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0 sats \ 3 replies \ @FrickFrickFrick 14 Jun 2023 \ parent \ on: BREAKING: Apple Formally Recognizes Bitcoin as Money bitcoin
Jesus fucking Christ the fuck? MY BAD???? I am done with this site you guys are assholes.
Oh it is hard to determine what is satire and what is legitimately trying to pass as news these days. They should make it much more clear on their website.
He is possibly correct. Now it is up to the community to call his bluff. The reason he says it will pass is because traditionally subreddits have only gone dark for a day or two. This would be the first time in Reddits history that is extended.
Some have pointed out that other subreddits will be made and fill the void eventually. This is true, but this still shifts the tone of the content and overall vibe. I think this is what the CEO is relying on. Eventually people will just sort of move on and the subreddits that went dark will get replaced.
You will start to notice all platforms really digging in on the need to chase profit all of the sudden. Even at the cost of growth. The economic environment has changed and to me it is obvious what that means. Any company that had been ignoring profit in order to grow now needs to completely flip it around.
A lot of media companies are unprofitable and can never make a profit. Live streaming platforms are one of them. The biggest one is also not profitable. They have been increasing their advertising operations in order to make profit and still have not been able to. They have made extremely hostile changes towards their viewers and creators.
If the economy flips and we start printing money again these platforms will be fine. But until then they are all going to freak out. My conspiracy is without cash flooding the economy VC and advertising capital just vanishes and that is what triggers these companies to pivot out of growth mode.
Hell from their warped perspective I bet they think they are just firing their users to cut costs.
I don't really know what will happen from here. Will be interesting to see if the CEO's bluff gets called or what this looks like a few weeks from now.
If you want a closed ecosystem targeting a very specific user experience, go Apple. This has always been the case and it is unclear to me why anyone is shocked?
If you want anything else your only other choice, unfortunately is Android. So get a phone you can root and install graphene on. For the app store use F-droid. Encourage everyone else to do the same.
Tools are already out there. Most people really just don't care. So just figure out ways to take care of yourself and really let the rest roll off your shoulder.
If my hardware wallet is physically taken from me, I consider it insecure right there. It does not matter if its susceptible to attack. It is a good idea to mitigate trust on the device itself too and use a secondary pass phrase with the seed phrase (also known as the 25th word or 2factor seed phrase) containing your real funds. That way if your device gets stolen and seed phrase compromised you can restore the seed phrase to a new device, enter your passphrase to access the hidden funds and then move everything to a new master seed phrase.
In the event of physical attack or theft I am only trying to buy enough time so the attacker thinks they got something and to transfer my real funds.
Because of that I don't really concern myself with physical CVE's. Theft of my device is compromise of the device.
I advise everyone to use 2 factor seed phrases. It is the most secure way you can possibly store your funds. Even prevents the not impossible but impossibly rare chance someone generates your seed randomly and steals your funds. https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Seed_phrase#Two-factor_seed_phrases
It is so cringe people immediately jump to censorship when a youtube channel gets randomly banned. This will probably be resolved in some immediate timeframe. Channels get auto banned all the time for false flagged content from youtube's automated systems.
There is no attack. This happens to random medium sized channels daily. The difficult part is getting in contact with someone at Youtube that can clearly explain the situation. Really that is the impossible part. I don't understand why we are so eager for conspiracies and to be victims rather than think about things critically and stop assuming.
Maybe this will push them to create an android build finally.
Really annoyed that there is no nostr client that is truly cross platform. Why is that so difficult?
It has to do with the way Relays load and let clients sort through data. It isn't smart so if you have a situation where you want to view a historical feed clients can take a long time to grab that info. A good example would be something like if you make a new post, for the first few hours it will load fast. But as time since the post grows you may notice even if you're just viewing a history of your posts it might take a while to load.
I think this is the biggest problem with nostr at the moment. Relays need to be built smarter with better ways to organize, grab, and sort information.
I used to do this. Just ape in as much as I can when I can. Did it for years. I don't really think any one method is that much better than the other at the end of the day because it seemed to me had I done DCA instead it would have been about the same. I decided to start DCA instead because it gives me a chance to spend my fiat for immediate unexpected needs that might pop up week to week that I don't have if I lump sum it. It just allows me to adapt more dynamically as my needs change in a financially tight situation.
So many subreddits. A lot of "front page" subs like technology or askreddit. Video content stuff like tik tok cringe which is a good window into the world of tiktok without consuming it myself. Reddit is an endless source of information and a diverse sense of sentiment about different topics you can't find anywhere else.
We should keep in mind the community and content that make up the spirit of the platform are separate from the platform itself. Sometimes we become so negative about the platform, we become negative about the spirit of it too.
I don't trade. The trade for me is understanding what Bitcoin is and that it means I have an exit from a system that has no other choice but to fail. The only time I sell Bitcoin is when I need to.
Strike is a much better experience. Anywhere that is Bitcoin only and allows you to DCA. Just stuff your account full of fiat when you can and set a daily DCA of $5-10 dollars.
Just ask them why instead of reading an article. I have an uncle who said the same thing. It turns out what he was meaning to say is he didn't trust it because he didn't understand it, but didn't know how to articulate that he did not understand it.
Get to the root of the issue.
It is probably not far off the mark. These giveaway scams you see are actually a template scam. In the Runescape category you will often see fake streams promoting similar giveaway scams. They get your account info and go to work on it.
The reason they are hard to combat is because the giveaway scams are entirely automated. All the person running the operation has to really do is make sure the branding material makes sense for the target demographic and platform.
It makes insane amounts of money. I have done work for many platforms and people would often lose their accounts or value from their accounts falling victim to these scams. multiple people daily for just one type of giveaway scam.
These guys are making piles of cash and without anything more clever there is nothing to stop them. Their automation overwelms any companies abilities to effectively moderate it which is why you see youtube videos, twitter spam, etc. These guys are running entire automation campaigns against multiple platforms at once in multiple categories. Makeup, gaming, crypto. You name a popular category and there is someone out there running giveaway scams for it using similar techniques.
It is nuts. No one really understands the scale of these scams because they only see it from the microcosm of the few things that interest them.
Do not trust any company ever, period. Take Reddit as current example. Gain user trust. Exploit trust for growth. Grow into wider mass market. Betray your users in an effort to make profit.
Make no mistake. Behind all the marketing Strike offers, they are no different. Profit and growth is the name of the game. They will eventually betray their users too.
On the internet this is known as "enshitification". Or, The phenomenon of online platforms gradually degrading the quality of their services, often by promoting advertisements and sponsored content, in order to increase profits.