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sovereign citizen...
LOL when somebody start with that bullshit term, is clear that have no idea what is talking about and is just spewing state bullshit propaganda.
sovereign citizen = oxymoron, it doesn't exist, it can't exist. A sovereign individual cannot be a citizen. Citizen mean city employee, you are under a contract, you are a slave. You cannot be a sovereign slave LOL.
See more here: #665318 and here #520700
This is the dumbest video ever.
Could it just be that the statists have done a very good job of indoctrination? He is so confused that I don’t think he could grab his own a** with both hands.
Nah, his main issues are around the tricks and magic phrases not that the state is evil and oppressive.
I would guess that is why I have never seen this meme before. I just considered Bernie to be a punching bag for the political classes, even though he says all the right magic words and phrases. He understands that his time has passed and is retiring.
I found it interesting. He mentioned there's not a uniform name of defintion. I guess you didn't watch it.
I watch some parts to see if the idiot in the video really knows what is talking about. But he continue with the bullshit "sovereign citizen". That's a clear sign that his video do not have a strong base of knowledge and is just bashing around state propaganda.
I'd never heard anyone talk about the origins. For what is worth I have heard people self identify as sovereign citizens. I agree that this is an oxymoron statement but it would seem there are people that use it themselves. Others that have differces. Honestly curiois. I will say I find this stuff pretty niave regardless of the labels.
My big question about this whole philosophy is how can one believe as I do that the state is evil and at the same time believe that they will respect my natural rights if I can legally or verbally show them I am not their subject or whatever? From what I have seen the judical systems of the world do not respect their own rules, practices, and "laws". They railroad people all the time. I don't have the " faith" that even if these people are correct that it will be honored. I have no interest in becoming a martyr.
From what I saw, once you demonstrate responsability and knowledge of the game, they respect you. This, of course is much simpler said than done, especially considering that almost noone knows this.
And this is what I mean... Seems like almost no one "knows" and what is there to force them to respect your rights. There's a lot of trust there, no?
i wouldn't call it trust. Every officer/clerk... has to follow rules, they are predictable, a cog in the machine. Responsability is the ability to respond to situations, instead of reacting mechanistically.
And theres the rub. They don't.
true, all are humans. the law has remedies, there's always a higher instance, someone "above". depends on the situation. And I know what you're saying, but everyone has to put bread on the table, at the end of the day
I met one of these guys at a Rainbow Gathering a few years ago. He never came out and said it, but he was talking about having obtained his death certificate or something like that, being really cryptic. Really nice guy. Early 20's. Didn't strike me as violent or malevolent in any way. Just a bit crazy.