Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Everyone, please take a minute to look at this. #591398
I overslept. I was able to keep my hat at least. Have to zap a few threads now :P Later slackers!
“[A] good patriot (…) always considers how he shall make the most of the existing materials...There is something else than the mere alternative of absolute destruction, or unreformed existence.” - Edmund Burke
I'm at the Mets/Astros game. Not significant enough for a stacker sports post.
Baseball grounds have always been more beautiful than Cricket grounds to my eyes!
Live on site is definitely worth a post.
Hope you enjoyed the game. Mets are playing well lately.
Bad loss. Blew a 6 run lead. I still had fun. I'll post some photos tomorrow.
That’s too bad but they have been playing better.
I still had a great time. I get nostalgic going to ballgames now. It reminds me of my childhood. Going to games with my father.
I will wait for photos.
Day 155 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 259 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 158 of 120+ pushups per day)
Enjoying the day on spaces, playing games and having a chill day. Had a really long week, but am positive :)
Anytime you use an AI to write something for you, on some level you're admitting a smart high schooler writes, and because writing is thinking, thinks better than you do.
the more you let A.I do the your thinking for you the more you become dumb and lazy
Today I decided not to use GPS for directions while driving far from home in an unfamiliar area. I'm really feeling like GPS is making me dumber. I'm thinking I would like to stop using it altogether. As far as AI goes, I really don't have a use case for something like chatGPT.
In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with admitting this.
I agree. There's nothing [morally] wrong with being below average at most things.
writing is thinking
Is it?
I haven't been able to write coherently without thinking before, have you?
This reminded me of a girl I met once who had a bizarre cognitive deficiency.
Her writing ability surpassed her reading comprehension.
Let that and it's implications sink in. Brains are really weird.
I think therefore I can write versus I can write therefore I think.
Are you saying that because transformers can write that they can think?
I think therefore I can write versus I can write therefore I think.
Fair, but I mostly meant, exceptions excepted: I struggle to write therefore I struggle to think.
Are you saying that because transformers can write that they can think?
It depends on how one defines thinking. I don't know how to define it. I suspect some of our thinking resembles the way LLMs think do things.
No human can do that.
Not quite. What you're admitting is that the difference in quality between you and the smart high schooler is not worth your time and effort for that task.
You’re right much better. I just get kind of pissed when I see it so I’m trying moralize it.
Tbf I was going to add an “or, you don’t think your reader deserves better than a smart high schooler.” Still, moralizing.
I'm not quite sure yet, but when considering some of the literature I've been reviewing lately, specifically the Bhagavad-Gita and John Mill's "On Liberty," moralizing with the intent to inspire self-discovered and self-driven action might be morally correct. From the Bhagavad-Gita:
One should remember man's spirit as the guide, the primordial poet, smaller than an atom, granter of all things, in form inconceivable, the color of the sun beyond darkness.
I'm certainly not above moralizing. I like your omitted addendum.
Family parade weekend!
Utxo management today! Test those wallets and multisigs with the low fees! Open LN channels
Sell channels!
Grow the network!
Moon pie. What a time to be alive.
Have a great weekend Stackers!
Stack Sats and stay humble
You too!
that seems like a lot of money.
It is known that Cardano was a gambler so maybe not really a lot after all 🤣
Day 194 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 843 sats on 28Jun2024! Running total: 116,364 sats!
112 sats \ 3 replies \ @Taft 29 Jun
Day 1 of weight-loss-posting everyday ’til I reach 75kg (current weight 90kg).
Thanks! I hope so. Really need to.
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195 sats \ 7 replies \ @Taft 29 Jun
Would June 29 4:30 PM UTC work for everyone?
I also went ahead and already created a tournament. I can still update the time. I also noted that lichess does not allow a tournament of 15+10 games with only 90 minutes as duration so I changed that to 10+5. This means rounds will be quicker and we will be able to play against more people within that time.
It's just a warm-up / test tournament so let's just see how this goes!
It would also be cool (but not an requirement) if you could share your lichess profile here so we know who is who. My nym on lichess is ekzyis.
I joined the tournament on Lichess with the name Taftchess.
Hello! I can't do this today because I had other plans, but I remain attentive for the next one! :)
Can't do it today, thanks for the heads up
Let's go..
Joined it by @Coinsreporter
Ready to go! Joined it.
lichess id: stefano_stackernews
Sorry, can't do today, have some other plans, will not be at computer at that time.
No worries, we will hopefully do this regularly.
Thanks for posting!
We have 5 participants so far. Looking forward to it!
For next time, we need to find a better way to schedule instead of asking for comments.
391 sats \ 10 replies \ @Lux 29 Jun


Mail, including “court summons”, that are sent to you, if not replied to or returned, can be taken as your “acceptance” as you “acquiesced”.
Note: the time period for this is 30 days. Anything shorter than 30 days can be considered entrapment or frowned upon in court, unless an ongoing dispute is currently under way.
Acquiescence meaning: “the reluctant acceptance of something without protest”. Time to protest should be done within 30 days.
Note: the word protest is derived from the Latin word “prōtestārī” meaning “to declare publicly” and the root word “testārī” meaning “to testify”, ergo pro-test means to “testify publicly”.
However, as “the public” has now become a controlled jurisdiction, to “protest” is no longer a right, but a “privilege” that can be revoked at any time by those who control the “general public” or “community”.
Three letter approach:
You can use this acquiescence to your advantage as long as you use the three letter approach, meaning you have sent three or more letters or notices to the person you are making the claim against.
If they ignore you, they have “acquiesced” and accepted through tacit agreement.
Note: the shortest honourable amount of time for this three letter process is 10 days between correspondence, although it is still honourable to give 30 days with your first notice.
Also note: you must have proof of this in court.
If the public is a controlled jurisdiction how do individuals not a part of the court system have the right to make claims against others outside of the court system?
the right to make claims against others outside of the court system?
sign and make better contracts with those. A claim is when a contract was breached. Put strict rules and use insurances/escrow services in your contracts and you will never have to make any claim.
Everything in this fucked up world is based on contract law. When you buy a plane ticket, what do you think it is? A fucking contract and you must obey THEIR rules or come up with your own rules.
You should go to a court with jury of your peers only when is about a real crime: theft, damage or kill. Otherwise is just contract law.
100 sats \ 3 replies \ @Lux 29 Jun
You mention the individual, private living person, the man. You don't mention the ens legis all caps name in the papers. And be careful wich jurisdictions you are playing with
Basically force the judge, policeman, lawyer to state themselves as the living person?
160 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 29 Jun
Gotta know how court operates, only a jury of your peers can judge a sovereign living man, and for testimonies can request to be under oath as man.
I think I might be the most dangerous type of person ever born. I keep digging for more information. I'm a statutory U.S. Citizen, and resident of DC (Guam). I'm the best type of candidate the court wants to hire to become a judge, senators, congresswoman etc. I could be lawfully elected or appointed to political office in which case the OFFICE STATUS has a domicile on federal territory, but the OFFICER does not. This puts me in the "Privileged" category as stated in the first 8, and 1-4 on the bottom.
If this is correct, people born out of the America, can hold high positions to use the law to put u.s. citizens in prisons and whatever F they want. This explains my 4 passport Card.* Because I've always put U.S. citizen, yet I got 4stars without trying!
I also found out-- because I have a 4* passport I do not need a driver's license. But if you're 3 star you would still need one.
This is how foreigners(United States) is doing this. Not being an American, but posing as if they were. Playing both cards! Because they're on a separate "Congressional Privilege" status.
Also get this: Because I fall into this category, I might be able to get access(limited) to press corps. I think this is how Julian Assange was able to get some leaked documents! I just don't know how. but still interesting. This guy.
question, can they mail you a summon to a rural free delivery address?
“protest” is no longer a right, but a “privilege”
It's weird that Public is said to be granted human rights at first place. Sadly, your rights are your prievelage now.
And usually you reply with an affidavit that cannot be rebutted.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @zana 29 Jun
Just a random click. Enjoy weekend guys. Stay humble.
Nice one!
Day 441 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 6 of trimmin' the fat (96.6 | 80.0 | 1.0).
Good work! It looks like your weight loss challenge is starting to pay off, keep it up.
Slim by the time BTC hits $100k.
Congrats with your weight loss! Keep going!
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Doing really well. Prior to the challenge, I always had a 3k to 4K steps a day every 4 o 5 days. Now, I have had 49 days over 10k. I have just missed one day after a long night out. Regarding the weight, seems to come down though I only check it every 30 days so that I do not get obsessed with it. Will check it again in 9 days.
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Comment number 4 Thats not too bad, I guess. Maybe this weekend I will get number 1.
You can do it! 😁💪
Best of luck 😁
Howdy! Day 51 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Again cloudy morning so I bring a picture from last Saturday. Enjoy the weekend!
Grapes? Happy weekend.
Yes , they are!
Day 2 of collecting taxes from stackers.
Collected so far: amount of sats redacted.
If I give you a zap are they taxes?
Technically speaking the US government doesn't sponsor this SN account. XD
However, for the memes, yeah, by zapping you are paying your taxes, as a good citizen.
Day 57 of posting till next Bitcoin halving