-free right to use, modify, display, distribute, and otherwise disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose."
I am OK with that. But not with bots harvesting my data. Show PoW damn it!
46 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 19 Aug
@CHADbot /trumpMode against
130 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 19 Aug
I just heard back from my legal team. They recommend: mute the account and have a beer.
Day #42 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Part #1
Part 2
Want to harvest this nut?
Hey @benwehrman. FYI. I looped you into a nostr conversation with Dr. Jeff Ross regarding him potentially coming on SN for an AMA mid-Sept or later.
Saw that! Just connected with him online to lock in a time
Appreciate the help man, keep 'em coming!
Yes, saw your note. Awesome. Let's see who else I can round up.
@siggy47 James is coming on Friday. Props to to Ben for taking the baton and running the final leg. I am super excited.
Honestly, it can't be overstated, IMO, how important is for SN long term to get these high quality AMA subjects. This is excellent.
You get the added benefit of the subject invariably promoting SN to their audience.
This is an important marketing strategy for SN.
I also like the idea of reposting content from nostr, twitter, substack etc and contacting the author and saying "I reposted this on Stacker News, I has earned x amount of sats. I am happy to send them to you."
88 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 19 Aug
That's a great idea. You may soon create and earn the position of SN marketing director.
Ben is going to be the SN Marketing guru. He is already doing a great job ramping up the social media efforts, which is something I have been harping on for awhile. I am just trying to pitch in where I can and hopefully lob some leads. k00b knows if he ever needs my help business wise it is available to him free of charge.
100%. If you ever see potentials, throw out fliers to gauge interest, and pass them onto me! Looking to PACK this AMA schedule over the coming weeks/months 🔥
Are there any betting markets built on Lightning?
None that I've been able to use. Someone was promoting one (I forget what it was, though), but I wasn't able to use it.
@grayruby, what was the LN betting market that we couldn't figure out how to use?
I am so pleased you have given me this opportunity to actually make use of something I have bookmarked.
Seems cool. They only have sports by now? And only with login?
I was able to use alby browser extension to login but it did not register on the site. When I tried to place a bet it just asked me to login again.
I just withdrew one megasat from Stacker News, with zero fees. Lightning is crazy!
I think you sent it to the wrong wallet. I did not get it. Haha.
You'll just have to withdraw your own megasat, I guess.
49ers and Raiders Friday! Game of the year. Well, preseason game of the year.
We'll settle once and for all whose sloppy backups and practice squad are better.
I don't know what the hell Shanahan was doing letting Purdy play with 1 starting lineman, a 4th string running back, 3rd and 4th string tight ends and none of the 49ers top 5 receivers against the Saints starting D. What value did he and the team derive from having him get hit 3 times, pressured 8 and having 2 miscommunications where receivers ran the wrong way?
It's funny because after the game I saw someone post Purdy's stat line and the guys that played with him and they said something to the effect that "Shanahan wanted to remind Purdy what it's like to not play with all pros when he comes asking for 40M a year".
Honestly, there is a non zero chance that is true.
That doesn't seem as fun.
217 sats \ 1 reply \ @orthwyrm 19 Aug
Day 492 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 56 of trimmin' the fat (??? | 80.0 | ???).
The sad truth of society
Don’t forget nepotism
AI slop has come to Stacker News
AI slop has come to Stacker New
What does that mean?
That's what downzaps are for.
The worlds super power is in crippling debt
the world has a superpower: that superpower IS the crippling debt. getting people in debt is a superpower.
warlord-influencer. wow.
When I need a bit of destressing, I've been hitting the live webcam from a desert watering hole in Namibia. Always nice and relaxing (and if I hit it at a point where no animals are around, they keep the last twelve hours around to scroll through).
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @sgornick 19 Aug
Over 48 hours.
I think the recipient sees it as completed.
What happened, and is anything further needed by me?
I ask, because this being pending is causing me to not be able to deposit more, ... "pending invoices and withdrawals must not cause balance to exceed 100k sats"
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 19 Aug
There was a bug preventing us from updating withdrawals reusing an invoice that failed. Should be fixed now.
BlueWallet v7.0.0 is out
  • Payment codes (bip47)
  • Send to Silent Payments (bip352)
  • Improvements and bug fixes
Running with my work dad as I call him!
📢 New Mostro version 0.12.4
🆕 Highlights:
  • Checking the PoW of incoming events
  • Improvements to dispute flow
  • Code improvements
130 sats \ 1 reply \ @nullama 19 Aug
Whatever you pay attention to, you eventually become.
then you can become yourself by paying attention to yourself
I was playing around with AlbyHUB, standalone LDK node install on linux desktop. Pretty damn simple and easy! Well done @Alby ! Definitely AlbyHub is the replacement of Mutiny :)
I set mine up a few days ago and I agree. It was the first lightning node I had set up and was much easier than I assumed it would be.
215 sats \ 3 replies \ @Alby 19 Aug
Thank you for playing around with it and good words! Hope you will enjoy it for long :)
I hope you guys don’t rug us! Been rugged a lot in this space
if you run your own self-hosted albyhub, there's no rug.
Shoutout to the team for making it extremely easy for installing on start9 as well!
Chuck roast is almost black from the freezer burn 🥲
96 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 19 Aug
Me and my bestie in oldies 😁
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
Day 206 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 24 pike, 30 pseudo, 36 diamond; Total: 218 (Day 310 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 209 of 120+ pushups per day)
Gray day...
Stack Sats and stay humble.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 19 Aug
Coffee was great.. Right?
How many coffee cups do you have, Ser?
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @nullama 19 Aug
I can see only one
it's a good one!
Day 245 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 801 sats on 18Aug2024! Running total: 159,090 sats!
oops, sorry, posted under the wrong date. thanks for the sats! #654397
No worries, and you bet! I like that I'm not the only one doing this now
The second weakest student in my class helped the weakest student get through his presentation unscathed. I’m so proud of him.
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 19 Aug
Perhaps the greatness of art lies in the perpetual tension between beauty and pain, the love of men and the madness of creation, unbearable solitude and the exhausting crowd, rejection and consent… On the ridge where the great artist moves forward, every step is an adventure, an extreme risk. In that risk, however, and only there, lies the freedom of art.
–Albert Camus
Once upon a time, the kingdom of man and nature coexisted in perfect harmony. But over time, the bond broke into a dark chasm, from whose ridge, the great artists moved between the sun and man. Their mantra is to risk everything to free humankind from the bonds of ignorance. Then maybe the kingdom will rise again as a blessing to a broken world; a world filled with lies, deceit, and corruption; a world that longs to see the light again.
Before the WWW was mainstream, it was hard to get information/content. It was mainly distributed by massive corporations, and it was the same for everyone. The digital world was out of reach for most.
Once the web 1.0 was everywhere, information/content was available to everyone for free. We had Read access to the digital world.
With the web 2.0, everyone was able to be a generator of content. We all gained Write access to the digital world.
Now we are living a new change, in which we have given Write access to the digital world to machines.
I have heard people saying things like "This AI tool generates a complete 50 pages report about anything you ask, you simply write one sentence and it creates the entire thing." Then people asked who was going to read it, and of course the response was no one. They would just run an AI to summarize it into one sentence. These were all people in business, and they were very happy with the tool. I guess they just want to seem to be doing something.
But my point is... if all this new digital world is basically filled with AI garbage, where will humans connect?
We now have news generated by AI, dating profiles of bots, complete websites and books generated by AI, etc.
All of that is not for human consumption.
Are we humans going to live on small islands like SN and others?, or what do you think will be a transition after most people realize that the AI content is not what they are looking for.
I guess the Dead Internet Theory fits here:
Are we humans going to live on small islands like SN and others?
This is the wave of the future, here now!
115 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 19 Aug
These are tough questions. It's difficult to predict what will happen. Probably this will increase people's loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Or this world will be destroyed before we see what will happen.
Hey, its monday! Comment number 4 :P
This is the Internet, there can be up to three days simultaneously.
For example, if it is 10am on Monday in New York City (UTC-5), it will be 5am on Tuesday in Kiritimati (UTC+14) and 5am on Sunday in Baker Island (UTC-12).
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 19 Aug
It's slow Monday.
Very slow. Sunday was slow, too.
131 sats \ 0 replies \ @fed 19 Aug
Day 53 of collecting taxes from stackers.
Collected so far: amount of sats redacted.
178 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 19 Aug

Complaints Procedure

To complain seems a legitimate action when something is either unsatisfactory or unacceptable; after all if you accepted a good or service you have certain expectations or standards which are accepted to you.
However to complain is one thing, but to accept another’s procedure to resolve such complaint is the trap.
Almost all corporations offer a “complaints procedure” department, however this is not done to assist you with your complaint, but to take control of the process and therefore determine the end result.
You have lost control of the situation, and as a result you will not be satisfied with the outcome.