Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
1st night of cub scouts for my boys. Let’s see how much I help out, possibly a den leader. Let the adventure begin!
Please don't be in a hurry to stop reading. Follow the instructions. Read to the end. I recommend it.
Day #73 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
Evening nuts are the best 🌰
this month ! ahahahha
How many top stackers?
23 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 19 Sep
I added the boost this month ya feel
This has started to show suddenly. The boost button is nice
What's this?
33 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 19 Sep
Yep, deploying a fix.
11 sats \ 10k boost \ 3 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
Eifersucht ist die Leidenschaft, die mit Eifer sucht was Leiden schafft
Das Zitat stammt von dem österreichischen Dichter Franz Grillparzer
23 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 19 Sep
I know it from this song
WoW 🤠
boost? crazy madness
Hahaha , congrats, @grayruby!
Wow! Three months rent just for walking the same amount you were going to anyway.
No. It is 300k sats/5 winners. Not 300k each.
Only way to win over 300k sats is to be the lone survivor.
Oh, I misunderstood their description. Still pretty good. That was a weird way to say 60k for five of the finishers.
111 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 19 Sep
my mom taught me to not follow strangers
Am I a stranger Ek?
126 sats \ 18 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
Mhh, maybe it would be fun if the biggest zapper on the best items of the day get extra rewards since you don't have accurate data on how much others zapped. There is already some incentive to zap big but I think some more which is also fun wouldn't hurt.
If multiple zappers have the same biggest zap, these extra rewards are distributed.
Also: once a post has been zapped big, most other zappers are unlikely to zap big, unless they can outdo the original zapper by an order of magnitude.
I don't base this on any empirical evidence, but just on the feels (and a margarita).
17 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 20 Sep
most other zappers are unlikely to zap big, unless they can outdo the original zapper by an order of magnitude.
Doesn't this imply they know what the biggest zap is? Is this the margarita speaking? lol
Probably not. If I see a really good post and it only has a little bit of zaps, I am more inclined to zap it hard (10k+).
If I see a post and it already has 40k sats zapped, I'm probably going to zap it a little, maybe up to 1 or 2k at most.
Do I know who zapped before me or how much? No. But my feeling is that the poster has gotten some good recognition and value and there is probably not too much rewards to be gained there. So, unless it is truly exceptional, I'm not going to zap much more.
Perhaps I am a miserly outlier and too mercenary, but I suspect stackers zap in orders of magnitude.
If you see a post that has a couple thousand sats but is awesome you zap it by a multiple of 10k or just a little. If you see a post that has a couple 10k of sats, you zap it just a little or you zap it up to 100k. For me at least there is a leveling up involved in thinking through a zap. The biggest zaps I've done have usually been when I felt something was under appreciated and to demonstrate the fact, you usually have to add a zero.
This may not apply to posts with less than 10k sats.
I know exactly who's been scooping up all these extra sats, k00b!
58 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
Stackers' Jealousy, 2024
Jealousy? That's a new one on me!
Jealousy is a complex emotion that encompasses feelings ranging from suspicion to rage to fear to humiliation. It strikes people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations, and is most typically aroused when a person perceives a threat to a valued relationship from a third party. The threat may be real or imagined.
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 19 Sep
You mean the word is new for you since you're ESL (might also be new 👀) or you're saying it's an inaccurate description for how stackers feel?
If it's the latter, I agree, it just sounds funny.
the latter ... 🤠
ek playing again with the SN algo
60 sats \ 8 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
  • extra rewards if you didn't zap DarthCoin today
  • special cowboy hat if you zapped DarthCoin today
if you mute DarthCoin...
Hey @DarthCoin, I hate to interrupt the frivolity, but do you know if Zeus is planning NWC connect?
  1. Yes but is not a priority.
  2. Is quite hard to use NWC with a node that is mostly offline, is a mobile wallet. Yes you can keep it in persistent mode but not all users still understand that powerful feature.
  3. Maybe when will be released the desktop version will make sense.
If you want a desktop (persistent) source node for a NWC I suggest:
  • + shock wallet
  • alby hub
Don't complicate it, keep it simple. Zeus is a great mobile app but is not ready for NWC.
@ek, I just noticed something weird. It looks like I can zap my own reply? I'm getting the lightning bolt. That ain't right. Now I see I can zap my own posts too. Are you guys messing with something?
That's the boost button 😄 You can now boost your own reply or boast. It means, we all can brag our words with at least 10k sats.
Good! I'm travelling to Paris next month!
Bitcoin Bazar @bitcoinbazar21 Paris now has a Bitcoin-only shop and educational space!
We had the chance to visit it before it opened to the public.
132 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 19 Sep
Reading #691712 from our wise mage made me wonder: how many "bitcoin companies" rather drive bitcoin adoption instead of being driven by it?
Bitcoin companies in quotation marks since it’s a loose definition.
119 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 19 Sep
This is informed by a lot of founder's pitchdecks that are like "we moon when bitcoin does." Bitcoin may take longer than a lifetime to reach mass adoption and there's some chance it always remains an obscure asset. If people can choose, they shouldn't choose for their company's growth to critically depend on more things outside of their control than they have to. Further, if your company's "secret" is dependence on something outside of your control, it won't be a secret for very long and you can't expect to durably capture the value it produces. They wish to confound the passive benefits of holding bitcoin with running a company; "if I can just stand around with my hands out long enough gold will fall into them."
Hey @k00b I tried to set my desired wallet balance back to zero to test if I had gotten myself out of whatever NWC prison I was in and I got the following error message:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes')
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 19 Sep
hmmmm @ek does this sound familiar?
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
No but it could be caused if the get_info response doesn't actually contain methods since that's one example where we call includes in the given context:
{ "result_type": "get_info", "result": { "alias": "string", "color": "hex string", "pubkey": "hex string", "network": "string", // mainnet, testnet, signet, or regtest "block_height": 1, "block_hash": "hex string", "methods": ["pay_invoice", "get_balance", "make_invoice", "lookup_invoice", "list_transactions", "get_info"], // list of supported methods for this connection } }
But that would be a weird error, why would that suddenly happen for an existing connection.
20 sats \ 4 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
You got this message by only changing the withdraw threshold ("desired balance")?
Yes. I had it at zero yesterday but zaps were not going through because I reached some rate limit with coinos on my NWC so I switched it to 2500 sats yesterday so that I could zap. I wanted to test if my rate limit issue was resolved today and if I had just been given at time out or if it was something that persisted so I switched the desired balance back to 0 and got that error message when I tried to save.
Maybe because of my rate limit issue I need to delete the connection and attach again?
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
Ohh, a rate limit causing this makes a lot of sense! But that means their error response is not in the standardised format we expect. Will look into that, thank you!
Should I detach the wallet and then attach again as a means of getting around rate limit issue?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
No, I don’t think that will help
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
I observe: When I see big zaps on a post, I am more inclined to also zap big.
It feels a bit like this:
Stackers zapping the most popular post, 2007
when people scream, it means they are not suffocating
I am zapping in chunks, not all at once. If I want to comment first, then I zap the 1st chunk so others will not deduct that was me zapping first. After the comment, I wait for others to comment and zap more, then I zap more. Sometimes even next day or next days, when people forgot about that post.
I also like to zap the OP if is giving to others good answers. I notice that in AMAs that people once they get an answer from OP, do not zap them for the effort to answer. even if you do not like it, is a nice gesture to zap something in response.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 19 Sep
If I want to comment first, then I zap the 1st chunk so others will not deduct that was me zapping first. After the comment, I wait for others to comment and zap more, then I zap more. Sometimes even next day or next days, when people forgot about that post.
lol, you're a zap ninja
I do similar things though.
I also like to zap the OP if is giving to others good answers. I notice that in AMAs that people once they get an answer from OP, do not zap them for the effort to answer. even if you do not like it, is a nice gesture to zap something in response.
yes, those extra zaps are important to let them know every contribution is appreciated. especially during AMAs, the responses are what everyone actually values
you're a zap ninja
I just don't want other stackers to say "hey look Darth zapped x amount first...". They will never know how much I really zapped a post / comment.
The whole mockery with the pagers exploding is just a small part that people do not want to see it.
Remember the always present pattern: problem - reaction - solution.
This was an orchestrated move towards even more restrictions for you, the normal guy. Soon you will not be anymore allowed to carry with you a phone, laptop or any device with a battery. In planes, trains, busses etc. They will come up with all kind of excuses and methods to restrict you and control your communications.
And Darth is calling it here on SN so you will remember it. @remindme in 1 year
Agree with you on the problem -> reaction -> solution pattern. It happens. I doubt this is an example though. In the US they have done it over and over again. I don't see them being able to make people leave their phones. If you wanna real uprising take people's phones away. Second, the phone is to valuable to the state. Its their best method of tracking people. They aren't gonna try to keep people from using them.
What they might do is require a "scan" and become more invasive in their searches.
Also, unless this happens in the western country no one will care enough to raise security levels. Its just a fact. If someone tries something like this in the US or Europe then you might see increased restrictions.
the phone is to valuable to the state.
Yes, when you are not in a space where they are in control... but I am talking about you jumping into a plane, train. bus, where they have FULL control over you and they know who are you and where you go. They don't need so much that phone, they can say "ok we will keep it for you in a safe box and you will get back when you finish your travel".
Nah, to much trouble. In the US when they had the "shoe bomber" they just started making you take off your shoes.
We will see I guess but I just don't see that happening. Not for this at least. I don't put anything past them but I don't see it.
I really doubt it. Have you heard the buzz about the explosions? Apparently, Mossad planted explosives, not the batteries. They say the Mossad got their hands on the stuff halfway there and slipped 1 or 2 gram of explosives and a detonator circuite.
It doesn't really matter what they did, how they did it. Important is WHAT will happen in the world AFTER this...
  1. They create the "problem"
  2. Now they wait for your "reaction"
  3. They will come up with the "solution" : you are even more restricted.
Important is WHAT will happen in the world AFTER this
Imo, what comes next is a bigger war in the region.
We've been down that road, but I don't see it happening with this whole exploding pagers thing.
This is a real question. I can manage some invest for the company, but it is not allowed to buy BTC. The only option is a BTC Spot ETF. Which one do you suggest and why?
none. If you do not buy real BTC you better don't buy anything else. ETFs are a fucking big scam.
If that company is so dumb to not have BTC as reserves and also start paying employees from that reserve, then you better find another place.
99% of companies are dumb then because they don't have btc, but btc adoption for coporation is slower than individuals. First you need to buy btc and register that purchase. then have a legal department, compliance, account management, accountancy for valuation, manage lost sats during tx, etc.
So if a company wants a non-custody btc option, like its already having non-custody stocks, bonds, accounts, what shall it do?
Bitcoin is CASH in accounting. That's all. You declare as "cash reserves". Is none of anybody else business what you do with your own money.
“So you think that you're a failure, do ya? Well, you probably are. What's wrong with that? In the first place, if you have any sense at all, we pay just as dearly for our triumphs as we do for our defeats. Go ahead and fail! But fail with wit, fail with grace, fail with style. A mediocre failure is as insufferable as a mediocre success. Embrace failure! Seek it out. Learn to love it. That may be the only way any of us will ever be free.” ― Tom Robbins, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
This quote came from a character in the book I'm reading (I'm liking it so much, I'm thinking book review to come) who is a new psychiatrist that doesn't listen to his patients but instead works out his own problems through them. Only such a thing could occur in fiction, right?? Hmmm
A mediocre failure is as insufferable as a mediocre success.
This line resonated with me most. I find it to be very true, and liberating.
k00b running with cowboy credits...
37 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 19 Sep
Go go go...
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
Good morning, stackers, happy Thursday.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 19 Sep
GM Cowboys!
Stack Sats and stay humble!
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Roll 19 Sep
Mars: Moon, Craters, and Volcanos
@BTC_Archive. This is huge!
JUST IN: 🇩🇪 Germany’s Commerzbank to launch #Bitcoin trading and custody.
Commerzbank has 11.6m retail customers.
Day 276 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 831 sats on 18Sep2024! Running total: 184,265 sats!
day 49: 42 sats on 9-18-24. total 1605 sats!
one day we'll turn the pyramids back on and mine bitcoin with regal energy.
I say HODL post this on nostr and thought it would be good to put it here. fiat mindset trigger warning --
Using @Michael Saylor's base case (13MM a coin by 2045) as the example…
Saving $20 a week = $1,200,000 in 2045 Saving $50 a week = $3,000,000 in 2045 Saving $100 a week = $6,000,000 in 2045 Saving $500 a week = $30,000,000 in 2045 Saving $1,000 a week = $60,000,000 in 2045
Now let’s get properly bullish and use Saylors bull case 🐂 of $49 million per coin by 2045.
Saving $20 a week = $3,600,000 in 2045 Saving $50 a week = $9,000,000 in 2045 Saving $100 a week = $18,200,000 in 2045 Saving $500 a week = $90,000,000 in 2045
Saving $1,000 a week = $181,500,000 in 2045
If you save $20-$50 a week over the next 21 years you will end up with somewhere between 1.2 and 9 million dollars.
-- IMO, even if fiat is really declining, 3 mil will still be a pretty decent chunk of change
This is based on a persistent annual growth rate. It is plausible that sometime during this time period we have a tipping point or black swan event and Bitcoin skyrockets to many millions over the course of a couple years and then slowly grinds up. Depending on when this happens in the 21 year period you could end up with a lot more than this (if it is in the last few years) or a lot less than this (if it is in the first few years).
So I would caution against stating if you save $20-$50 a week over the next 21 years you will end up between 1.2M and 9M. However, this is a good reminder that daily or weekly dca and letting compounding do its work will get you where you want to be in the long term.
Or a zero day bug in the core code
71 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 19 Sep
Listened to Saylor on Saif's podcast and he talked about this. It sounds like his assumptions are not based on the dollar collapsing or anything drastic really. Econ keeps moving, dollar is still the dominate money in the world. Basically bitcoin as an asset sucking up gold's market share and some of many other things. That's a pretty conservative view IMO. I suspect we will see a massive event in the next 20 years which could make bitcoin in relation to the dollar skyrocket. That said, I like Saylor's look at it because if you are using the dollar as you unit of account and you assume it is just going to keep inflating these numbers aren't crazy.
Now if we have a black swan bitcoin in relation to dollars could be even more massive but its purchasing power might be closer to Saylor's numbers. Its all just speculation though.
All speculation indeed. I do think they can kick the fiat can down the road longer than most bitcoiners believe possible but I am in your camp I find it hard to believe we don't have some kind of black swan for the fiat system over the next 20 years. Will that be its demise, who knows, but something is going to happen to have it at least in extreme peril.
meant to say saw this post
bug or feature ? @ek
order by: recent
22 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 19 Sep
Freebies are always ordered last
Day 237 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 341 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 240 of 120+ pushups per day)
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 19 Sep
Day 521 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
could be soon.
58 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 19 Sep
Divide and rule was the old school...
187 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 19 Sep

Justinian Law:

The Byzantine Empire was founded in the year A.D. 330 and is also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire which was the continuation of the Roman Empire, throughout the Middle Ages.
Justinian I also known as Justinian the Great, was the Byzantine emperor from A.D. 527 to A.D. 565. He was responsible for creating the Code of Justinian, Roman Civil Law, or Corpus Juris, which is Latin for “body of law”.
The Corpus Juris is essentially military law, which is made up of the following:
  1. Law of the legally dead.
  2. Law of the Sea.
  3. Law of the private merchant bankers.
  4. Law of Corporations.
The modern day version of Corpus Juris controls foreign governing corporations and the banking system, which include the United Nations, United States and European Union as they are all corporations.
Accursius, who was a Roman Jurist, meaning he was an expert in writing law, perfected the Corpus-Juris in A.D. 1230 with the introduction of the surname, just after the signing of the Magna Carta.
The Magna Carta gave the people the law of the land; however they were tricked into the jurisdiction of Corpus-Juris with the acceptance of the surname written in all caps.
With the creation of the surname, and illiteracy of the Plebeians within the Plebetoral system, the people were enslaved by accepting the title civilian, under the control of the civil law system.
The Byzantine Empire fell in the year 1453, although the legal system continued to this day.
Are navigate, patronise & evaluate the three new words you will learn this week?