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It's been legal where I live for about 20 years, and it makes sense for it to be legal. It's going to happen anyway, whether it is legal or not.
I'm not really sure about the increased human trafficking. Would love to see those studies. It's usually retail and food outlets exploiting migrant workers. But I'm sure it exists in the sex industry.
I had a math teacher in high school who used to wear the same outfit every single day. The students in my class noticed this, started keeping track, and even made a graph of it—a great way to teach kids statistics, I guess!
I'm a minimalist, and avoiding decision fatigue is part of that. All of my clothes are black, and whenever I try to branch out and buy other colors, I always end up going back to black. At this point in my life, it’s a part of who I am. I also eat the same breakfast and lunch every single day—the only thing I change up is my dinner.
Looks like a good shopping trolley to me... What's that orange soda like compared to Fanta zero sugar?
I think it might be better... Obviously making it yourself is best. But using high pressure processing for packaged guacamole sure beats some of the other shit they use.
I've been learning Javascript, and pushing code to github everyday.
I have an old PC (well, it's three years old) that I set up as a steambox, and has been collecting dust for several months. I'm about to go out and buy a monitor, mouse and keyboard for it and will set it up in the backroom as a place where I can work undisturbed. By work, I mean, gaming.
I would like to, but the local meetups I have found seem to have a focus on shitcoins. Yeah, No thanks.
I was on my third or forth play throughs of Final Fantasy 9, and I have always thought Blank is probably the best character in the game.
I wouldn't have responded to my estranged fathers messages on Facebook. I was always, and will continue to be better off without him.
I would have also left certain jobs sooner.
Another thing I would change is that I would be less dismissive of money.
Ooooh, difficult question. I guess the first three that come to mind would be: Havarti (the creamier the better), Shropshire, and Brie de Meaux (Brie is at its best when it's made from raw milk.
Honourable mentions: Moliterno al Tartufo, Pecorino, cumin seed Gouda, and sheeps milk cheeses.
When I am out road tripping I often stop at cheese mongers and try something new. The best cheese is made from raw milk imo.
I would love to leave fiat behind and live on a Bitcoin standard.
At the moment, I only save, invest, and think in Bitcoin. When I say "thinking in Bitcoin," I mean I price everything in sats. When I’m out shopping, I think about whether I actually need to buy something or if it’s just going to end up in a landfill. If it’s just going to end up in the landfill, isn’t it better to spend it on some forever money instead?
There really aren’t enough businesses that accept Bitcoin in my country, sadly. If there were, I would definitely increase the amount I convert into Bitcoin each payday.
My friends and family appreciate the way I think.