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When I woke up this morning (central Europe time zone) and opened SN to look at what's going on there, I saw that the second post on the home page (posts ranked as hot) was entitled: Zap to help a scammed stacker get their sats back #452153.
This post title made me curious, and I clicked the post to read it. And it says: _ “I'm making a bet that this community raises over 25k sats for a fellow stacker.”_ And I was confused. Why should community raise over 25 SATS for a fellow stacker? 🤔🤔🤔
Then I realized he was referring to another stacker and guess what? The third post on the hot ranking list was this: I need help (warning shitcoins may be involved) #452021, where it was explained in details how he had lost his money on a scam platform. And I was like wtf? This guy puts his money in scam platforms and sites and the SN community should help him? Why? So he continues to put his money on another scam platform? 🤔🤔🤔
Last day I made a post regarding Daily Rewards vs Million Sat Madness and guess what? This guy who has lost his money had commented:
Among others, he says in his comment: “I like seeing what people are posting and give them a zap because I am addicted to zapping…”. Also: “Rewards or not ill be here zapping until I run out of sats or LN has a zero day bug and the network breaks”.
So, he “is addicted to zapping…”, but this time he is asking other stackers to help him and give him back the sats he has lost (not a bad idea: I can go losing my money on scam platforms and then come back here to ask for a refund; why not?). 🤔
Probably, he is asking other stackers for help because he wants to continue zapping, since he is addicted to zapping, I guess! 🤭🤭
Am I wrong?
He did not ask other stackers for help. He offered stackers a bounty to help him get his sats back from a scam site. ANOTHER stacker asked the community to help him out as an act of goodwill once he realized the OP was the victim of a scam. The OP expected to pay for any help he got.
Thanks @siggy47 for clearing this up.
I did pause for a second. Sabres fan? If you rooted for the leafs you were going right under that bus.
Maybe you are right, but I have my doubts.
It seems like he is offering stackers a bounty to help him get his sats back from a scam site, but what if he is just trying to accumulate same sats saying he was scammed and in the end he will say that nobody helped take back my money, so he doesn’t pay the bounty?
What makes me doubt is the fact that “another” (or the same one with a different account) stacker states that he is “making a bet that this community raises over 25k sats for a fellow stacker”.
Summarizing: The first one is offering a bounty to the stacker who will help him get his money from the site. Then “another” one try to raise 25k sats for the first one, that he can pay the guy who will help him getting his money back from the site.
It looks like a Ponzi scheme.
You're wise to be on alert for this stuff. The reason I replied is because I have been interacting with the OP for over a year, and IMO he is an honorable, good stacker who contributes to the community. At times he has been an active participant in the daily saloon. You get an impression of a person after observing them here for a while, and I like this person. That's what I'm basing my opinion on.
You clearly haven’t done your homework buddy. Check the records of most sats spent on this site since it started and right in 15th place.
My post was to get help on what the scam actually was. I wasn’t asking the stackers for anything. Another stacker created that post to help. Which I even commented to give it to the rewards.
I’m not here to stack sats. I am here for the community and to kick start the circular economy.
All the sats I get on this site I give to stackers or projects on geyser.
So before jumping to conclusions do some homework
Yes sir! 🫡
Be careful where you put your money noob, then come here and talk to me about homeworks.
I have to admit, I should have thought a little longer before making the "Zap to help a scammed stacker" post. Honestly should have just forwarded the sats to the original post, because that would have had the same effect anyway. I might have unintentionally made the situation look sketchy, but fortunately the boost sats go back to the community anyway, so I'm ok with my mistake.
This was all pretty simple in my head - I just thought making separate post w/ boost would rally the community to help someone out, but that's not the vibe here, and that's ok. I didn't really stop to think that might look sketchy, and I don't blame anyone for being confused for thinking that.
As far as proving that @BlokchainB isn't an alt account, @ek made a good point that that it's not something that can be 100% proved, but I will say that if we were alt accounts, this would be an insane amount of effort only to shell out a total of 50k sats with no real incentive... So that'd be weird. but maybe that's what I/we want you to think....
In any case, k00b's solutions for disincentivizing alt accounts for the purpose of sat farming as, in my opinion, simple, elegant, and effective.
Sorry for all the confusion, I'm genuinely not trying to troll anyone.
Happy stacking.
Thanks for clarifying it @frostdragon and sorry for misunderstanding you.
No worries boo
I think your post and @Tef's comment were fine. I am glad we are having this discussion. :)
I think you simply followed through with your way of showing appreciation and condolences to a fellow stacker which many other stackers also did, just not in the way you did. They probably simply didn't think as much about the post as you seem to have done. And that's very honorable of you! I smiled when I saw this post and the challenge so I zapped it a little but making a challenge out of it might have been too much, haha
While on the other hand, @Tef might have actually done something similar: they mentioned what many stackers might had in the back of their mind when reading this post but didn't want to challenge the tone of this post for whatever reason. I am glad @Tef mentioned that since it allows others to engage in the discussion.
I think we need more people like both of you. Less compliance, more authenticity.
Thanks @ek.
Well thanks for the kind thoughts friend 🫡
You're wrong. The OPs from both posts you refer to are different people.
Are you sure? Can’t he/she be the same person with two different accounts? 🤔
They can be but their profiles don't look like alt accounts. @BlokchainB signed up a lot earlier than @frostdragon for example. They also seem to post at different times. @frostdragon was even gone for a while.1
It's good to be vigilant in this stuff ("sat farmers") as @siggy47 mentioned here but I don't think it applies here.


  1. Or at least they put in a ton of effort to maintain two alt accounts that look different. It's hard to proof this stuff without ID verification but we certainly don't want to go there
All right then. Since you and @siggy47 confirm this, I respect and appreciate your opinions. It looked suspicious to me and I wanted to share my doubts.
Thanks for shading light on this.
If you play with shit... you will smell like shit.
I've seen more than one of these posts.
B. S.
Worth being skeptical of such situations, worth posting your opinion, worth allowing people to put their sats where they want.
The typical lean should be toward scamwatching, skepticism always on.