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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @02f125d44e 24 Feb 2023 \ parent \ on: What is your experience with Fold Card? bitcoin
some merchants dont recognize the card for whatever reason. Ive had issues with verizon not accepting the card and 2 other merchants.
it could be because of the bitcoin association or however fold has their cards setup.
the wheel is dumb but fun. the card itself is pretty good being a visa card but still some merchants wont accept it. its nice to receive direct deposit into and to spend while getting 1% minimum back in sats.
rumors of being able to fund your card via LN in 2023.
not enough businesses accept LN so there isnt much demand to use it. Ask someone in El Salvador and youll get a completely different answer compared to someone who lives in china. overall LN is just starting.
in no situation does giving your btc to anyone makes for a safe situation. manage your risk and plan appropriately.
Apple: sideloaded apps need to get approved by our third party independent auditors.
EU: good enough for me.
The world : pikachu face.
Taro should be used for land claims, company shares, internal/intra company debts(paper bitcoin) and thats about it. no government ious, no shitcoins, no voting bullshit. but ofcourse scammers and fraudsters going to do what they do so yeah. its whatever. stack sats.
Got rid of Paypal, reduced my fiat footprint, planned my next year, set some long term goals for my life, and expecting a little girl soon. It can only get better from here.
yeah id ont think things are going to get that bad. if youre really worried go get a mountain home with solar pannels and solar heated water and self sustaining whatever along with extra everything to last you as long as possible. i also hope you have a large family to leverage the little manpower youll end up having.
things will get bad but not as bad as you make it out to seem.
Breez, Phoenix(albeit that you cant open to any other node except acinq), electrum and blixt wallet are all LN nodes. mobile ones due to their more limited resources. keys are on the phones. so what youd have to worry about is the os on the phone. graphineOS is probably the most secure and least google data mined phone out there.
yes. darthcoin has excellent guides. you can also jump into the telegram group chat to more personally ask darth questions.
cloud is fine if your data is encrypted but node is kinda too much. why put your private keys on someone else's hardware? =/ just run your node at home/business and vpn to a vps.