As a territory owner, I've been scratching my head on my latest post about finding the who, what & how creative stackers are in SN. Have been doing a lot of reading and diving deep into SN contents to find potential topics that I could bring up in the ~Design territory. It's true, design is really broad, and different people understand it -and practice it- in different ways. Anyhow, I'm not here to talk about design, nor about the territory. .


I'd like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to @davidw for his inspirational post Top SN Territories - 17 weeks later, and @supratic for defining the KPIs I've been using on Decrypting SN KPIs to define the "worthiness" of posting in the right territory. .

Table header definition

(1) Profitability: Weekly average {spent} by weekly average {revenue}. (2) Engagement: The weekly average number of {comments} for each {posts} (3) Rev/Post: An interesting metric for territory owners to adjust posting fee, mirroring it. (4) Worthiness: Result of {revenue/post} less {fee} to help stackers evaluate the risk of posting on a territory. When negative means that there's a high probability that the sats you spend for posting will be lost. .

The data

The data under consideration below has been fed the numbers available publicly available from the top territories page. The range considered is from March 31 to September 7; this is perhaps not accurate, and the boosts also produce false values on the averages. API access is awaited for more accuracy in overview and visuals.
May these data points provide you some insightful information, as they do to me. .
TerritoryOwnerPosting Fee⁽¹⁾ Profitability⁽²⁾ Engagement⁽³⁾ Rev/Post⁽⁴⁾ Worthiness
| Left-aligned | Center-aligned | Right-aligned | | :--- | :---: | ---: |

Top 10 territories by Engagement

Mostly_harmless is at the 3rd position is a bit of surprise for me. No ~Bitcoin here how?
I have re-checked the data, and it seems all legitimate: few posts, many comments. As can be seen, an average of 13.5 comments per post. Data speaks the truth!
In ~bitcoin, though, it's more link posting and relatively low engagements; if one posts there, chances are that it gets lost in the queue really easily.
This, of course, does not take into account the new sybil fee distribution and is something I will rectify on future updates - should there be interest from stackers and territory owners alike wanting to know more.
Judging by the analytics page, the new sybil fee has had a dramatic effect on territory revenues. I'm eager to see the updated data, once we've lived with the new paradigm for a few months.
I surely do, too. I look forward to checking it in a few months. Just need to find a way to repeat the process in a less time-consuming process!
33 sats \ 4 replies \ @ek 23 Sep
Damn, I hit almost exactly the average revenue per post with my fees in ~crypto.
And ~security has a pretty low worthiness with -59.5.
This is very interesting, thanks!
Shouldn't profitability be the inverse though? I would expect it to be 1 when we break even.
Coincidence? Maybe not. It seems you have a pretty good understanding of how to optimize your posts in ~crypto. It looks like your strategy of balancing revenue vs. fees may be working well!
By the worthiness metric in ~security, the negative value of -59.5 indicates there is a lot of risk posting there because costs most likely outweigh the potential revenue.
Your profitability observation is apt; it could be the other way around {spent}/ {revenue} 🤔
Needlessly Pedantic Man here: It is one when you break even.
27 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 Sep
Did I write something different before?
I would expect it to be 1 when we break even.
It is.
Good insights. Thanks for sharing.
Shockingly, not one territory has a fee of 69 sats. These analytics indicate that you could comfortably get away with that.
Should I switch it to 69?
It's still between the range. You could definitely try with 69 LOL
That's above my pay grade. I will note, though, that pretty much every post gets at least 100 sats from at least one of us.
Have you looked at some of the recent posts by some newbies. What do you think gonna zap them. They deserve more than downzapping. Someone even made a post that SN is a Scam!!
I don't know what's up with that guy. It seemed like it got dealt with.
I looked into it and I found out that a lot of new Stackers are coming here in the hope of earning sats for free, may be like a faucet. But when they post some shit stuff and don't get rewarded, they get disappointed and desperate. Other than this, I also found out that a lot of Stackers are trying to jump on the ranks by zapping early. But, as I see they aren't getting successful in it either. Why do these new Stackers, if not very experienced in Bitcoin or writing good stuff, subside to commenting, because that can also level them up. We all still do a lot of comments, don't we? You can see my record, I started with reading and commenting.
Lately I have been seeing this. I have also noticed a lot of posts get 10 sats very quickly. People are quicker now after the last huge incident that happened. I dont know where they are coming in from? Maybe someone has posted that you can make a lot of money here?
Most of the successful stackers seem to comment a lot more than they post.
Maybe we need more onboarding advice for newcomers. I think commenting and zapping are the best way to get used to SN and start earning rewards.
I could bump it to 100 and zap every post in the territory 210 sats.
Like I said, it's above my pay grade.
Not yet!
Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you find it insightful, it incentivizes me to continue.
Great insights, thanks. Strategy adopted!
44 sats \ 1 reply \ @davidw 24 Sep
You love to see it. Nice pow @Design_r
Without that inspiration from your post, I wouldn't have taken such initiative. Thanks again, David!
I like the design territory. I am sure as time goes on, things will fall into place.
Thank you 🙏 I really appreciate your support and feedbacks
Thanks. These are good insights.
You welcome! Which one particularly you find more interesting?
at least half of all territories I have mute them. Not worth it.
Everybody has their own preferences, glad SN recognized the value of personalized contents and enabled this functionality too!
Many people still prefer the noise instead on focusing what really matter. No problem for me... more sats for me.
Will you share with us which territories are purely noise and which ones provide signal, so I know what I should be muting?
That's a subjective question ...
Not to Darth its not. He is always right, you didn't know that?
It's just a perspective! DON'T TRUST, VERIFY... remember?
I only asked to poke at Darth. To get him to "waste" some time on me.
I trust myself. I am not sure what that means in this context.
damn right
Did you forget the "stay humble" part?
start with your own territory: alter_native... is full of idiots and spammers. That's why I mute it. If you are not able to handle your "garden" you pay the consequences...
How would you know what happens in alter_native? You judged it and muted it in the first week I am sure.
You can shit on me as much as you like. I will still keep sending you my love.
What kind of consequences?
you are new to SN? I was warning long time ago about all "territory owners..."
I didn't see that one. I am quite new. Its founders, not owners. I don't own anything. never have.
Live and learn, no?
I don't understand much of what I am looking at. What's this say about alter_native? 😬
Thanks for asking, it means I have to make it clearer next time. For your territory, I noticed you are raising the fees to 88 but according to this data, your rise could have been maximum 38 sats per post. The engagement is low, averaging 2-3 comments per post, probably because of the low fees attracting "assmilkers" and consequently low quality posts? Not sure!
Hopefully, this explanation can help you a bit better understand what was going on in tour territory during that time. I am pretty sure that it will do great, and your attitude and post have been honestly an inspiration to me and probably to others.
Thank you for the info. I think you did a great job. I just have a hard time putting the pieces together. I like the fact that there are less posts now. And I also lowered fees to 44 to be in the middle somewhere. Thanks for your kind words.
This is just a game anyway, every territory owner is free to play its own rules. Still, that's great that you adjusted the fees! Thanks for trusting the data provided. Let us know how it goes anyway and if you find any improvement or negative effects doing so.
API access is awaited for more accuracy
What are you waiting for specifically?
Just need to increase my technical skills enough to plug the API somewhere and create graphs. If you happen to have any advice or tools that I could use, it will surely save me some time 😅
Yikes maybe it’s time to lower my posting fee haha
You're almost there, but yes, probably bringing it down just a bit does help and will encourage others to be more frequent in posting their work.
What should I bring the fee to?
1 meta 😊😊

Bottom 10 territories by Worthiness

For territory owners who may want to consider updating posting fees

Top 10 territories by Worthiness

Fors stackers to understand where is worth posting
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