It’s completely nonsense to me. Everyone on SN knows that only 70% of the zapped sats go to the stacker. So, how do you expect that 1 sat to be split 70/30 between the stacker and territory fees?
Moreover, zapping 1 sat has almost zero impact on the reward system. Read @Undisciplined's post #729620. Essentially, it's a sat wasted. It would make more sense to zap 10 sats on one post rather than 1 sat on 10 different posts. That way, you help both the stacker and yourself. The stacker gets 70% of those 10 sats, and you benefit more from the rewards.
I have a question for those who zap 1 sat: Are you expecting other stackers to zap you back with 1 sat?
I doubt it. You're probably expecting much more. Your strategy is obvious: you zap 1 sat on a post, then you leave a general comment, and you wait for others to zap your comment. But you're forgetting that stackers here are not stupid. Experienced stackers know that those who zap just 1 sat are only trying to accumulate sats using this tactic.
In my opinion, it would be more honest not to zap anything than to zap 1 sat. If you can’t afford to zap 5, 10, or 20 sats, focus on contributing value—share thoughtful insights, make meaningful comments, and engage in discussions. You’ll see the generosity of other stackers who will zap you more. Once you’re earning more zaps, you can start zapping higher amounts and earn even more.
That’s how it works!
P.S. Sorry guys, I was just thinking out loud.
I've been keeping it simple to 11 sats default and not more than 111 sats. I don't think this 1 sat comes from bots but it should be from a new Stacker
Yeah, it makes sense if it's a new stacker but once you get some zaps, get some rewards, and earn some referral sats, bump up that default zap and let the sats flow.
I agree. I think 10 sats should be the minimum zap otherwise why bother.
Why not just let people do what they want?
The only possible issue here is spamming mentions. But a filter for small value zaps fixes that just fine.
On the receiver size, a 1sat payment is genuinely worth 1sat; Lightning doesn't have anything similar to the dust UTXO issue that on-chain Bitcoin has. Sure, sending 1sat is costly in terms of fees. But so what? It's the sender's money.
(Obviously I'm talking about external wallets here as the custodial wallet is going away)
And why you don't let us say whatever we want?
No one is forcing people to do something they don't want. We are just expressing our thoughts.
Why so salty? Is he preventing you from saying what you want? OMG
Bingo!! Outwitted Todd.
Of course they can do what they want. Doesn't mean I don't think it is a pointless activity. I didn't mean minimum zap as a technically enforced rule. I just meant as common practice.
You are not in hiding lol
I think I agree with this sentiment but the brand new stackers might want to keep it super skimpy until they get some reputation and zaps
Don't they know that less than 10 Sats isn't even counted a vote?
1 Sat = 1 Sat not 1 vote.
Keep it at least to 10 Sats.
If you spend several minutes writing a thoughtful post or comment here, even if you get several hundred sats, that's obviously only a symbolic amount, not representing the true economic value. 1 sat, 10 sats, or 100 sats is basically the same for that purpose.
The absolute amount doesn't matter (as long as it's well below economic significance). What matters is the relation to other users' revenues. We like to compare. Hence the statistics and leaderboard.
There's a tendency for "inflation" here. If we increase the minimum zap amount to 10 sats, soon someone will ask who the cheapskates are that only zap 10 sats.
I don't want to keep up with the Joneses by zapping ever larger amounts.
Well you are Scroogey.😀 Seriously, there was an account a few weeks ago who lives in Africa who mentioned that he had earned half the daily minimum wage the day before here on SN, which really can't be looked at as just symbolic. 20 single sat zaps are less economically significant than 20 100 sat zaps too.
I understand your point of view. I don't agree, but I understand it.
I have noticed someone hitting all the posts with 1 sat. Its weird because l dont see new people making it higher on the leadership board. Maybe l dont look closely enough.
Perhaps a 1 sat zap is a 1sat zap, and that is all. Is it worth even spending the energy to think about. Several of the other SN members say that a 1 sat zap is practically useless for other purposes. Why all the contention?
Thanks for the 1 zap to whoever is the 1 zapper. Keep on zapping along!!
I zapped 1 sat in my early days before I had a balance of sats to play with. I think it takes time but then people become more generous
1 sat zap is stupid and with the new p2p zapping is creating even more friction and trouble because not all wallet apps are designed to deal with msats, even that over LN mstas is the unit used.
I will say it again: separate upvotes from zapping sats.
1sat is 1000msats; a 1sat payment does not trigger any issues with msats on any wallet I've ever seen, and I don't see how it could.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 19 Oct
The problem isn't the wallets but that many LNURL providers don't support msats but round to sats or throw an error. So anything below 1 sat will indeed get rejected. Examples are Alby, WoS or LNbits (even phoenixd doesn't support msats for their REST API). And lightning addresses are very popular for receiving.
If you run your own LN node yes, it should be just fine to receive it. But I've seen many stackers here using WoS or other custodial shit wallets that will reject under 1 sat.
Who actually gets this one zap?
Exactly it's a bot that locks up your account probably... 1 sat wtf they gonna have stack till 2050 prices with that shit... I'm stackn to survive today and really stay decentelized... FUCK THE GOVERNMENT practice zap etiquette or go base.eth for FREE lol.. 21-min 100 -standard
If you are trying to 'preserve wealth' or 'earn income' by getting zapped... Dude get a job at starbucks or McDonalds.
Yes a sat may be and probably will be worth considerably more in the future, but not that much. 10 $ today buys over 14000 sats and that's more than the vast majority of stackers will 'earn' on SN especially in an hour or 2.
To me zapping on SN is a quality-control, anti-spam measure that is desperately needed on the internet - it brings 'value' to cyberspace. However individual posts at least today are a minuscule amount of purchasing power.
If you are trying to 'preserve wealth' or 'earn income' by getting zapped...
Isn’t this v4v about being zapped for whatever you “create”, may it be a silly SN comment. How many people do this for living? Podcasters, for example… but you are telling them to find a job at starbucks instead?
a great podcast i would LOVE to zap! a comment for literally 1 sat (as mentioned above) is an entirely different matter imo
Thinking about the mechanics of the site, the reason zapping one sat might make sense is that it helps build your trust score.
I'm guilty of zap'ing only 1 sat.
But not because I want to earn more than I spend. I'd approve if everyone's default amout was just 1 sat. Or if the minimum zap amount for everybody was 10 sat (or whatever).
A 1 sat zap is not meant as an insult. I don't think 1 sat is worthless.
But I will consider my ways.
Some kind of bot account
I agree. I personally like to zap 10 minimum. And often 100 or more. I like to be intentional with my zaps.
I always thought it was a sign of disrespect. Like throwing dust.
I totally agree. It's like giving 1 cent to a busker or something.
Better than a 👍
⚡ Zapped you 1 sat :p
Great thoughts, makes sense! People keep trying to learn/game the system then the rules shift on them!
yeah, i just shitpost
I thought 1 sat was a downvote. TIL
i think you have made a very valid point out there as following this one would help the community creators and eveyone on the platform, not only to encourage them to share their opinions and thoughts but also pushing them forward to make their own original post and why not we can have a vey appealing thoughts that can shape the direction of the whole concept and idea of being a stacker.
This is begging for 100 1 sat zaps.
I usually zap 21, if its a really high quality post i will smash it a few times. I don't do this to get rich stacking sats, I could probably stack more sats driving uber. I like it here cause it is fun interacting with yall
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @nym 19 Oct
Some people here live in third world countries and are grateful to be able to afford to comment and zap anything.
I live in a Third World country, too.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 19 Oct
I agree with your post though about splits etc..