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News Of The Week

Welcome to Books & Articles Weekly. @denlillaapan dominated the top 5, as usual, but there was good content overall. @realBitcoinDog posted a trailer for the launch of 21 Futures, Volume Two this week, and @denlillaapan reminded us about the release of Nik Bhatia’s new book: Bitcoin Age. With Lepard’s new book waiting on my shelf, I have a lot of reading to do.
Reminder: For the time being I will zap the top post half the rewards I receive about twenty four hours after the post, rather than split zaps into cowboy credits. I have forgotten until later in the week to zap the top post once in a while. I apologize, and I won’t be offended by a gentle reminder.
Happy reading!
. As always, please reply with suggestions and opinions on how to make this territory better.
Logo design by @plebpoet Link to last week’s post: #907428

Top Posts Of The Week

Siggy’s Suggestions

It’s just a link post, but I enjoyed scrolling through Bowie’s favorite books. So many of mine are on the list (On The Road, A Clockwork Orange, 1984, The Great Gatsby, and many more) that I’m inspired to read more on the list. I didn’t know that Bowie was a big reader.

Writing Contests

Stackers’ Blogs

My Bitcoin Journey

Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.

Book Clubs


Book Reviews

Bitcoin Academic Articles & Reviews

Movie & Television Reviews



Short Stories


So I clamp down on #2, #3, #4, and #5—but lose out on the main priiiiize! What a shame
It looks to me like @siggy47 dominated this week!