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Hello Stackers
Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread of SN ~HealthAndFitness 💪Club.
In the club we..
  • Share our daily workout 🧘🤸🚴🏋️🧗🏊⛷️goals and results
  • Ask questions to the experts (fitness freaks)
  • Applause with zaps⚡ and comments on your success.
  • Also boo you (all of us) when you miss your workout routine. 🤣
The first thing you gotta do is join the ~HealthAndFitness club is share your workout routine in the comments.
The cost for joining the club is (only) 10 sats. 😜
Here's a great video Meditation for Beginners
Today's Question

Do you meditate? If yes, How long?

Thanks in anticipation.

Commitments (You're accountable)

  • @Kontext - Watch out "his Daily Pushup Tally" in the comments.
  • @denlillaapan - Publishes weekly "Lazybones" and PROVES his hard Gym sessions with pics.
  • @Coinsreporter - Remains hugely under par on his weekly challenge.
  • @Undisciplined - saved his sats on Workit by walking 7.5k steps daily. (But, has Workit saved the sats #896408?)
  • @cryotosensei - posts his daily steps with proof. (Had 15000+ steps yesterday!)
  • @realBitcoinDog - The Daily Abs, however real but surely going downhill.
  • @Aardvark - Watch out in the comments for his prolific workout plan. *(He's an AARDVARK!)
  • @LibertasBR - He's on a weight loss mission. Can he cut it down this week as well?
  • @TheMorningStar - Has increased his pushups to 50 from 30 per day. What else?
  • @Public_N_M_E - Still nursing a rib injury. But provided first indication of recovery. Had hit the gym last day.
  • @Beeteesea - 97kg for you must be 6 feet at least, right? We keep waiting!
  • @Butterfinger - Hikes on a bike!
  • @suraz - Anything specific (to drink) for health in the mountains? (Still waiting your advice.)
As for my commitment, I've decreased my screen to > 6 hours on an average.
Now jump in the comments and let your fingers workout.
And as always... Stay Happy and Healthy.
Has been a normal routine I got a thumb injury colliding it on a table corner.
500 days of 100+ pushups per day ✅ ... also, day 399 of 120+ pushups per day, sets breakdown: 50 normal/narrow, 30 diamond, 36 wide, 16 pike, 20 side-to-side, 20 spiderman, 32 staggered, 26 pseudo, 36 normal on knuckles, 30 normal on fingertips; Total: 296
Congratulations! 👏 Well done 👍
Why not make a post about it? This is a very big achievement!
19 sats \ 1 reply \ @Kontext 23h
Cheers, thanks mate :) And thanks for the suggestion in regards to making a post about it, I might, but I'll have to think through what and how I would share about the journey, I don't want it to just be me boasting or showing off, even if that in and of itself could potentially inspire others. I feel like if I were to make a proper post about it, it would have to convey some extra information/insights/lessons...
That's all upto you. I'm eager to have a look at the journey... I'm pretty sure others will be too. It can be about how you feel and what made you never say never. Take your time, gather all pieces together and come up with a post anytime.
Yah, man. I PoW'd that shit yesterday.
Today: Judo class. (Let's see how badly I get mangled!)
Did a little bit of back yesterday, went ok, still taking it very easy. But it's good to be feeling like I'm making progress.
Yeah, take it very easy. Rib injuries requires you to be just resting. I was surprised to know you hit the gym. But it's on if you're feeling well. Just be cautious and don't use above waist body in any exercise.
8k steps and at least 15 hour dry fast
I've tried meditation a few times and never really gotten into it. I'm not someone who carries around much stress, though.
You aren't gonna miss a single day! Meditation isn't beneficial only when you carry around stress. It fits in the realm of mental exercise. There are many benefits of meditation that physical activity alone can't address.
I don't doubt it. It just never did much for me and I'd rather read a book, if I manage to find some quiet alone time.
Meditation would help me a lot, as I am always overthinking things. not sure where to start though
Not sure if I'll work out again today or tomorrow. I'm actually still pretty sore, so probably tomorrow afternoon.