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114 sats \ 0 replies \ @03479d0ee6 16 Jul 2024 \ on: How did you get involved with Bitcoin and what made you love it? bitcoin_beginners
During covid lockdown i was watching videos on YT about stocks and investments and I saw one with Raoul Paul (lol) in a podcast saying that if he could choose only one investment it would be Bitcoin, that made me think that it was not just funny internet money. Then i also saw Plan Bs chart (lol) , and went from there only based on greed. After a 1/2 months I was already down the rabbit hole and doing self custody and deleted the CB account on my path to be a maxi.
Yes I agree with that but people must take responsibility also by investing on the basis of a tweet, but it can still be good, hey I got into bitcoin thanks to Raoul Paul and PlanB S2F, imagine that, among a few other things, even if planB chart was wrong in future price prediction it allowed me to see the bitcoin chart since the beginning (zoom out) and gave me confidence to get into bitcoin and to fall into the rabbit hole. Many also buy at the top with FOMO and then get forged by the bear market. Greed is almost always the first motivation.
You have to chill dude, as bitcoin adoption grows there will be a lot of things you will not like, don't worry too much about bitcoin personalities, Saylor says what he has to say now, you think normies in the US would be cool with bitcoin if Saylor came on TV saying the USD will collapse and Bitcoin will replace it? He's not stupid, you can't even come with that talk to a friend to orange pill him otherwise he will just dismiss you as crazy. Baby steps, it's for saving only, number go up good, the other stuff will come later. As for Adam Back and others with price, don't take them too serious, they are having fun with the bull market, and price matters, no one wants to save in something that loses value. Many went through the whole bear market it's natural that people are now optimistic. As for ordinals don't worry they will fade out, but long term yes fees might be a problem and something should be done in the near future, but I don't think its possible to stop it know. As for sidechains and stuff they are tools, if it suits you good, otherwise don't use it, it does not interfere with bitcoin, I personally don't think it's a solution for scaling neither do I have any use for it. Same for drivechains. As for nostr, that doesn't even interferes with bitcoin, it integrates and brings many more to bitcoin, just chill, focus on what is important, bitcoin scaling solutions and code changes, everything else is noise, everyone has its own agenda, luckily mostly are still pro bitcoin because it's in everyone own interest, that is one of the major features, you don't need to listen or thrust anyone, ans everyone will act in a self interest for bitcoin to succeed.
I haven't been into a concert in a while don't remember the last one, but the best I've seen were probably Muse in the early days and Bring Me The Horizon just because it was the only band so far that I didn't knew, watched at a concert and impressed me so much I went to listen to the albums later.
I say yes, start buying a little ammount, if youre confortable then DCA, the rest will follow naturally.
I don't have weight problems but sometimes i can get a little more weight. Not a big deal and what it works for me is fasting, eat until lunch or close to It and nothing at dinner, the rest just eat what you want as much as you want but I cut carbs to the max on those also. So no carbs, no snacks with sugars, fasting. It works for me because I don't enjoy workout that much, if you cut your intake hours your body will consume the extra fuel even if you do nothing. As for workout just some walks can be very beneficial. Just my 2 sats.
3-i started with bitcoin and understood pretty much the good basics from the start, not your keys not your coins, no KYC if you can etc. Then i started also playing with defi and shitcoins and I thought it was cool i earned some tokens on airdrops and used that money to play around but I always followed bitcoiners on Twitter, then with the bear market I saw how projects were scams, developers and investors with huge premined tokens dumping, lots of features in roadmap to pump the token. Then I saw that ethereum was basically the same, also had no future because it isn't money and a blockchain is terrible for anything else, I saw how maxis were always right calling all the scams. So I became a maxi, bitcoin only around that time.
4-i joined SN recently and I was already a maxi.
I don't. But I think bitkey is a good solution for most normies, i could also see myself using with a smaller stack.
1- I see it more like a meme in the sense that we believe that in the future we will price things in bitcoin. But yes bitcoin price does matter, it must increase over time, otherwise why would people hold it instead of fiat.
2-in btc terms yes your house would probably be worth less over the years yes, you would pay say 1 btc and after a few years it's worth 0.8 btc, good news is all other houses would also be worth less. So in theory if you sold you could afford a similar house. In fiat terms your house would still be worth more.
If others needed to write to your write only relay you would have no garantee that they would not broadcast also to other relays and so others would also read.
I noticed that since a few months back, I think the initial new fun thing faded, and there are not many incentives for people to zap on Nostr because there is like a million posts every day with random things. Here in SN it works, people interact on specific topics, they give opinions, they help and people pay for value. Nostr is like anarchy.
Based on what you described, I would say enjoy your time with your grandparents, engage with them, make them speak about their life, learn their life history if you can. Try to find a job, any job, even if it's a braidead job, it will give you objectives, it will make you interact and meet people, if you can't try to do some voluntary work, for the same reasons. Do some exercise if you aren't already doing. Try to learn or read about subjects you like, or learn a new skill, today we have tools to learn almost anything, you can also volunteer to job job to learn something. The main point to me is, help people, get something to do, paid or not, learn, meet and interact with people, don't close yourself from the world, interact, keep an uplift spirit, and things will flow, don't think too much about purpose, enjoy people and life with an open spirit is my advice.
Here is also a bit like that, kids in preschool start to write and spell the first words, my boy is 3yo and it's his first year in kindergarten and they already learn a few words in English. Me as a kid never went to kindergarten or preschool, my days were spent in my grandma and I would play all day with other kids outside and i had a very happy childhood and never felt like I was behind in school in regard to other kids that went to preschool. Nowadays i feel some parents overbook their children with tasks and extracurricular activities even later ages. I don't want that, Im more concerned that he plays and that he can spend time outside. About my hopes, on a pratical side, I hope he learns how to cook and how to dance since I can't none of them. I also hope he learns agriculture, some basic construction and coding. On a broader perspective I just hope my boy grows happy, that he becomes a good human being, a good person with good values, that he can reason well and be curious to question and learn things, I hope he has enough maturity to be open and to deal with his emotions and not be afraid to be himself.
Yes, I know. Core still needs more competition, and Core should probably be the most conservative implementation.
I think nations will fight for bitcoin hash power but just enough that no other nation has a majority, so most of the time it will be balanced and distributed around the globe. We will have less wars because they will be too expensive in a bitcoin only world. Along the years many bitcoins will be lost by nations, others stolen.People will have more time and will do more community services because they won't want to spend bitcoin just for someone else to do the work.
I don't agree that when bitcoin hits 1M that most people will cash out, first because it's not overnight, people will sell and buy at all levels, it's like saying most people will cashout at 100k, even if some do, we will have a dip and many will buy. Second because if someone hodl until 1M, it's likely he understands bitcoin and won't sell because bitcoin has been winning proving he was right all the time and usd is dead against BTC, also adoption could be much higher. Regarding your scenario with all the ifs that I don't agree, I would consider it a failure. I would believe more in an ending like that because onchain fees got so high that no one can afford to own onchain btc.
I'm an outsider I'm not involved in any of these Bitcoin and PR discussions, but I think other node implementations should arise based on Core, for people to decide what to run and support. Being dependent on a small group of devs to decide what to commit doesn't seem good.
Most people don't care and don't even need to know much about how it works, they need to know what bitcoin offers, why they need bitcoin and what it solves for them and also how to approach it and think about it, not expecting to get rich quick and think as savings for the future.
Hello, my sister has MS, i also know another person who has it. My sister is being followed by medical staff since she was diagnosed and she does her meds, she has a normal life and basically no flairs or symptoms. It's important to avoid stress, tiredness and heat. So it's very important to hava nice rest and good hours of sleep, beware of alcohol and never miss your meds. Other than that just do your normal life. My sister also just had her second baby, as far as i know when pregnant MS symptoms fade a lot more, but you can have a "crash" after the pregnancy. Also connect to other MS people online or IRL.
If you want to do apps like nostr clients I would recommend Javascript/Typescript, HTML, CSS. Don't worry about missing stuff like nodejs, I don't know node but I know js and angular so I'm not worried, and don't try to just go fast on things, learning well takes time. Imo if you know Javascript and HTML any framework will come easy.