Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
@k00b maybe is time to remove the SN leaderboard. Is creating too much drama and distract people from posting good stuff. Stackers now are only watching others and try to run like in a race.
I understand that you wanted to make SN more like a competition but sincerely that in the end will be against SN itself and will lower the quality.
See that many stackers are in hiding now. That means a lot.
Think about this. As I said many times: SN should not be a faucet to get sats, but the way around, pay to say something. Like that people will be more wise when is about to spend their sats. FFS they are scarce and after this last halving is even harder to obtain them.
I also agree. Just remove it. Everyone wasted one day yesterday just because some nonsense AMA. It's not I want SN to be. Please @k00b do it.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 17 Sep
I agree.
Imagine finding yourself in the position where you are a Bitcoin maxi and pro Trump? From his pro Bitcoin position in Nashville, Donald Trump has gone full shitcoiner. Not as a hodler of shitcoins, but as the prospective owner of a 70% pre-mined full on shitcoin. If there was ever a rug-pull in waiting, this is it. It is such a blatant and revolting scam that it makes me want to puke, and the saddest thing is that hard working suckers will lose all their money to this. But, in fairness, DJT once again exhibits his true character.
324 sats \ 1 reply \ @plebpoet 17 Sep
tonight I donated sats to an urban farm that started up in my hometown. I was SO pumped to see they accepted bitcoin donations.
from their site:
The 8th St. Urban Farm is primarily concerned with increasing access to locally grown healthy produce for the economically disadvantaged of our community, to reestablish a deeper connection with our food and with each other that we have lost over time, and to actively and tenderly care for our planet through the practices of regenerative agriculture.
Super cool! Show them this page, maybe they already know it:
I have also did that with some local farmers. Now I have fresh vegetables anytime I want, paid with sats. This is how we start slowly the Bitcoin circular economy.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 17 Sep
I can’t figure out how to get inline-block contained videos in safari to respect the container. Every other browser sizes the player controls correctly.
Here's a fix: display a message laying into them for still using Safari.
Good morning
GIVEAWAY🚨 BITAXE SUPRA 🚨⛏️🔥👀After some discussion with the plebs we heard that this is the way to propel our shop on the interweb. Us nerds suck at marketing apparently so here it is. Comment, re(x) how do you say retweet these days? And like this post to win a #bitaxe supra with a Leicke adapter and an amazing case (you can configure). This is our first time doing this, because we hate this spam on our own timeline. But apparently a lot of people love this stuff. So LFG. Please note, our website has no cookies, does not collect data and we throw away your personal details when shipped. The ledger hack made us do this. Building for sovereignty since #700.000!
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Golu 16 Sep
What do you freaks think about this......
Create a 2nd npub with
Use Nos2x as the 2nd npubs extension.
Grab a whole bunch of zappable content from clown world.
Scheduled autopost with shipyard and a account
I'd follow and consistantly zap an npub that specifically curates health, fitness, and workout content.
And territory Owners should probably consider using
34 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 16 Sep
When people are upset, they frequently don't know what they're upset about and negative feelings impair their ability to find out. People will indulge in anger purely for this surge in unchecked righteousness.
Are you reflecting on your afternoon pretending to be a warlock?
It's where meditation helps the most. Take a deep breath, turn on some slow music, close your eyes and witness negativity fades into positivity. You start a fresh with a smile and then only can rectify.
41 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 16 Sep
Agreed. Sadly you can't meditate for other people. :)
Wavlake embed looks great
I know right.
With only a couple days to go it looks like only 31 participants will be able to complete the 10k steps a day for 14 days workit challenge. Of course our SN players. @Undisciplined @Carresan and myself are amongst the leaders.
Assuming workit takes a cut of the prize pool, it should be a decent payout regardless. Maybe double our buy in. Not bad.
This is a cool model for fitness accountability. Potentially, they don't even need to take a cut, since there's some sort of paid membership that comes with assorted perks.
What's it about?
You can find info in this post #635638 . In October they are planning two more challenges.
Thanks! This looks good. I'm gonna join it the next time. Please tell me when this starts.
This one commences October 5th. You need to join the challenge before that date.
Haven't seen that one. Will join with my payout.
Then, October 10th commences the other one
Thanks. Will you also join it?
Definitely! I walk the steps every day whether I join the challenge or not.
We gonna be walking together this time. I also do it . I walk daily but if the motivation is Sats, just double the steps with 2x speed
Yes, let the Stackers get all the sats from the lazy and forgetful.
Haha! I love Sats.
East bound
and down?
that looks like a small coffee cup! More is better when you are driving!
202 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 16 Sep
The surest sign that someone is ready for success is they don't contort their jealousy into moral superiority.
Like me being jealous at how @Sahkaan_Wahlook is doing? That person isnt you just playing a prank on us, is it? That got a chuckle, right?
Finally got graphene OS on my new pixel thanks to @siggy47 post
Between stacker news and the graphene forum I was able to complete the install using Linux! Feeling great!! Thanks @siggy47
My pixel has a carrier lock on it for 4 months......
Hustle's rocking two phones one is an unlocked Iphone with cloaked wireless......these are strange times.
Congrats! I wish I had pixel.
Congrats! And you didn't need Apple. An added bonus.
Yeah I’m wondering how I’m going to start this transition. Already ditched Microsoft. Getting rid of Apple and Google will be very tough
If you're a proton guy that takes care of email and google drive replacement. Most of the non Google apps you need have APKs that you can download from and keep updated by Obtanium or through @franzap's Zapstore. You can also try fdroid if need be. For banking, if you really need access on your phone it's mainly web pwa. I don't bank at all on my phone outside btc.
Thanks for the advice. I use proton email not the drive.
Yeah I was hoping to replace apps on my iPhone on to my pixel.
But the switch is giving me massive anxiety right now like ugh where do I even begin. Should I go cold turkey or create different profiles in graphene so I can reap the benefits of using the Google AI 😅
As a crutch keep your iphone and use it on wifi as you make your gradual switch. I did that with my old galaxy, and found I had little need for the old apps after a month or so.
Thanks! I am wondering if I should port my sim over or just grab a pay as I need sim via
I got lazy in the end. I should have gone with silent link

Ask SN

I got some wild boar meat from a neighbor (hunter).
Do you have a simple recipe how to cook this nice read meat ?
50 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 16 Sep
I got one from a trapper in Hawaii years ago. We roasted the legs and stewed the rest iirc. It was a lean female so there wasn't much we could do with it. If I had the means I probably would've made sausage with some of the meat.
100 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 16 Sep
After almost 2 days marinating the meat, here is my stew. The meat is really delicious, tender, like a liver and the red wine I marinated with, it gives a nice sweet taste.
Looks great!
niiiice! Exactly like that I did it too. The neighbor just drop it at my door entirely so I have to prepare it myself.
I will make a stew first. The rest will see later, now will just drop it into the freezer for a week or so.
Smoke a bunch of it. You can probably get a fair amount of bacon.
The "climate change" working in night shifts...
Very relevant with all the crazy things going on in the world right now.
5th day without nicotine.
Great job, Hustle.
How are you feeling?
Still unconsciously reaching for a vape that isn't there.
Yesterday was a bit rougher for some reason, but managed to not go to the store.
Today is ok, but could easily slip up.
You can now add "LA WALLET" the best argentinean created LN wallet to Get Alby.
New guys starting at work. So I’m heading in. I’m usually remote. Fun day….
Alby hub with NWC is so cool.
22 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 16 Sep
Oh, the Bremen Town Musicians but Russian style
When governments go to war with each other its not personal.
And when it comes to Ukraine Vs Russia, Ukraine lost. The sooner they accept that the better.
Wow...Stacker Saloon starting to reek of piss and sulphur...
saw this and lol'd
its been kept under wraps for a reason but lets see
Day 273 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 819 sats on 15Sep2024! Running total: 181,773 sats!
day 46: 42 sats on 9-15-24. total 1490 sats!
i have a dream, that some bitcoin farms will look like this:
sats-factions keep pushing the hash.
I feel like around a decade or so ago (maybe a bit more?) was the goldilocks period for the web.
Social media was transitioning from MySpace to Facebook... solving the real problem of getting people's photos and stories online, reconnecting with people you haven't seen in years, etc.
Then I feel like in the last decade or so it has been mostly on decline, just ads everywhere and trying to maximize every single thing to make the site more profitable.
That's when new "social media" like Tinder started to appear, which in the beginning was relatively OK, but in this past decade has turned into a sea of bots and subscriptions, etc.
I don't like to feel this way, so I will end with a positive side, which are the things like Stacker News, absolutely amazing content and community.
I hope I get to discover more of these incredible new things. ChatGPT certainly has changed the game again, and I still think we are living in the "nice" period of it, before it turns into just a money making machine.
I never used MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc even that I was in touch with computers and online presence (working in IT) almost all my life. I never like it.
But Bitcoin changed a bit my perspective. In the early Bitcoin years I was lurking around on BitcoinTalk Forum and Reddit r/Bitcoin but also didn't post too much. The block size war made me to leave behind reddit for good. It became such a shithole after that.
But then came Stacker News and Nostr. This is game changer. Totally something else.
The "Stack": Bitcoin, Lightning, Nostr, and eCash. The innovations happening with this stack will lead to mass adoption. Killer apps are coming and Facebook, Twitter, Insta will be displaced by decentralized Nostr apps. Content creators will have much more portability with their followers. Which they monetize directly with zaps. This structure will also disrupt the massive Ad industry, orange pill millions, and power the Bitcoin economy.
this is 100% true. i feel like 2012 was a golden period for a lot of things and goldilocks period is an excellent way of thinking about it.
house prices weren't so high, inflation wasn't so crazy, we didn't have culture wars and you could still go to bars without everyone being on their phones all the time.
Today I learnt how to rearrange students’ names & scores from highest to lowest. Ya don’t ask me how I have managed to escape doing Excel all this while haha
Have a great week, Cowboys!
Stack Sats and stay humble.
Day 234 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 338 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 237 of 120+ pushups per day)
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 16 Sep
Day 518 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 16 Sep
ETH/BTC ratio is extremely funny, but I'm thinking we've hit a local bottom. This scam will take many more years to unwind.
Early one tomorrow got a plane to catch! Top tips for travel?
Watch the series "Lost" before and during the flight :)
What a show
From the ashes of the old, a new you wakes up to a dawn that unfolds before your eyes...full of light, beauty and grace...this love has no face.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @Nadia 16 Sep
Nice to have that 10% discount, but I see it as a lack of respect if I am with someone in person talking and they start looking at their phones.
It's a huge problem these days as many people are addicted to them.
Back to back nuts 🌰
Day #70 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
I had every intention to post first...then I got distracted. Such is life :)
Sensei could zap you easily because he’s above you. Things happen for a reason haha
Lol I have long gotten over the need to be zapped. All the sats I have gotten are still here on SN.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 16 Sep
208 sats \ 7 replies \ @Lux 16 Sep

Trust Law:

A Trust is a legal entity created to hold property, where the property owner called the Trustor, Grantor or Settlor, transfers legal ownership to the trust.
The trust is then managed by a professional or family member called a Trustee, for the benefit of another person called the Beneficiary.
Although Trust law is extremely complicated, in layman’s terms, a trust separates the legal ownership from beneficial usage, or User Rights from Property Rights.
This is done to protect assets from various claims such as lawsuits and tax agencies.
A foundation is a trust, although it deals more with corporations, whereas a Trust deals with families.
Isn't a trust above corporations' jurisdiction? I mean, a trust could own corporation(s) too
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 18 Sep
I wouldn't say above.
every LLC, joint stock company... is a trust the Bible is a trust the governmment is a trust..
everything is a trust
This is an important piece towards full sovereignty. Some people may find it hard to do it, but is not. Very good also the playlist you shared !
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 18 Sep
what's the name of the guy on this video?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 18 Sep
i know he goes by MatrixDecoded
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @wilto 16 Sep
The news today
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