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143 sats \ 2 replies \ @nullcount 22h \ on: Monero people will tell you monero is untraceable but... crypto
I'm not convinced that anything can be "untraceable". Every action in the "real world" leaves a trace of some sort. Its just a matter of who can find the trace, and whether they can decode the trace such that it reveals something about the "real" action that occurred.
XMR relies on obfuscation of traces that everyone has access to.
LN relies on limiting access of transparent traces to only the nodes that route a txn.
Different approaches. Apples and Oranges.
Just because a protocol makes it easier to "act" with fewer and/or obfuscated traces than another protocol, does not necessarily prevent someone from using the protocol in a (wrong) way that creates MORE/TRANSPARENT traces.
FYI "Transaction size" usually refers to the number of bytes used to express the transaction.
I think you are talking about "transaction amounts".
I've also archived it here: https://nullcount.com/current-state-of-lightning-network-privacy-2021/
Maybe search engines will index it so others can find the information more easily.
Makes sense now. I call them "buy nothing days"
You'd be crazy to refuse a zap or burn sats. But I heard a story of one who did a hardcore "money fast" and burned a month's worth of expenses about $5k at the time after spending nothing the whole month. He probably made way more than that in the month passively with his businesses so it wasn't that hardcore lol.
I'm just trying to understand this term
Fiscal fast
Do you also forgo any revenues? Or just expenses?
How is it different from saving?
So fasting money is just saving?
I guess fasting food is just getting fatter then? Or stocking the pantry?
fiscal fast
In my opinion, its not a "money fast" if you still get to keep/spend the money you are saving now... its just savings.
In a money fast, you would still forgo spending, but at the end, you literally burn the money you just "saved". Not give it away, not save it for later, burn it!
Its like a "reset" with your relationship with food/money.
LockTime in Electrum wallet is referring to the
field of the transaction. The base protocol dictates that the transaction cannot be included in a block until nLockTime
. So this sets a timelock on the TRANSACTION not on the UTXO. To set a timelock on a UTXO, you need use either CLTV (BIP65) or CSV (BIP112).I'm excited for MiniScript adoption as it can make it easier to create and share advanced timelock scripts.
Well, we don't have vaults onchain yet, so... I'm gonna go with Timelocks.
Any other scheme (multisig, etc) is essentially just a different approach to the key management problem.
Timelocks might be the only way to add security (i.e. some assurance that your holdings will not be spent in an unauthorized way) irrespective of how you manage they key(s).
I wrote a python script to crawl Mempool's API in order to find the 'oldest txn'.
I let it run for a couple mins to check the blocks in the last couple days and this is the record so far:
Checking block: 000000000000000000004db7b17592b1a077e2a0bd7047398f3b858099ae6fdc - Height: 881849 New greatest delta: 369.61332175925924 days, TXID: 5b907285cd5b302055bfbcf0e96e89bfb67cf880dc912a12e31b0a809b8411e5
Here's the script: https://pastebin.com/DtmgtAVM
At some point (a pair of distinct fee rates) the price for N bytes and M bytes can cost the same price.
Tx_A is 1,000 bytes pays 1sat/byte
Tx_B is 500 bytes pays 2sat/byte
Both cost 1,000 sats
I suppose your example for 97/98 bytes would look similar.
Imagine the utility of making many dust utxos spendable again! I think an altruistic mining pool should emerge (maybe call it VacuumPool or SweepPool) that only includes small feerate txns.
Would be a nice gesture to help reduce the size of the UTXO set for all nodes.
We already have pools that enforce OFAC sanctions "for the greater good" so it isn't that much of a leap to suggest taking a pay-cut to make the BTC you want to see in the world.
Or maybe regular pools switch their template to target low fees for a fay. Make it a holiday
My nym is a common programming task. Some esoteric languages for data analysis (like Quilk) even have a built-in function called
If nullcount is already reserved, my nym is instead countnull, an homage to this book (and the namesake character) from the cyberpunk Sprawl Trilogy.
I've had this issue downloading .BIN files, specifically. Cloud providers usually don't want untrusted binaries in their infra so they do all sorts of manipulation on them that isn't always safe for the integrity of the data.
Sometimes cloud providers will compress and/or delete metadata from your files a little too liberally...
You should talk to Proton support and explain that the file size is different than advertised once you download it. Maybe they can fix the issue or give you direct download link.
P.S. its important to verify your backups before you NEED too. Good luck!
14 sats \ 0 replies \ @nullcount 19 Jan \ parent \ on: Should i learn Blender for 3d printing ? AskSN
I was a first-mover on all the top 3 marketplaces for every product I listed. Many copycats now, but the market is big enough for us all to eat.
Every printer has an hourly rate. Think of it as "the value added per hour of unassisted runtime".
If you have a valuable use for the machine, it doesn't matter how much you paid. Its not that hard with good credit to get a $2000 loan.
Anytime I'm about to buy some piece of plastic, I do a quick search to see if I can just print an alternative instead.
No need to learn modeling. You just need to learn how to slice other people's models.
perhaps i could also sell 3d files...
Information wants to be free. Selling bits is really, really hard.
I've printed hundreds of parts for my own use around the home, office, shop, and computer lab.
Organizers, display stands, cute plant pots, cases for SeedSigners, novelty toys for kiddos, really the only limit is your imagination.
Don't cheap out on the printer unless you like to tinker! Bambu Lab makes the best printers at the moment, excellent performance, hassle free.
I paid $1500 for my printer 2.5 years ago and now it pays for itself every 3 months just by selling printed parts online. Even tho my printer has outperformed BTC, it is not risk-free and there is some work to create the ecomm listings and pack and ship every item, dealing with customers, etc.
Catch is it's a .TOP domain, but the registrar is legit: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/porkbun.com
Enterprise (professional/enthusiast/uncle jim) nodes tend to run in a virtual machine environment (and/or in the cloud) where increasing storage size is as easy as updating a config or the storage automatically expands.
Additionally, people use their nodes with different "loadouts". Some may also have electrum or fulcrum index running alongside (adds 100-300GB). Some might be running mempool project locally (add some GBs). Some may be running other nodes like a Monero node on the same disk (adds about 300GB). It means not "everyone" will run out of space at the same time.