Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Happy Friday!
Estadio Monumental - River Plate, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Argentina 3 - Chile 0
Wife likes the @Jippi app.
It helps the orange pill go down smoother.
Love these short weeks. It is already Friday.
Chilling while the fiance is playing Crash :)
@k00b, can you check the logs, I think my ~science territory payment went through twice.
As I got an on-screen error message from the NWC approach, I decided to pay manually. But then turned out it actually went through with NWC too...
It shouldn't be able to, but I'll take a look.
100 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 6 Sep
Yep, the other payment was sent to us, but we never settled it/claimed the funds - we cancelled it after we saw it was already paid, ie refunded it. Bug on Alby's end if it doesn't show back up in your account.
Thanks for checking. I'll confirm with @Alby @bumi to see if they can check on their side. Two more payments appeared in my logs, including one 19 minutes ago, bringing it to four. All are withdrawals rather than deposits, so looks a bit weird. I'm not sure how much I had in the account, so not sure if it's a display bug or if I actually paid 400k sats. @Alby @bumi could you tell me where to get in touch with you for this if not here?
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @bumi 6 Sep
What version of the hub are you running there? If that's an old version then there was a case where the entry is listed twice - I think you would see the same preimage there.
hey, with such case it's best to move to e-mail, send us please link to this discussion and what is your Alby account in question. Happy to troubleshoot!
here come the even palindrome block heights...
860068 incoming!
Hello dear stackers.
Today we had a pretty good day. It has given me great pleasure to share with the community my experience with the MFB Diploma in Cuba online, thanks to the hard work of @Cuba_BTC.
I have also learned about the close relationship between the FED and the Treasury in the United States.
I was very happy to know that SN surprised a user with her PoW yesterday.
I must confess that I am not a fan of social networks, I only find vanities and every now and then something interesting, unlike Stacker News, here it is always something interesting, educational, proactive.
Today, based on research for a school project, we talked a little about consciousness, an always difficult topic like freedom and privacy. It is very good to have a space like SN.
So congratulations to this team and all the stackers who contribute actively and educationally.
Let's continue being human beings.
Hey @k00b FYI I paid my rent. I have space for this week’s bounty sats in my wallet now.
Wow what a world we live in. I feel blessed to have found Bitcoin. It’s a hope and life changer!
What we AREN'T? A spanish video explaining what we (the living men) are NOT and how the system is deceiving us.
glad to see content-creators in other countries educating about these principles. i might show this to a primarily spanish-speaking acquaintance and see what he says. @darthcoin, did you first start learning about sovereignty in spanish or in english?
in english
hahaha good one, the old noobs dilema
@ek, is there any way not to collapse free comments?
set filter by sats to 0
28 sats \ 1 reply \ @jeff 5 Sep
What's the latest thinking on referral fees?
Specifically, are there referral fees associated with owning a territory?
I'm getting some random referral fees, but I can't differentiate between my content and if there are any coming from the territory. I'd like to understand better.
k00b did a good writeup on it, but honestly I did not quite understand how it works. I don't own a territory, so I didn't put forth much effort to understand it, but it does feel fairly complex.
GM ⚡☕🧡
Stack Sats and stay humble.
States are allowed to declare and wage war against each other
Allowed is a funny word in this context.
That doesn't mean they should. It just means there's no organization capable of stopping them from or punishing them for doing so.
The monopoly on violence.
Day #59 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
Day 262 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 796 sats on 4Sep2024! Running total: 172,660 sats!
day 35: 47 sats on 9-4-24. total 1053sats!
"there are only two mistakes one can make in hashing out the truth: not starting and not going all the way."
Day 507 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
You won't stop, __@_'-'
63 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 5 Sep
How's the weight loss going?
Best off day ever.
Brunch with one friend. Lunch with another. Finished reading a book. Posted book review on SN.
If only all days were like today ❤️
I guess this is directed at @ek. I think he still hangs around the saloon. It's been a while for me. I stopped using SN wallet about two weeks ago. This morning I woke up to a bunch of sats in my SN wallet. It turns out that I somehow got logged out of Alby Hub last night, although I wasn't even using it. I use it to receive through a lightning address connected to my node. I wonder if SN automatically switches to the next priority wallet in case a payment fails? If not, would that be hard to implement?
74 sats \ 17 replies \ @ek 5 Sep
I think he still hangs around the saloon. It's been a while for me.
This morning I woke up to a bunch of sats in my SN wallet. It turns out that I somehow got logged out of Alby Hub last night, although I wasn't even using it. I use it to receive through a lightning address connected to my node.
You mean you lost your lightning address connection to Alby Hub on SN? I don't understand the relation between a login and a lightning address. A lightning address shouldn't require a login. This would also match what I noticed today: my phoenixd connection must have disappeared a few days ago since there was no autowithdrawal since three days.
I wonder if SN automatically switches to the next priority wallet in case a payment fails? If not, would that be hard to implement?
We unfortunately currently only switch to the next receiving wallet if the invoice fails but not if the payment itself fails.
But thanks for reminding me, I just looked at the code and it might be easier to also switch to the next wallet if the payment fails than I initially thought.
I started using Alby Hub with my own node. Until the Alby NWC situation is straightened out I use my Alby lightning address to receive. My node is always on. I even use a UPS. That reminds me. Did Alby straighten out the NWC receive issue with the last update?
74 sats \ 15 replies \ @ek 5 Sep
Did Alby straighten out the NWC receive issue with the last update?
I don't know, I need to check
10.3k sats \ 14 replies \ @siggy47 5 Sep
I just tried. I can't make a receive connection.
53 sats \ 13 replies \ @ek 5 Sep
/cc @Alby @bumi @saunter any ETA for the relay fix? Does it impact every event or only get_info? Asking because we're also working on replacing get_info for connection here with test payments that are always canceled (only used to check if we can receive a payment).
Hey, could you remind what exactly is the problem? (can be on our team chat, to solve)
@siggy47 do you have your Hub launched and Alyb Account linked? Do other NWC connections work for you?
I was also wondering about something else. Is there any chance you guys would consider a custom Stacker News wallet either as a standalone or part of the hub? I'm not sure what form it would take. It seems like it would be a perfect symbiotic relationship with Alby since SN is heading in the same direction with self custody and decentralization? I'm not sure what form it would take. SN users would jump on board pretty quickly, I'd imagine. The important thing would be ease of use to make the transition as smooth as possible for new stackers.
Yes, I have my hub linked to my original Alby account. I am using the Alby NWC connect app on an Umbrel node for NWC send. It works well. When I generate a new secrets phrase and enter it in the app to receive, it times out without connecting. @ek can provide you with the technical details of why it's not connecting.
Do not avoid difficult experiences; they are excellent teachers. -'The wound is the place where the light enters you.' -'These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.' -'You must keep your heart broken until it opens.' -'The moon remains bright when it does not allow you to avoid the night.' -'What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.' -'Do not turn away. Keep your gaze on the dark spot. That's where the light enters you.'"
Day 223 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 3x12 pike; Total: 164 (Day 327 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 226 of 120+ pushups per day)
268 sats \ 4 replies \ @Lux 5 Sep

Prosecute Government

Although not quite as violent as a Coup D’état many people opt to “sue government” over “regulations”, but again this is a mistake.
Although hard to accept, the people behind “the system” cannot actually force you to do anything, and require your “consent”.
Now, this is where the deception occurs, because although they cannot act without your “consent”, they have no compunction in using fraud, deception, lies and even coercion to get it.
The way these people defraud you into “accepting” is by applying all these rules, regulations and policies to your corporate birth certificate, which in itself is a fraud.
The people behind government will never divulge this, as it would expose the scam, they just hope you assume that all those “laws” apply to you; basically you are self-imposing these regulations or corporate policies.
Therefore the very act of start litigation against the “government” shows you have already accepted the obligation to follow them; meaning you have already lost.
210 sats \ 2 replies \ @mo 5 Sep
governments serve people, citizens serve governments. Util there's a clear distinction and comprehension of the differences between the two (people/citizens) everyone will still assume doing the citizen, instead being a people.
If you understand spanish, please watch this short one #673399 I couldn't find one in english or with subtitles at least, but is a very good video
63 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 5 Sep
it could serve citizens too, depending on the contracts, like once upon a time did. but it depends on the knowledge of the citizens/people
thank you, i needed this today!