Today I reached 21 000 total items posted on Stacker News!
And also today is October 21, 2024.
WOW I was surprised mnyself seeing that. Yeah is kind of magical number for all bitcoiners this "21". I don't want to brag about, but looking back is a hell of posting. And as you know, I am not a spammer, I just post when is needed, content that is needed (mostly Bitcoin guides). Yes I comment a lot, because I like to help others. But will enter into these details later in this celebration article. I will try to not make it too long...
I hope this memorable post will give you more inspiration into your own Bitcoin journey. I am not saying that you shold follow my path. Each one we have our own path. What I am trying to says is that you should go all in Bitcoin and never look back. Do whatever you can for Bitcoin adoption.
Why do I write this post?
Is more like a telling you my story, the story of Darthcoin in the Bitcoin realm. Many new stackers here do not know these aspects about me and sometimes do not understand my (harsh) comments.
I dedicate this post to all stackers and I wish them all "May The Bitcoin Be With You!"

This post is about my long journey on Stacker News, how I started, how I get into Bitcoin (I promise to siggy47 this story) and how I navigate the past on SN and how I would like to see SN further. Of course is just my personal desire, that maybe is not well aligned with SN founders.
Here I will put the links to all chapters of this long post so you can skip them if you already know parts about me:
- Who is Darthcoin and how he get into Bitcoin?
- Darthcoin journey with SN
- Darthcoin proposals for SN
- Darthcoin advice to stackers
Who is Darthcoin?
I will try to not reveal too much personal information because I want to keep these two identities separate as much is possible. And I will explain later why.
I am just an old guy. This month I reached 53 years. Yes, I was born in the fatidical month of October 1971 (WTF happened in Oct 1971?). Maybe that's why I am so toxic maxi bitcoiner... is my destiny.
How it started
I was born in the peak of communist era of a place that embraced the fatidical communist regime. And I survived all my first 20 years in this terrible regime and terror. You cannot even imagine how much I suffered and especially being young. I don't like to talk too much about these aspects because they bring me back harsh memories that makes me suffer more and make me angry. But are there and will always remain there in my brains like a heavy burden.
Communism, the hard communism that I lived, is a something that you, as a westerner could not imagine. And I am here to warn you to not ignore the signs of it. It is coming to you too! And not because the fuckers want to implement it, but because they know you the westerner will accept on the fly without even notice it. I see the signs because I was forged in fire and I can see very easily these signs.
Darth warning: DO NOT LET THEM FOOL YOU. The State, the Gov., the politicians are fooling you. Stop being a pussy statist hiding behind some meaningless privileges as shitizen. be a fucking man, responsible for your own actions. A sovereign individual that pursue his individual freedom all his life.
I was fooled too, so many times, by the state and gov that I start learning how to defend myself and build a paralel life outside of the system. Yes, because even in communism, that was THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE. This is the word: survive, not to live. Living a normal life wasn't an option back then. Half of my family (aunts, uncles, cousins etc) were killed. Shot in the head. Why? Because if somebody in your family was against the regime, all the rest of your family will suffer. The State / the regime will try all kind of manipulations, tactics and tortures to the other members of your family, to make you confess and sign their "contracts" showing to the rest how weak are you and that "you did something wrong" against the regime.
I NEVER fall for their tactics. I always stood my ground and fight against the regime and being a loud voice, even being a kid.
Then one day I run. I escaped from that regime and went to the "western world". But my euphoria vanished very soon when I realized that the western world is not too much different than the communist world, only that have more lipstick on the pig's lips and wear nice "Adidas" sneakers and eating more sweets.
[!NOTE] Mention: did you know that in communism I had rationed the food? Yeah basic food like milk, bread, meat, fruits. As a kid I eat oranges and bananas only once per year, on Christmas. I survived because I had my grandpas living in a rural area where they could raise some few animals and grow some vegetables and fruits. Otherwise is very hard to resist. When the food is scarce your mind is not acting normal, it became more sharp, more focused on survival and your trust in all the rest around you is gone. YOU TRUST NOBODY. because anybody can take your food. So when you see me totally against all govs, now you know why, because I know them very well how they act, how they operate to bring you down into slavery.
How was going
OK so I start living my life into a so called "democracy". It was OK, from the point of view of a normal life. Comparing with the communist past was way much better. But I wasn't get too comfortable with that so I start looking for more ways to get the fuck out the system, totally.
I couldn't resist to live in a lie again. All politics, economy, system was not too different than before, only with few more privileges. I cannot call those rights because are NOT. So I was moving around place to place, around Europe, trying to find a peaceful place where to settle myself. I couldn't find that for many years. And mostly because all the time you are forced to play by the system. They are folling you with all kind of tricks and contracts (that sometimes you never sign) and you have to start over. Again and again. Some people are just giving up, fooled by the more privileges they get from the state. And slowly those became statists, that will defend their shit because they depend of that shit. They can't be responsible for themselves.
So I start working in IT, technical hardware and infrastructure consulting for some good companies. I traveled quite some time but I didn't like too much. I was still trying to get out the system, not paying taxes, moving around and using all kind of ways to live my own life as a rebel.
It was really hard because those times Bitcoin wasn't yet created. And you were always going back to fiat mo0ney, to banks, to the gov, they got you by the balls and will never let you free. FIAT MONEY IS A PURE DISEASE!
How it ended
But in 2009 Bitcoin came to existence. I found out about it in 2010 reading some technical documentation from a work colleague. I was interested in the concept and I saved the post in my bookmarks for later. But unfortunately I forgot about it. I got very busy with work, traveling and having some heavy installation projects that kept me busy all days.
But then, one day, in early the 2012, went to a grocery store to buy some beers, with only 20 bucks in my pocket. Right at the entrance I bumped into an old friend, from communist era, we were buddies, doing all kind of crazy things, against the system. Imagine my surprise, that after so many years, I met him again, in a total another world, in total another circumstances.
Even now, I think that was big sign that I met my old friend right that day.
Because he was the one that brought me to Bitcoin. He didn't let to spend my 20 bucks on beers and invite me to his home that was right on the same street.
And he show me stuff about Bitcoin he was doing, explained me in details about Bitcoin whitepaper, Satoshi, etc. Was fascinating for me.
Instantly I bought 1 BTC from him with those 20 bucks. He wanted me to start in the right way, P2P. Freshly mined BTC, from his miner. Those times you could still mine with a PC.
And he literally told me:
[!IMPORTANT] "If somebody will want to strike down Bitcoin, it will make it even stronger than we can imagine."
That moment I felt like he was the old ObiWan talking with Anakin Skywaler (aka Darth). A moment that I will never forget and changed my life forever, for good.

That made me think deeply about Bitcoin and that's how "DarthCoin" was born. I was a Star Wars fun from the beginning and Darth Vader was my hero. Why? Not because many people saw him (wrongfully) as the villain, bur because was The Chosen One, that will bring The balance into The Force. If you don't know that, I suggest you to watch again all the Star Wars saga and pay attention to all the details around Darth Vader. You've missed a whole important story.
I went back home TOTALLY CHANGED. My wife asked me where are the beers and I said that are gone, I drank them with a friend. I never told her I bought my first bitcoin with beer money. So I start reading more and more about Bitcoin, during the whole week. Then I realized that this is my "golden fish" I was looking all my life, my only way out of the system!
Bitcoin is the missing piece necessary if you really want to get out of the system. Because whatever you will try, you will always go back to fiat, banks and govs. But with Bitcoin you can fuck'em'all.
Darthcoin journey into Bitcoin

So I start mining too, with PCs first. Working in IT I had access to many powerful PCs and I mined with whatever I could, but still keeping it quietly and not disturbing others activities. Then I start mining with those USB AntMiners, lots of them because they were burning quite often.
I was learning all days about Bitcoin, reading all kind of articles, documentation etc, testing all apps available. Just to keep up with all the new stuff coming. I wanted to "control this Force" of knowledge about Bitcoin. I never went on shitcoining. Never attracted me, my focus was ONLY on Bitcoin from the beginning.
Accummulating knowledge about Bitcoin was my primary goal. Unfortunately I wasn't trained in coding so I couldn't enter into this realm. But I can read some parts and understand. I could help developers to find bugs, write documentation, test and explain to normal users their apps.
So, I was very few times active on the forum, but only asking questions and reading others comments, not so debatable (like now on SN). I didn't like to engage in debates. I am better as an observer. I am a good observer that can memorize many events, events that others are ignoring them, but I pay attention to the details and save the bookmark if is something that catch my interest.
During the "Blocksize war" I also wasn't so active in the debate, on reddit or forum or any social media. I never had a twitter account. I do not like too much social media. Why? Because all these years trying to step out of the system, i saw that social media is a burden that people are carrying with them, slowing them down and revealing too many details about their private personal life.
So I always kept separate "identities": one private, only for my real life; and another one(s) only for online "presence". Never mix them. But yes, there are here on SN two stackers that know me in person, in real life.
All these years in Bitcoinlandia I onboarded many nocoiners, helping them with the littel knowledge I knew. And always trying to improve that knowledge to be better prepared for their questions. It was hard, really hard to build my own realm of the system. But I worked hard, continuously stacking sats and slowly closing all the bank accounts and never look back to fiat. I stopped working for others, I start working only for me, as a freelnacer and paid ONLY in Bitcoin. Wasn't easy, don't get me wrong, is a long journey and preparation. You can't start just with few sats. You need a good stash that gives you a buffer zone.
Today I see people that do not want to do that step, go full Bitcoin. and I have a simple message for them: no problem, more sats for me.
Then the PLANdemic came... right after 2019 when I decided to stop working my regular freelance jobs and retire into teaching Bitcoin to others.
But those times weren't easy, as for all. I was kidnapped (arrested) just for not wearing a fucking mask on the street. I NEVER ACCEPTED ANYTHING A GOV SAID OR TRIED TO FORCED ME TO DO. NEVER IN MY LIFE. So why now? And I get out from kidnappers because I stood my ground and won the case in front the judge. I could even go against the policemen they kidnapped me and will win. But I do not want to do more harm. I follow the Natural Law that says very clearly: do not do harm to others.
So, in 2020 I dediced to dedicate my entire time to Bitcoin. Writing guides for "my padawans", helping them all days, debugging, finding solutions for their use cases (mostly merchants). I was very active on the Umbrel forum with thousands of posts, 24/7. I've been running several telegram groups for Bitcoin support in 3 languages, 24/7 answerting questions from noobs. All for free, from my time.
Because only like that Bitcoin could win, could go forward. With good education, good practice, testing, helping devs and slapping shitcoiners in the face, all days. I always focused on the practicality of Bitcoin, daily use as money, not on trading, asset or bullshit like that. Callo me crazy, call me whatever you like, I do not fucking care and I will always be a fucking toxic maxi Bitcoiner. Consistency matter. You don't like it? Fine, GFY, HFSP.
I will continue helping those that really appreciate my help until I'll die. But those that are still shitcoining and trash Bitcoin and Lightning Network, will get only shit from me. They do not deserve my sharing knowledge.
OK enough about Darthcoin, this post is not only about Darthcoin. Is about SN & Bitcoin journey.
Darthcoin journey with SN
Then June 2021 came out of nowhere a simple post in a Telegram group about Stacke News. Not sure if it was @k00b himself posting it, but instantly got my attention: a forum like reddit but with sats.. Daaaman that instantly is game changer.
I get onboard immediately and created an account. Start reading some posts but werent so many those early days, just test ones. So I waited, not posting anything, just to see how's going. Those days I was also writing a lot of guides on my Substack. And one day I decided to post one of my early guides about Umbrel on SN. That was my first post item #166, a shy link about Umbrel node, testing the waters.
Seems that SN team didn't realized that they created a "monster"...

It didn't get too much attention, was too early and people still didn't know too much about Umbrel and LN nodes. But was fine, I made my entrance. And I dedided to go on this path, posting only stuff about bitcoin and trying to help new stackers with my advice and knowledge. If you can browse all my posts from the beginning you will see that NEVER posted any bullshit crap, no stupid links, no misleading stuff, only stuff that matters for Bitcoin and Freedom.
I didn't came to SN for the sats ! From teh beginning I saw SN as a forum where you HAVE TO PAY TO POST, to say something. And that was fascinating for me, because nobody dare such thing until then. Was literally this meme:

In a Bitcoin world everything will be PAY TO USE. Remember that. And also your sats ARE FUCKING SCARCE! Spend them wisely because later you will regret it.
I am not saying that you should not spend them. Not at all. Remember I live on Bitcoin standard from 2018, where I have to spend to live. But I spend my sats ONLY on things that really matters for me and when is really needed. Like this post now, paying 100 sats to say something important for everybody.
I was very active on SN, as you can see I reached 21 000 total items and I did a real PoW here, trying to keep a line between shitcoiner and bitcoiners. Even that I am harsh with them, someday they will thank me for my words. I am 1000% sure about that.
I've tried all kind of tacticts and methods posting, comemnting, zapping etc on SN. Just to see how is going and knowing better the system. Not for gaining sats. That's not my goal here. But anyways, the rewards are welcomed and will never refuse them if somebody will give them to me. That's an extra for me. My goal is make me heard because many of my warnings and advice became real. Not because I say so... not at all. Many stackers here hate me for being right, but my warnings came after intense observation of many things around, studies, details etc. Aspects that many ignore or pass over, but I don't. Also here are some manipulators that are only trying to deceive your opinion, your perception, and put you on a wrong track. Be aware of those!
I, as a sovereign individual I will always speak truth, when I know it.

And btw... I love busting shitcoiners balls. They try to fight back but you know how we say: shitcoiners can't meme. And I am the one with the lighsaber, not them.

Darthcoin proposals for SN
Let's go deep into Stacker News system.
I've been through all history of SN and I saw how it evolve to something wonderful. Sometimes with bad things sometimes with good things. But is still a powerful tool for bitcoiners. Is really underestimated and we are still very early.
During these years, I've made some proposals to SN devs, on their Github and here in the SN Saloon sometimes. Proposals to make it better, from a point of views of a daily user for long time. I spend like 8-10h/day on SN, if I am at home. reading, commenting and mostly observing all other stackers behavior.
LOL I post the FIRST SN Github issue on July 8, 2021 and later some more (like 12 in total). Not too much if you think so, but is honest work.
With the latest changes on SN I would like to make clear my position:
- I am a strong supporter of self-custody, like any other decent bitcoiner. But let's be honest, self-custody have its limitations in Bitcoin. Self-custody must be done mostly for all your long term stash and funds that are used in a more private way. Custodial funds have their own "flavour", mostly as decoy, to hide your private stash.
- A systemn like SN is not designed to work properly with self-custodial funds. Not in the actual form and with actual tools. Yes, LN devs are making huge efforts to bring more new tools like NWC but that is just hiding part of the problem: the friction of making thousands of LN payments back and forth between stackers every minute or hour, sometimes for meaningless 1-10 sats. Remember that the dust limit is 543 sats, it doesn't matter if is used onchain or LN, is the same. What we see as 1-10-100-540 sats zaps are just a way to fool the system with delayed txs and hard to cheat, to steal these meaningless amounts. But that doesn't mean you cannot be fucked. Reminder: force closed channels and dust attack. If you run a private or public LN node long enough you will know what I mean. I am warning you stackers! You will have a lot of force closures because of all these small zaps back and forth with SN.
- You do not realize it right now because you barely start using an external wallet. But many of stackers are still using another custodial wallets for that. So what was the so "big achievement" into moving into "self-custody"? Nothing. You just pushed some lazy stackers into another custodial account, that sometimes can be even worse than SN. Nowadays very few stackers here know well how to run properly a LN node and also how to hide it from public view. Yeah, because linking a public node to SN for zaps, is nto the proper way, you are leaking a lot of information about your private node and also you are creating a lot of friction with all these small meaningless zaps.
- For SN is much better a restricted system of "cowboy credits". Yes, is not ideal in terms of Bitcoin ethos, but it is what it is. But also could have its own fun and perks. We can create a whole paralel system, INSIDE SN, like in a game. Yes, you could still buy these cowboy credits with real sats but not withdraw them outside. That's totally fine.
- If SN founders do not want to deal with KYC shit as money transmitters, also is fine, but at least offer a better way: SEPARATION of upvotes from zaps (sats given to OP). Upvotes must be used exclusively with cowboy credits (acquired from SN General Store Auction House, in a free market negociation) or simply 1 to 1 trade. Yes this could create the shitcoin "cowboy credit" but it doesn't matter, is used strictly inside SN, as in a game, not in real world as money. So the zaps with real sats should be a separate thing, next to upvote button, where, yes the stacker will use his own sats from an external wallet. No problem for that. It can be created a system that based on teh amount of sats, will get also a ranking score, but will not affect the upvotes number. If the stacker want to upvote with more CCs, so be it, are his credits. But after a certain number let's say 100 will not have any value anymore, for limiting brigadeering and cheating. In this way will be a clear separation and a clear view for all new users. Complicating things with external wallets and scores will make it even harder to work for clueless nocoiners.
- CCs could be traded OUTSIDE SN, as I propsed here: #723069 And that will not affect in any way SN. is just an external trade where stackers could use Robosats or any other system with escrow service, or simply using their own trust with other stacker. CCs are sent as direct deposits into other SN account, inside SN or simply zapping a post. Or maybe SN will make a special "delivery" system like in World of Warcraft game.
- I also proposed to SN devs a system of badges that can be used for this. these badges could be for all kind of things and acquired only with CCs.
- I proposed also another type of posts: Quiz that could bring more games inside SN and rewards. The OP could put in the game a x amount of CC or real sats (paid p2p).
- Make SN a real PAY TO POST game, not a "assmilk as much as you can" game. MAKE THEM PAY DAMN IT! Only like that will appreciate the sats. many will say that this is not good and I should STFU. Who said that only wants YOUR SATS. Remember that. I do not want your valuable sats, I want you to realize how scare they are. When you will get 1000 from me, you should be happy, because that is a lot of money. And please do not think in their conversion in USD or any other bullshit fiat. Think in their scarcity. That's the true value of sats. Read more here:
- The leaderboard should be removed TOTALLY. Is only misleading and deceveing stackers, creating a false impression of "earning sats". We are not here to earn sats. We are here to exchange information, news, guides, knowledge. If somebody is asking a question, I start by upvoting that question if is interesting. Then in return, if I gave a good answer I can get sats (separately from the upvotes) only as appreciation of my words/ advice. That should be encouraged here, not shitposting, spam, meaningless comments and links etc. Again: MAKE THEM PAY IF THEY WANT TO SAY SOMETHING. Only like that you will see good content¡, when it cost them money.
Darthcoin advice to stackers
After all these years using SN, observing most of you, how you post, how you zap, what you say, what are your "opinions" etc, I took many notes and saved many of your posts in my personal bookmarks (in SN or separately in my browser bookmarks). I like to keep "receipts" for when the time will come... So I know more or less most of the stackers here and their behavior. Very few escape from my eye.
- As I said in this post, the advice for new stackers coming to SN #686524: don't do shitcoining! It's a sin and you are doing more damage to yourself than you can imagine.
- Subscribe to those territories that really matters in your life. yes, SN is not all about Bitcoin, but Bitcoin should be your main focus right now. If is not... then HFSP. All the rest of the territories, mute them. You will have a much clean daily view of your SN main page. Don't get distracted byt all the bullshit posted on many territories. Do not think that posting on all territories no matter wgat you will get more sats. That's wrong and you only create NOISE, not good content.
- Do not post your personal pictures, from your real life! Don't make this huge mistake. OK you can reveal some parts or aspects but do not give too many details, especially your face and real identity. And here is a terrifying video that prove my words. You have been warned.
- Create a dedicated "identity" for your online presence. Keep your private life in private. In public be somebody else. And FFS please read this important work that explain what is private and what is public very well. Privacy it doesn't mean you should use many tools to hide your real private life, but it means to NOT use your private life in the public realm. ANYTHING that is online on internet is PUBLIC. Remember that.
And yeah, I know that many will not like what I say, they even hate me, but you know what? Shoot me as you like, but in the end I am the one that get your sats, like in this meme:

Posting on SN
I would not says that my posting strategies are the best ones, but you could learn from them. So how I post on SN nowadays? I've changed many times my strategies, adapting to new features and content. That doesn't mean in the future I will nto change it again. Depends. But these methods could create a good ranking for your SN account. Ranking that is not mainly focused on "earning rewards" but to have a heavy importance when you vote something.
- make at least one post per month
- always answer to the comments to your posts, but only if is something interesting and necessary, not just "thanks" or something like that. Do not waste your sats/CCs just for a meaningless answer. You could just upvote a comment for that, as a "thanks". Remember each comment cost, but that cost it doesn't go to the commenter, but to SN pool. If you really want to thank the commenter, better just zap it. Reply only if you really have to add something or engage / start a new discussion.
- post daily something in the SN saloon. Ok, we see there a lot of garbage, meaningless posts, but many of them are interesting memes, quotes, Lux pills, random thoughts or simply questions that do not deserve a main post. Somebody will answer your question. I always try to help there if there are interesting questions.
- focus on what you say not on how much you say...
- pay attention to others words, sometimes you coukd find hidden clues.
- don't spam the territories with meaningless links that you don't even open and read them, you just share them because you saw them in other forums or groups. Select very caerfuly what you post. Remember: YOU PAY TO POST! If you post a link of a video, document, article, guide etc, at least put some words attached to that link. You have that option in SN post, damn it. How much time cost you to put your own words about what you share and show your opinion or vision about what you post. In that way people could interpret it correctly your intentions and also engaging with you in a discussion. Discussing create good content.
- If you post a video/ document link created by somebody else and they are on SN, please search them first and FORWARD the sats to them. Or at least a % of them if you really want a part for you. is their content, not yours and they deserve it. Don't be a leech.
- Don't censor yourself. Be outloud, speak what you think and don't give a fuck. Damn it, YOU PAID TO SPEAK / POST.
- Do not have heroes on SN. Not even me, do not follow me (only pay attention to my words). Heroes are a false impression and will always deceive you. Don't do blindly what I (or others) say, but pass that information I gave you (or others) through your own brain and filter it for your own needs. I see many idiots here, blindly following Saylor and many other influencers. Guys, do you have brains? USE those brains for yourself. Stop being a sheep.
Not sure how the zapping will be after 5th of Nov... but here is how I used to zap now:
- I open SN in the morning, taking a coffee and read all the previous replies. Some of them I will zap. Some don't.
- then I read the latest, from "recent". I zap few sats to those that are interesting and I need to come back reading more and see the comments. Is like my personal mark. later I can zap more if is necessary. In this way I will not reveal my zapping habits to a post and do not influence the habits of others. If I zap 1k sats and then comment, the OP will know that it was me zapping the 1k sats. And I do not want that to be known. I zap few, as a reminder, then I came back and zap more. Sometimes even after days. This will not show exactly how much you spend / earn in the leaderboard, it will create only confusion about your habits. Are many that are looking to these habits. That's why I sustain that the leaderboard and personal stats should disappear. We can replace them with some badges, based on the amount of posts/items and upvotes/downvotes we've done. But that is another story.
- then if I finish to read all the recent (I have like 50% of territories muted so I do not see those) I go to "random" that will show some old posts too. Some of them that I missed. So I go and zap those if are interesting.
- Zap wisely ! I will repeat this pver and over until more people will get it. This is not a joke. This doesn't mean you should not zap at all. NOOOO, but zap only those posts and comments that really deserve your zaps. V4V (value for value) is really important on SN. If I gave you a good advice that save you time and trouble, then you can came back to my post and zap it. You don't even have to reply to it, only if you really have something to add or ask.
- Please don't zap me just beacause I replied to you with a funny meme. Yes sometimes my memes are quite deep and say more than just the image. But many times people are posting memesjsut for the sake of getting some sats, and even bad memes. Don't let you dragged by that. Also you don't have to zap me for each reply I gave to you even that I say almost nothing. Oh yes, I replied with something useful, ok you can zap it for more visibility and appreciation.
- Not all replies deserve to be zapped. Be aware, some people will reply only to assmilk you sats.
- Reciprocity in zapping it doesn't make sense. Don't zap only because the other stacker was zapping you. Zap because they gave you something in return, V4V.
OK, I think is too much already. Maybe I missed something, but is too late now and this post is getting longer than I expect it.
Don't forget to read all my guides that I migrated from Substack to Github, organizing them by category and language. Some of them I still have to migrate but you will find all the links there. Reading my guides, will save you time and trouble.
And... who knows? Maybe I am from the future... trying to tell you something (but not all).

I will close this long post with a warm salute for all stackers: