Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Don’t be jealous. Don’t be envious. Be inspired.
deleted by author
Today I had a busy day because of work. But I have still had the pleasure of being on the platform and enjoying some interesting posts.
A pressured CEO, a president who makes promises, only promises; the concern about the centralization of BTC holding.
And something that has given me a lot of joy is seeing that I have been posting on SN for 16 days and I have my cowboy hat. I hope to achieve the 10k SATs that I have set as a goal. But most of all I hope to continue learning and cooperating with the platform.
So keep working it has been said
I did zap top comments, top posts and also made a post which got good engagement. However I did not even make it to the top 20, not even top 40. While there's a stacker I can clearly see remained on 10th place who just zapped 500 sats, made a post which got only 27 sats, 0 comments. How did he make it to the 10th rank?
Don't take me wrong but it's not just, not only with me but also there are many stackers Who deserved that 10th spot. I dont know how this all works, but its just unjust. Correct me if I'm wrong. This will be my first and last discussion about it. I'm not here for Sats but I actually don't have means to buy them and then zap on SN.
56 sats \ 4 replies \ @ek 7 Sep
I'm sorry this happened to you, we will check on it to verify what happened. I agree, it looks weird.
Keep in mind that it also depends on how early you zap which you can't see from the leaderboard and to some degree how long you've been here (since you accumulate trust from other stackers by them zapping you over time):
Each stacker has a trust score on Stacker News. New accounts start without any trust, and over time stackers can earn trust by zapping good content, and lose trust by zapping bad content.
The only consideration that factors into a stacker’s trust level is whether or not they are zapping good content. The zap amount does not impact a stacker's trust. In addition, stackers do not lose or gain trust for making posts or comments. Instead, the post and comment fees are the mechanism that incentivizes stackers to only make high quality posts and comments.
A stacker’s trust is an important factor in determining how much influence their zaps have on the ranking of content, and how much they earn from the daily sat reward pool paid to zappers as explained here.
I'll think about a way to make this more transparent but it's not easy
I'm sorry this happened to you, we will check on it to verify what happened. I agree, it looks weird.
Thank you so much sir for your detailed reply and please don't be sorry. I've been just keeping an eye on there with the particular stacker. If it's just for one day, I wouldn't bother you. It's just happening for more than 2 days now. The particular stacker seems to be sticking there above many other stacker who IMO provide way more quality and engagement on SN. I don't just understand how a random stacker with a zap of 500 sats without a single comment and with a post that did not gather any attention provide more value than the stackers Who are whose comments and posts are their in the top of zaprank.
Also, the trust score that you mentioned here confuses me when I look into this stacker's bio. He only has 10 items and not joined too long ago. His 10 items have hardly got him 1000 sats. But overall his stack is more than 34k. Surely this stack has gone from rewards pool. I can't really get it.
Please look into this and please don't take me that I'm asking just because my rank had been way too down. I'm asking this because many good stackers aren't getting what they deserve.
13 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 7 Sep
It's just happening for more than 2 days now.
I don't just understand how a random stacker with a zap of 500 sats without a single comment and with a post that did not gather any attention provide more value than the stackers Who are whose comments and posts are their in the top of zaprank.
Maybe we're biased too much towards early (big) zaps.
Also, the trust score that you mentioned here confuses me when I look into this stacker's bio. He only has 10 items and not joined too long ago. His 10 items have hardly got him 1000 sats.
Trust score is not based on what someone posts but on what they zap since their zaps influence ranking of other posts and you can't see their zaps.
So this means in theory, you could post really bad stuff but if you zap consistently good stuff (the stuff that other stackers also zap after you), you would have a high trust score.
In practice, they should learn that their posts don't perform and only lose them sats.
Can we or you see the trust score of stackers?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 7 Sep
I can, you can't (but I don't)
Rewards aren’t about quantity, they’re about quality among other things.
You can read the FAQ for details.
Thank you sir for the reply but he stacker that qas on 10th rank does not seem to provide any type of quality. He just zapped 500 sats that too not on one post. His post did not gather any engagement and be didn't make any comment. So, my question is - Can someone be up on the leaderboard without getting too much engagement? How the stacker whi was on 10th rank provided more quality than @BitcoinErrorLog, @Bell_curve @DarthCoin and many other stackers placed below him. These are the stackers, aa I can see provide way more value than a random stacker who just zapping 500 sats in the whole day.
I said many times: on SN do not focus on how much sats you earn. SN is not about "earning sats" but about sharing good content, PAYING with sats to post. Few things stackers should think about, using SN:
  • Consider the reward system as a bonus for sharing knowledge and helping others.
  • Spend wisely your sats, zap wisely
  • Keep a balance between what you spend and what you get. Balance into the force is important. I know, is not easy to keep that balance, but think in long term, not in days or weeks.
“Above all, don't lie to yourself.” ― Fyodor Dostoevsky A Stoic Resurrection: #662497
I currently use Strike for DCA. When I accumulate a certain amount of sats I send them to cold storage for no fee. This is a nice perk of Strike. However, is it better to send sats to a “cache” wallet first, then use submarine swaps in a lightning wallet to move those sats back into the cache wallet and then to cold storage? Is this just overthinking it?
Hey @k00b, just a reminder you have not deposited the bounty sats in my wallet this week.
is there etiquette for commenting on a post from random sort that might be really old, or do you just comment like normal
I comment like normal
I comment like normal and, as a preeminent taste maker, that should suffice for etiquette.
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @ken 6 Sep
bitcoin will win
TIL that aside from going "temporarily" off the gold standard, Nixon also played around with price controls, the socio-economic equivalent of alchemy:
Day #60 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
328 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 6 Sep
At this point if your not on Nostr or SN you are irrelevant in my small Bitcoin bubble. I want to work and help people building in these communities because of the values they represent. If your not on these platforms, we are not the same and I wish you luck.
👆Coming from a convo this morning.
74 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 6 Sep
it's over guys... cancelled my lambo pre-order.
Why? It is getting cheaper… (lambo=Bitcoin, right?)
Pretty productive day
Got some coding and fiat mining accomplished.
Posted on Nostr and SN
Washed the dishes, Walked the dog, and put laundry in the dryer.
Need to code more (trying to integrate NWC into zaplist) Need to fiat mine more Need to continue listening to a Lodging of Wayfairing Men
Should probably create a few more npubs Need to pull out the Nix Desktop again.
Bitcoin is still running, right? We're still up over 100% yoy. Why TF does doubt creep in?
The people selling are degenerates and miners, right?? BTW, I'm btfd
I think plebs are just getting sick of all these pushups.
Day 508 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
__@_'-' ~<3
Make it a Bitcoin day!
If you are worried about Telegram I recommend KEET. is a Peer-to-Peer Chat App, built with the Holepunch platform that allows anyone to create apps that don’t use any servers.
Very underrated app. I think people hate it because tether is behind it
Would You Stop Working If You Won 1 M€ In The Lottery? 👀 #674294
Immediately! As soon as I see the million appear in the bank account.🤑 A big part in BTC and some investment to have passive income and the rest in travel! 🏝✈
“It’s not things that upset us, it’s our judgment about things.” ― Epictetus A Stoic Resurrection: #662497
Day 224 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 328 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 227 of 120+ pushups per day)
Day 263 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 787 sats on 5Sep2024! Running total: 173,447 sats!
day 36: 47 sats on 9-5-24. total 1100 sats!
i would have never imagined that a simple calculator would work for me every day.
I have several expensive calculators :P
401 sats \ 3 replies \ @Lux 6 Sep

Acts and Statutes

When “acts and statues” are quoted in paperwork sent by various corporations, the person who sent it is hoping you just accept them.
However when “acts and statutes” are quoted you must question this and ask the sender if they are administrating the act or statute upon you.
No one will ever admit to this as this makes them liable for their actions of administrating something upon you, which you did not authorise.
Further to this, ask to see the signed document by you allowing that person to administrate the “act or statute” upon you; it doesn’t exist.
Therefore do not fight regulations, inquire if you are obligated to obey them, and who is going to administrate them, and under what authority.
“acts and statues”
statues ? :)
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 6 Sep
proof of hooman :)
when “acts and statutes” are quoted you must question this and ask the sender if they are administrating the act or statute upon you.
Fucking A ! Check-mate!
Therefore do not fight regulations, inquire if you are obligated to obey them, and who is going to administrate them, and under what authority.
Do not let things outside of yourself control your emotions:
-'If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?' -'Do not grieve. Anything you lose comes back in another form.'"
Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak.
Sun Tzu, The art of war
In this post #665269 I explained some updates about my "citadel", but now I have a video about how will be AFTER all my plans are finished...
cc @Car
With this same view? Wow!
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 6 Sep
Thats wild
I wish I can spend all day on stacker news but unfortunately I have to fiat mine 😣
Of course the chiefs win