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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
I got ko'd a couple weeks ago and just got my MRI back. I'm showing all within the normal range now.
After concussions depending on the severity it's pretty difficult to recover. Physically, psychologically and emotionally. If you compete in this sport it's not for the feint of heart. The risks taken to do it are very high but just a reminder to myself moreso; it's all right to fall but don't stay down too long.
something went wrong!
deleted by author
👀 will look into this
Did you find this?
Deploying a fix.
it works now, thanks! what was it?
Thanks, have tried to clear cache, cookies, logout... nothing worked. It's the only page I can't access
deleted by author
First time getting referral rewards! Thanks to whoever signed up with my link
Today in a (my) Professional MMA prospect life: I was knocked out during my last fight 2 weeks ago on Dana Whites Contender Series for the UFC contract. I returned back to Denver (where I reside with another MMA fighter roommate) for a full week then, took a few days off out of state to spend with my family I don't see often. I'm plotting my revenge and way back to the big stage. This includes talking to promoters, sponsors and managers to help get me ready for a fight in Nov. So keep an eye out I'm about to bust the door into the UFC in the coming months!!!
This primarily includes: Meal prep and groceries picked up and delivered. Supplements sent to my address. Recovery and rehab. Training.
I'm feeling great and super excited to get back into the groove of mild training!
I FINALLY get back to where I live and train in Denver to find that. A HUGE majority of the food, meal preps and some of the supplements have been consumed. 2/4 frozen meal preps, 13/18 ribeye steaks, 4/4 filets of salmon, 8/10 heavy protein yogurt, 9/15 protein shakes, 2/2 small containers of kerrygold butter, 37/60 eggs, new whey protein now opened and 1/3 packs of blueberries.
My roommate admitted to eating it.
What would you do?
Because the only options I feel like doing is that phrase "get angry and blackout".
find new roommate, maybe Uroš Medić - lol
Lol. That'd be interesting
Sabotage? Or what was their excuse?
He was just lazy and said he'd replace it. In the end I made him pay it back. People are wild to think there aren't consequences.
Life has a crazy way of throwing the unexpected at you.
Wife gets out of the hospital on Friday
Won't be able to work for a while (if ever)
I'll need a 2nd job to hold down the fort.
Nothing is stopping this train.
Hold down the fort. Do what must be done
Wondering if there's something to the internet called "the web" because it spun everything into it.
SN Golden Nugget I found from March 2022: #14319
"People should stop using this "noncustodial wallet" phrasing. There is no such thing as a noncustodial wallet. It's either in your wallet, or it's in someone else's wallet. There is no other qualifier that determines the type of wallet. Saying "my noncustodial wallet" is an oxymoron. If you don't have control of the wallet, it's not your bitcoin, though, you could say bitcoin is being held by a legal custodian.
I see this "noncustodial wallet" phrasing being pushed by those who would benefit by blurring the lines between what is cryptographically true with what might legally give them power. When a law is made which states, "You may only hold bitcoin in your noncustodial wallet," it doesn't make sense, but when the everyone is convinced 2+2=5 then it might."
@fiatjaf mentioned similar things iirc
I have been here long enough to notice there are ebbs and flows with peoples attitudes on posts. I feel we have gotten to that phase, and people will start to disappear for a while. Or maybe it is because of the change in seasons?
Probably just changes in mood and or life stuff.
With 1S7 warriors out of the running, Mr Heng pushed on with 1S6 representatives. He discovered that they were good spellers, handling words like enthusiastically and therapeutically without missing a beat. He took pride in their willingness to learn and was thrilled with their performance.
Feels like i'm watching a dream being fulfilled. Looks like everything is coming together.
Most bitcoiners dont even know about primal. Meanwhile I'm looking at Bitwage, Albyhub and NWC like its going to deliver me from evil.
Are even users on SN that they still didn't tried any other Bitcoin wallet than SN account... mindblowing how far behind are some...
That's hilarious.
Imagine being a casual bitcoiner (stack every now and then, check with the community every once in a while........"oh yeah bitcoin, not a big deal, anyway did you see the game last night?")
Don’t underestimate rest! My knee was killing me yesterday and after some rest it feels so much better!
It looks like that the 10k challenge is getting more popular @Undisciplined @grayruby @Coinsreporter
Do they have run tracking or challenges?
If so, it would blow the nike run app out of the water.
At the moment only walking challenges. There are workout sessions but they are under premium subscriptions
Are these not available on Android? My daily walking is more than this.
Not yet, apparently by the end of the year
Yes. I noticed this yesterday. Gotta jump on the one with the big pot. I will join today.
I will join shortly
Sorry, I can't join because I don't have iphone.
Ok. Not long, as dev said, before it becomes available in android.
I actually walk a lot inside and outside both. It'll be a great fit workit for me.
Yeah, that's the one I'm going to do. I might be able to talk my wife into doing the other one.
I think I will join that one too!
A second Bitcoin experiment 2 has started!
bitcoin network is the most incorruptible fiduciary in the world. if one knows how to write the instructions, it may be the best one as well.
Day 243 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 347 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 246 of 120+ pushups per day)
Cancer sucks just went to the hospital with my family to say goodbye to my step mom, she’s 70 and fought it like a champ!
248 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 25 Sep 2024
almost 20 years in medicine the one thing I've learned is that it's always the nicest sweetest people who get cancer. it's heart breaking
Or getting cancer makes people nicer? 🤔
<insert dinosaurier meme>
The amount of times my mind goes to "just use ecash" is getting too damn high
That sounds nice. It's like a magic spell.
Everything has its share of shortcomings. Nothing is perfect.
I've seen it quite a few times. Is it considered a bug or what?
Yeah it's a known issue.
Also, nice self-zap.
Also, nice self-zap.
What is that?
You took a picture of you own post from another account that zapped it.
Haha! Just didn't notice it. @SN_MusicPool Creating a post there and zapping top posts I saw it.
So you have at least two accounts and zap your own stuff? Yay
I am the nut master! Everyone gets nuts 🌰 from me!
Day #79 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut? https://docs.cashu.space/wallets
When I feel like I shouldn’t do something I always remind myself of Darth coins cyclone 🌀 of defeat. It’s so easy to succumb to defeatist thinking.
Howdy. Long time lurker here. I've learned so much from this place.
I have a feeling this is going to be a huge website in the near future.
My cowboy hat is growing up.
Happy (Belated) Hat Day partner.
Thank you kindly, sir.
Rolling the dice for 700k
New JABBB Meme contest in ~Design, this week dedicated to @sn!

💥 JABBB #05 :: Bitcoin Stacker News

nice this post id is 699900
Day 279 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 831 sats on 24Sep2024! Running total: 186,744 sats!
day 55: 42 sats on 9-24-24. total 1858 sats!
we mine, because he first mined for us
Who wins the AFL grand final this weekend? Swans 🦢 or lions 🦁?
196 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 25 Sep 2024


Proclamation is the title given to the action of Proclaiming a state, affirmation or declaration; it is a combination of two words, “pro” meaning forward, and “claim” meaning to state or assert that something is the case, sometimes done without providing evidence or proof.
Proclamation is usually used within an official formal public announcement. One of the functions of a proclamation is to bring in new “law” for members of the public.
Within government legislation, and within the legal system, for a new “law” to be created, first a policy must be drawn up and proposed, and then it must be proclaimed by someone to be “Law”.
Meaning within legislation a proclamation is required to bring in “colour of law”, a person must stand by and take the responsibility of this proclamation. It must be signed and dated.
Much of what is referred to as law within the legal system has not been proclaimed, and does not have a proclamation date as no one within government wants to be responsible for it.
Note: When someone attempts to apply legislation onto to you, it would be prudent to ask for the proclamation date and who did the proclaiming.
Within legislation these “colour of law” require proclamation to be enforceable, so they make you proclaim it by the action of opening the letter.
The Simpsons aren't the only ones predicting things... "To the left, to the left Everything you own in the box to the left" — Beyoncé ("Irreplaceable," 2006)
We're up early caring for our dog post op. She got neutered yesterday. She was pretty groggy last night, sort of high on painkillers. Doggy oxys my daughter calls them. This morning she's more her old self. We have to undo her surgisuit for peeing and pooping. It's quite a procedure.
Dogs recover quickly, in a few days she'll be fine, I hope!
Yes, I think so. I've had many female dogs, and the recovery from neutering is usually quick. They used to have to wear a big, clunky collar to prevent the dog from licking the stitches. The dogs hated them. They were always bashing into things. Now they have these modern suits. More comfortable and practical.
I don't think our dog had either. I guess they just assumed she'd be sufficiently healed by the time the drugs wore off. She was completely zombified for a couple days.
Today I am first :)