Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
I know some people that crazy wealthy over the GameStop thing. I am just happy to be stacking, but sometimes it hurts seeing - oh I could have bought that why didn't I?
Has anything significant happened today? Any posts I should see?
Day 132 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 236 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 135 of 120+ pushups per day)
D-Day: Operation Overlord Stormed Normandy Beaches 80 Years Ago #564494
Some thoughts regarding a short Alan Watts clip I saw about a week ago: #564319
I mean, what? Bring a parent to an interview?
17 sats \ 1 reply \ @Hamstr 7 Jun
lol, why?
To make eye contact for them, I guess.
Hello guys! After several weeks (I think it was around 3-4 months) I'm back here! I hope all of you are fine! I just hodl my BTC quantity, and adding some sats on pullbacks!
What's new here? Some interesting news?
Have a nice day all!
P.S. I promise I try to be more active here :)
Welcome back!
Did you miss Million Sat Madness?
Yes, I missed it unfortunately :( It was an event?
Yeah. They basically suspended daily rewards for a month and paid out much larger monthly rewards at the end of the month.
The top stacker got paid at least one million sats, hence the name.
Wow...really amazing... It was a long pause for me from crypto because several reasons... But...I'm definitely back! ;)
145 sats \ 4 replies \ @flat24 6 Jun
Stacking my first 10k on SN. πŸ€©πŸ’°πŸ“ˆπŸ₯³
Wow, I'm very happy😁 for this small achievement, recently I'm being more frequent on SN, and I joined the community in January of this year.
And the truth is I saw that number (10k) quite far away, I am a novice, with little technical and cryographic knowledge so I felt overwhelmed as soon as I arrived at SN, but today it is a fact that I have accumulated my first 10k.
And something quite controversial and important to highlight is that when I really stopped thinking about winning SATS as a main strategy, I actually started winning some SATS. And another detail to mention is that in @lunaticoin's podcast "tools for content creators" I heard his words and that helped me a lot in opening my mind regarding generating content. It made me see and understand that we are all potential content creators, whether it be mentioning an experience, recommending a service or a book, among other possible aspects, that encouraged me to find a way to start expressing myself on SN. And along with lunaticoin's words, this quote that I recently read resonates in my head.
"When you are really focused you will find the means"
Thank you SN community and mainly thanks to @satoshinakamoto without him and his BTC invention we would never be providing and receiving value. Now with patience and dedication let's go for those 50k!! Yeeeha πŸ’ͺ🀠⚑
GZ man, time to go for 100K
Hearty consultations!
I came across something that you might find: that what you focus on expands
See you at the next 10k!
Well done; keep stacking and zapping!
when I really stopped thinking about winning SATS as a main strategy, I actually started winning some SATS
The system is working, then. Congrats!
Learning about Poetry virtual environments today.
me light mode πŸ€“
Hello friends, I have recently started the process of learning about Bitcoin. Would I like you to recommend content to improve my learning?
42 sats \ 0 replies \ @gnilma 6 Jun
Good morning stackers.
Day 130 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
The City of the Prophets: Urfa ( Şanlıurfa )
sneak peak! places around this area are like a living human history documentation; you can see how different human civilizations lived here, and they built things that last so we got to know that they existed, which led me to think about what our generation is building that could last? besides Bitcoin. πŸ‘€
Need to do my quarterly multisig key check today.
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 6 Jun
Bitcoin only stackers, πŸ€™onward
I did not do my push ups for two days while my wife was in the hospital for surgery. Getting back on the horse today.
Hope she’s recovering well
Yes. She is in pain but doing well and having fun having me as her personal butler. Haha
I’m sure you enjoy serving her as well xP
I am being as helpful as I can.
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard.
Burn πŸ”₯
On the bright side I did walk about 30k steps in two days just wandering around inside and outside of the hospital.
52 sats \ 2 replies \ @flat24 6 Jun
Hello Stackers. πŸ‘‹πŸ€  If you are one of those who have read this!! Congratulations, you are also alive and we can continue on the stacker route. have a good day.
That's right, we're alive and even though I'm new to this I keep stacking up little by little until I reach the goalπŸ’ͺ... Excellent day
Let's celebrate one more day of life!
Bitcoin price without Bull or Bear periods. The tendency looks pretty clear to me.
So much for getting cash. ATM at work is still broken πŸ˜‚
Howdy gang!! Thursday has arrived, a tad warmer than yesterday but a fantastic day nevertheless, the weekend is almost here, keeping the energy flowing and purpose at hand, keep the eye on the ball and do not flaunt it's almost done so keep doing your absolute best, almost the last push of the week, we've got this my friend, you are important and you matter, don't ever doubt that, so heads held high, eyes filled with purpose, energy filled with success, joy and most of all, love. I believe in you. Let's do this!! As always, be well and stay frosty!!
Day 171 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 317 sats on 5Jun2024! Running total: 98,757 sats!
I like this bot ;) ... need to improve my mining hardware.
I'm working on getting another mining rig up and running, hopefully soon!
bot πŸ€–πŸ‘€
wen will you teach me how to build one? @ek
163 sats \ 7 replies \ @jeff 6 Jun
@Undisciplined, do you still want the ~econ territory?
I keep saying to myself, "next month, I'll have more time"...but...I just keep taking on new customers/contracts/jobs. I think I've done it 6 months in a row.
Yeah, I'm still interested.
There are a couple options here.
  1. Full transfer, I step out (you can buy it outright, or rent monthly)
  2. Partnership - buying it outright, splitting on the 3M
  3. Partnership - continued renting monthly
No matter what we decide here, I think it makes sense for you to take the actual administrative control of the territory, so for discussion purposes, lets assume I transfer it completely, and I have to completely trust you.
Is there any of the above you prefer?


I need to make sure who ever takes over, can commit to the Owner's Pledge, I have used in the past few months. It's a commitment I don't take lightly.
There is 41K sats in the Treasury. I need to handle this gracefully somehow.
Can you direct me to the Owner's Pledge? I doubt I'll have any issue with it, but I want to make sure.
I love the idea of splitting an outright buy with you. Let me know what you would want that to look like. Is it easiest for you to pay the 3M and then transfer control after I pay you 1.5M?
Other than wanting me to take over administrative control, how are you envisioning a partnership arrangement?
80 sats \ 3 replies \ @jeff 7 Jun

RE: pledge

This has been on the donation-requests pages:
Owner's Pledge If this territory ever runs a cumulative net profit, I'll find a way to do right by the earliest contributors. There is no guarantee of that scenario. Most likely, it'll take the form of "pay-it-forward"-style BTC-adoption/effort/charity.

RE: sequencing

...I'm mulling just trusting you today, giving it to you, on faith/trust, and I pay you after transferring, simply because I don't have time to dig up cold-storage this week.

RE: partnership

This is why I'm slow to respond here. I'm mulling just giving you 51%, you control all decisions. I chime in with my $0.02, you consider it, and then do what you think is best. And I don't complain whatever the outcome. :) ...but, there is also a scenario where if there is more money flowing in, maybe it starts to make sense for me to help build tech-related things, and we start taking things more serious.
The only stipulation I'm mulling attaching to just outright giving you control on faith right now is... some kind of constraint, like, I get veto rights for you to sell/transfer/abandon it -- indefinitely. Basically, I don't want to give it to you, and then you turn around and sell it or flip it somehow, or in the event of abandonment (eg. you disappear for 12 months), I get it back.
That's what I thought the pledge was. I have no objection to that, whatsoever.
There's no chance that I would sell without consulting you, but I get that you have to take my word for that.
I don't know how we would implement the abandonment stipulation, but I have no objection to it in principle.
69 sats \ 1 reply \ @jeff 8 Jun
Apologies for the slow reply. Both a busy day, and I'm thinking about what's best to do.
I thought of a potential issue with splitting it on the honor system. Fast forward 8 months, you've put in some creativity somehow, or a bunch of work, and I've not contributed. There is imbalance. Resentment grows. Suddenly forwarding revenue gets contentious for some reason. Time is worth something. Even just tracking the split is a PITA.
I think, unless the software properly supports co-owners, might be best to just go all-or-nothing. Maybe. Not sure. Which means I think I'm leaning to just giving you 100%.
But, I think I want to see if my schedule opens up, before I make that final call. It all rides on if I have enough time to build what I want to build.
I think if I still feel like I don't have enough time to do what I want on the tech-tooling side, then you can have it, probably in a few months.
I recall them talking about adding co-ownership functionality, but I have no idea where that sits on their to-do list.
I'm fine with proceeding along the lines you lay out. If we get a few months down the road and there's no mechanism for co-ownership and you find you don't have the time you'd like to invest in the territory, then I'll happily take over.
From there, once they do implement co-ownership, we can revisit the idea.
FWIW, if we split an outright buy, I think my attitude would be that any effort either of us invests is purely voluntary, since we would both have the option of sitting back and treating the territory as a passive income source. I appreciate the concern, though, about getting into an arrangement like that with someone you only know online.
In regard to my job, I don’t think I have submitted to β€œhedonic adaptation β€œ yet. After all, the first thing I blurt out when outsiders ask me the best thing about working in my school is, β€œFriday afternoons are FREE!” It’s something that I feel grateful for every week. But perhaps I could do more to remember myself of other perks, making use of a technique β€œconcretely observe” as outlined in the chapter on Work and Money.
Okay, I do love that my school is so huge and bestowed with many interesting facilities, especially since I like watching. It helps me β€œfeel a sense of privilege in your own work life”. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. I have had the chance to work part-time in an underground bomb shelter; I wondered how people could work for years and years in a place without access to sunlight.
Gratitude musing aside, I learnt something new: the ultradian rhythm. β€œWe cycle through ultradian stages every 90 mins (but no longer than 120 mins) during sleep. We contribute to experience these 90-to-120-min cycles while we are awake as well. At the end of that interval, however, we experience a 20-min period of fatigue, lethargy, and difficulty concentrating.”
Okay, teachers have little control over their work time, so I won’t know when my ultradian rhythms begin and stop. But I’m just gonna take it that after a two-hour lesson, it’s normal for me to experience β€œflagging focus”, so instead of just trying to power through and write an email, I should do something totally different to renew my energies. Perhaps I should schedule decluttering time or reading time into my timetable when term starts!
Having said that, I know I’m being too optimistic. On some days, I use up all my free periods to get that one important task done - because there is simply no way I can do it after dismissal. Sonja Lyimbomirsky has a recommendation that may fit the circumstances: β€œIf we enjoy the struggle along the way, we will derive pleasure by simply pursuing our goal.” This is the second time this year I have come across β€œenjoy the struggle”. The first time was when I attended this dance workshop and heard accomplished dancers share about their journeys. I take it as a sign from the Universe that I should be less preoccupied with productivity and more focused on the process.
Lastly, I learnt that schlep naches is Yiddish for deriving pleasure from the achievement of others. Previously, I learnt that naches is a special joy derived from being a parent, so it’s cool to come across naches in another context. Reading compounds my knowledge haha.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @tomlaies 6 Jun
Is there such a thing like a Lightning Proxy? Like a custodial service that can receive Lightning payments and forwards to my real address?
Yep. I think this is what you are looking for:
But in this example you would need to self-host it, so not really custodial. AFAIK, using Zeus with their lightning address offering would achieve the same result, as I'm pretty sure they wrap your invoices (giving the privacy you are looking for).
Photo from yesterday's walk in HΓΌpassaare, Estonia One of my favorite and most tranquil places to go for a walk :)
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 6 Jun
wonderful blue sky... that wooden path leads you to peace, follow it 😌
Thanks for sharing. There’s not much nature in my country, so seeing people touch grass is better than nothing
Day 418 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
It's Thursday when you're already thinking about the weekend. Being fashionable! Snail inside. πŸŒπŸ˜„
Snail Found
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @orthwyrm 6 Jun
deleted by author
And it’s your round… apparently lol
Went to GΓΆbekli Tepe recently, the first temple discovered by humans so far; it was built about 12000 years ago, you could probably find many videos online of it, but nothing beats seeing it in person - it's literally in the middle of nowhere, seeing everywhere yet without being seen from afar, super smart! ( there are still other areas waiting to be excavated )
And one of the interesting things I have learned is that ppl used to use it to gather together to exchange goods, even marriage πŸ‘€ not just being a temple; I was getting lost a bit in history last week, too much to learn...
Your photos are nothing less than impressive and I can deduce that being in front of these historical monuments is priceless. and that the photo is not even half as good, compared to being live observing every detail. Thanks for sharing your adventures.
Amazing photos do you follow the Uncharted X channel?
not really πŸ‘€ and wow, it was quite green in the vid.
Impressive pictures ! I think was a wonderful experience for you being there.
more coming soon, need some time to organize them a bit.
this statue is as old as GΓΆbekli Tepe!
some strange looking human face like?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Hamstr 6 Jun
what is this?? can you provide context?
some limestone that was being found around Urfa.
do you think it was really built by humans? it's just too big, not to mention carrying all of them up to the hill...
Yes, why not?
They had their entire lifetimes and nothing else to do.
E.g. Just using some kind of wood contraption and moving it centimeter by centimeter over the span of years.
I don't underestimate the knowledge and ability of our ancestors. Sometimes we can't find an explanation, but I believe there is lost knowledge.
πŸ’―They were a lot more advanced back then than we give them credit for. Imo they had advanced skills and technology.
do you think they figured out these knowledge all by themselves πŸ‘€ or learned from others?
It was a transfer of knowledge, skills and technology imo. Brought in by a more advanced human civilisation. I don’t tend to subscribe to the ancient alien hypothesis.
Brought in by a more advanced human civilisation.
I also believed this, but then how these more advanced human figured it out?
Fascinating study by primatologists that when one troop of primates discover the use of tools (ie for extracting termites from nests) there will be correpsonding tool use from a different troop despite no contact. But that’s not necessarily relevant - just interesting.
Something happened when hunter-gatherer societies settled. The centralised storage of excess foodstuff and its use towards the cultural (rather than survival) gave groups the ability to build these monuments and perhaps these ideas spread with trade; initially flint tools or similar and later with more specialised goods.
I do love archaeology and anthropolgy.
Knowledge is passed down from generation to generation and some falls by the wayside, but I think it's all the result of human knowledge. I don't believe that aliens have already arrived on earth :)
Exactly what the aliens among us would say….
Humans are so unevolved! They still struggle with basic societal issues like inequality, violence, and environmental destruction. How can they still be so heavily reliant on finite resources? And don't even start me on their social structures it is all conflicts and division rather than cooperation and unity. Humans have barely begun to explore their own solar system, let alone the galaxy. No way they will reach a third millennium ...
Whoops! I've been caught ... πŸ˜‚
what if it is the other way around - all the core knowledge was passed down somehow, and some got extinct, and ofc different ppl invented new things with the old knowledge.
just guessing πŸ‘€
anything is possible, after hearing many crazy stories in the city of the Prophets πŸ₯Έ
Our modern ignorance of their ancient ways..
33 sats \ 1 reply \ @Carresan 6 Jun
Great pics! 12000 years, awesome!!
120 sats \ 0 replies \ @Natalia 6 Jun
undiscovered ones - GΓΆbekli Tepe 12000 yr - recorded history is about 5000 yr - insane how little modern men actually know
33 sats \ 10 replies \ @suraz 6 Jun
That's historic. Yeah too much to learn
and I can't understand why human civilizations started around this area, so hot and dry, no sea around too. πŸ₯΅
There is evidence that the climate and environment was not as it is today in these parts of the world
should be, because it's so hot and dry ( was up to 41c, I heard summer time could be even more )...but then locals are used to it somehow, yet me having heat rush all over.
33 sats \ 3 replies \ @suraz 6 Jun
Maybe they have strategies to cope with such condition. Thanks for laying the foundations for human progress. Just that hihi
saw this explained in the museum, in a flat place may be doable, but in hills? πŸ€”
Of course. And add in the use of animals, block & tackle and primitive winches.
β€˜Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.’ Archimedes
me imaging, it must need A LOT of them. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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I hadn't read your comment, I just said the same thing but with fewer words.
No need to waste words like me :D
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 6 Jun
only 19 mins in and 46 comments later....
SN on fire πŸ”₯
GM Stackers βš‘β˜•πŸ§‘
Stack Sats and stay humble
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 6 Jun
Yeeeeeehaa πŸ‘‹πŸ€ 
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @zana 6 Jun
GM. Have a nice day.
Thanks!! and you! πŸ‘‹πŸ½
205 sats \ 3 replies \ @zana 6 Jun
The happiness that comes with getting nails done is unmatched 😊
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Hamstr 6 Jun
I don't get how getting your nails can be celebrated?
Do you prepare uncooked meat? Or Cook anything?(water doesn't count) Even if you used gloves the nails slowly could cut the gloves. How do you Cook? Or work? Massage? Or even carry groceries or selecting fruit without stabbing when you go shopping or wash dishes ? πŸ€”πŸ€”
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 7 Jun
It's like we girls can't even do nails done. Celebrating getting nails done is more than just a beauty routine. It's an act of self-expression, a way to showcase individuality and creativity. It's not just about the nails; it's about the confidence boost, the sense of being put together, and the sheer enjoyment of a simple pleasure. We have ability to do works even with long nails. We can care it. So, if you can't see the value in that, maybe it's time to rethink what you consider worth celebrating. And more is, that's a fake nails I put on. Can remove it and put it anytime. And i get nails done for going out on special occasion. Not for work.
Yep - nailed it
Howdy there, partner!
Preschool in my country comes with homework. The 5-year-old needs to take a photo of himself using public transport; the 1.5-year-old needs to submit her family tree with all her family members.
Which means that today, I had to pick my son up one hour earlier to make a trip to the photography shop and print out photos. Still, I try to be upbeat about it, gorging up on McDonald’s ice cream after the photo expedition. The homework itself isn’t as important as inculcating good habits in my boy to tackle his homework.
I suggest your 1.5 year old submits a curt "Nice try, fed" in response to that family tree business.
You don't want to look like a malingerer. Make the tree, redact the names, and then write "nice try, fed."
Good advice.
Will do! Then I can save money on photos. Each post costs 80 cents. Wth
Top shout!
61 sats \ 1 reply \ @Carresan 6 Jun
GM! Day 28 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. But cloudy today and expecting some rain , though with sand coming Sahara’s desert.
176 sats \ 9 replies \ @Lux 6 Jun

Bench Book:

Once the jurisdiction of the Bench Book has been accepted, the clerk of the court is obligated to introduce you to everyone within the courtroom:
  • Bench Book Page 28: Section 63 of the Equal Treatment Bench Book, requires the court introduce everyone, and must explain each person’s role. This means not only their title but also their rights and obligations.
If the answer regarding the previous jurisdictions should be β€œno”, which is unlikely or the deception would be obvious to see, then ask the following:
To the Court: β€œWhat jurisdiction is being offered?”
You then have the right to accept or decline.
10 sats \ 4 replies \ @Hamstr 6 Jun
Do you have a PDF of the collection of what you've written?
No, PDF?
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 6 Jun
you'll find all pdf's on the site, I'm afk atm
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Hamstr 6 Jun
<3, much love
132 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 6 Jun
Sir, you won an example of an American with brains and balls
I can't see it now, but I will soon.
93 sats \ 11 replies \ @suraz 6 Jun
Don't worry about what I'm doing, worry about why you're worried about what I'm doing
61 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 6 Jun
That's deep! It's easier to worry about what are you doing. πŸ˜‚
Don't worry, be happy!
I am πŸ˜†
95 sats \ 6 replies \ @Taft 6 Jun
Funny πŸ˜†
That song always gives me anxiety.
54 sats \ 3 replies \ @Taft 6 Jun
Really! Why?
Too damn cheerful
I'd never heard of such a thing. How can psychology explain this? I'd like to know.
Day 38 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 6 Jun
waiting o'clock...
156 sats \ 4 replies \ @Taft 6 Jun
I know that I have died beforeβ€” once in November, once in June. How strange to choose June again, so concrete with its green breasts and bellies . . . New York City will not mind. At night the bats will beat on the trees, knowing it all, seeing what they sensed all day.
--Anne Sexton .______________ Anne Sexton is always in my soul. Her poetry is amazing. She is unbelievable to me, so spectacular with her eloquence and inner troubles, out on paper for the world to know over and over again. No constriction of space and time, those words will always apply!
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 6 Jun
Nice post. Thanks
54 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 6 Jun
Thanks! 😊
Great selection. I need to read more of her work. I know you like her a lot
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 6 Jun
It's definitely worth a read! 😊
Day 12 of my daily posting journey, after I ran out of food and had to trade my hat for supplies. previously: #562561 🀠⚑

"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials."
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41 sats \ 2 replies \ @Taft 6 Jun
Snail check?
What does this mean? πŸ€”
deleted by author
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 6 Jun
Oh, I got it! Thanks!
51 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 6 Jun
Snail on date πŸ˜€
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too soon
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