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Hello Stackers
Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread of SN ~HealthAndFitness 💪Club.
In the club we..
  • Share our daily workout 🧘🤸🚴🏋️🧗🏊⛷️goals and results
  • Ask questions to the experts (fitness freaks)
  • Applause with zaps⚡ and comments on your success.
  • Also boo you (all of us) when you miss your workout routine. 🤣
The first thing you gotta do is join the ~HealthAndFitness club is share your workout routine in the comments.
The cost for joining the club is (only) 10 sats. 😜
Here's a great video How do vitamins work?
Today's Question

Do you take regular Vitamin supplements?

Commitments (You're accountable)

  • @Kontext - Watch out "his Daily Pushup Tally" in the comments. (He's having a short fast, already 56+ hours+!!)
  • @denlillaapan - Publishes weekly "Lazybones" and PROVES his hard Gym sessions with pics.
  • @Coinsreporter - Remains hugely under par on his weekly challenge. (Already abandoned it!)
  • @Undisciplined - Now enjoying some break time after having dry fast Feburary. (Walking but no motivation without Workit!)
  • @cryotosensei - posts his daily steps with proof. (Had 17000+ steps yesterday!)
  • @realBitcoinDog - The Daily Abs, however real but surely going downhill.
  • @Aardvark - Watch out in the comments for his prolific workout plan. *(He's an AARDVARK!)
  • @LibertasBR - He's on a weight loss mission. (already cut down 1.6 kg) Can he cut it down this week as well?
  • @TheMorningStar - Has increased his pushups to 50 from 30 per day. What else?
  • @Public_N_M_E - Still nursing a rib injury. But provided first indication of recovery. Had hit the mountains and taking it week by week.
  • @Beeteesea - 97kg for you must be 6 feet at least, right? We keep waiting!
  • @Butterfinger - Hikes on a bike!
  • @suraz - Anything specific (to drink) for health in the mountains? (Still waiting your advice.)
As for my commitment, I've decreased my screen to > 6 hours on an average.
Now jump in the comments and let your fingers workout.
And as always... Stay Happy and Healthy.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Msd0457890 6h
Last week I posted about my start at the Gym, I hope to post more about my progress, one question, how do I join the group?
This is open to all. Just post your progress here.
19 sats \ 2 replies \ @Aardvark 9h
Yesterday was pull day.
Lat pull down 3x12 at 130lbs. 14 on final set, add weight next week.
Bilateral row at 45 lbs. 3x12. Got 14 on last set, number go up.
Lat prayer at 50 lbs 3x12 14 on last set
Decline supinated curls 5x12. 23 on last set
Rear delt Flys 12.5lbs 3x12.
Amazing! How much time it took you complete all of it?
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Aardvark 5h
My workouts are usually right around 1 hour.
19 sats \ 4 replies \ @Kontext 9h
Day 506 of 100+ pushups per day; day 405 of 120+ pushups per day, sets breakdown: 4x36 normal/narrow; Total: 144
Broke the fast at around 62 hours with a pizza (in my defense the owner of the hostel I'm staying at is Italian and makes one helluva pizza) + half an avocado and a litre of coconut water 🤠
Gosh, 62 hours! I'm pretty sure the pizza must have tasted the best ever.
Ohh yes it was almost heaven :)
You really are a genius, I want to follow your example of perseverance.
I don't know about being a genius... but I certainly have some perseverance :)
I semi regularly take vitamins D and B12. I do think they're somewhat necessary in northern latitudes with a very sanitized diet.
My strong preference is to get what I need as naturally as possible, though.
I too take b12 but I've read some negative points lately about consuming it so regularly. I've now cut it down to twice a week and it feels all the same.
Do you eat much fermented food?
No I don't. I eat traditional north Indian veg food which has chapati + vegetables or dals + salad + desi ghee (butter) + curd.
I think fermented foods are the only way to get much B12 from diet.
I've read mixed things, though, about how much a healthy gut microbiome can produce.
Yes, you're right. We have many different kinds of pickles and they can be very good source because they have vinegar and are fermented. I just don't eat them like everyone else does in my family. They are often acidic for me.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 1h
I was doing some research yesterday for the best exercise interval timer app and settled for this one. It offers endless possibilities for customisation, and the UI is nice. I am still experimenting with it, and already consider purchasing a license.
Here's one of my custom workouts, why don't you give it a try and send some feedback?
Let’s go
I think my scale sabotaged me—I ran some tests, and it’s really inconsistent with the measurements. I already bought a new one, and I’m not discouraged by this minimal loss this week. I’ve been sticking to my diet strictly and still feeling very motivated.
However… next weekend, we have a family event, so I’m going through a process to cut down on water retention. Hopefully, it works!